Face the facts, NIGGERS, your race are a failed race because you're a feckless, unruly, uncivilized horde of feral proto-humans. You never figured out how to live in a society bigger than one or two squabbling families. Abstract thought and problem- solving have never been the black man's strengths, have they? Did they invent a long-lived and intellectually coherent religion? Nope. Did they ever build a city? Nope. Did they even invent bricks? The reason there's no Stonehenge in Africa is because it took more than 20 people to move the slabs of rock - clearly a non-starter in Africa, where assembling more than 20 niggers normally results in a war.
If your skin isn't white then you're not welcome here anymore, try going to Sup Forums with all the other muds
Alexander Butler
>tfw OP just walked in on his mom getting BLACKED
Bentley Watson
the pyramids are in africa.
Ryan Cox
Logan King
David Robinson
Ian Nelson
Petty theft + a retarded, unnecessary amount of violence. There is no story beyond "maybe there are things I want in that house, let's see"
Nolan Garcia
Eli Fisher
those were built by aliens dumbfuck
Leo Hernandez
Brandon Gutierrez
Dominic King
Built by semitic peoples.
Jace Phillips
>failed race >actively colonizing the US of A by peaceful means while also triggering white bois
Andrew Cox
>Mediterraneans are black Why can't liberals or niggers into history?
Cooper Garcia
Xavier Peterson
Gabriel Harris
You mean destroying neighbourhoods?
Elijah Cook
>be nigger >see nice house >"bet i cans steals sum stuffs" >barge in >see white woman >beat her to a pulp in front of daugther >look around >"man dees crackas ain't got nuffin good" >go back to your gov subsidized home >filled with expensive electronics you bough with gov money or stole >wait for police to arrest you for the 37th time
Kayden Gutierrez
Benjamin Torres
Colonizing is colonizing. The face of America will be black in the future, but the face of Africa won't be white. All without a single bullet being fired. Feels good white boi, ooga booga your daughters will marry and have babies with my race.
Eli Lee
>without a single bullet being fired
Joshua Brown
There are degenerate whites too. There are white criminals too. There are poor whites people too.
Levi Harris
God niggers are so fucking evil
Brody Wood
The difference is there are way less per capita, I know you failed math class 7 times in a row before dropping out and becoming a hoodrat, but this is basic shit jamal.
Nathan Wilson
And hung. Don't forget hung. Your women certainly don't ;)
Jayden Hernandez
im scared to click - what is it?
Grayson Watson
Sorry, trump is president now. Your fantasies will never be a reality.
Logan Foster
Trump hasn't done a single fucking thing he promised since he's been put in office
Dominic Wood
lol put your faith in him white boi, he's a Zionist puppet and his masters want us to breed.
Elijah Cook
Excuse me? You're not fucking white women, the ones that call you oreo/uncle tom are
Ryder Bailey
Nah, not with how many babies the blacks abort. The future is brown. Mexicans and Muslims will vye for supremacy of the empire that the whites left behind. And neither will put up with the nigger's shit.
You all better hope the white race survives, because that's your meal ticket.
Jack Bennett
>be me >watch a film and enjoy it, want to talk about it >fire up Sup Forums so i can talk about kino with the boys >see politics threads, celebrity apology threads, marvel vs DC, endless reposts such as what did she mean by this, who will play her in the inevitable biopic, one liner film quote, why do people like thing blablablabla AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Juan Phillips
Fucking black "people" has not been a thing since 2016.
Noah Lopez
>not fucking white women Hahahaha okay white boi whatever helps you sleep at night ;)
Brown and black, we're all the same team and Islam has no racial preference. White boi wants to try the divide and conquer, ain't happening pencil dick. Not our fault your women want a little bit of fun before settling down, if they ever do wanna go back to bedroom mediocrity.
Joseph Williams
um, Sup Forums has been dead since 2012. Did you not get the memo?
Julian Ortiz
Haha, what an embarassing post. Go home Jamal, no one wants you here.
Kevin Diaz
Anthony Smith
Brainlets just don't understand nu/tv/s layered nuanced shit posting
Juan Lopez
Say, could you post a picture of you and your white girlfriend with timestamp?
Adrian Perez
It's intention was to trigger, and it's worked wonders on you white boi ;)
>no one wants you here
Depends, are there any white wimmin here?
Jackson Nelson
>The reason there's no Stonehenge in Africa...
Not my problem OP can't articulate his thoughts properly. Maybe he has too much black ancestry?
Also there's tons of really interesting archeological shit in southern africa. Shit that is so fucking old it's apart of all of our shared heritage. If OP cared more about learning new things than he does about looking for easy lame excuses to be a bigot, he'd know all about them already and he would refine his argument. But since he doesn't and hasn't I can't give him any respect for being just as stupid and lazy as a typical dumb nigger he paints himself as being superior to.
Cameron Bailey
>nuanced shit posting. >nuanced... kay.
Noah Hall
Mods do your fucking jobs for once.
Julian Cook
Why do you pretend to be black? is it for cuck fantasies? or do you need attention and interaction this badly? where did your life take a wrong turn?
Joshua Powell
Could you answer my question?:
Kayden Turner
>white girlfriend Hahahahaha you can have the relationship drama, we're just there for the physical urges they need satisfied but don't tell you about
>pictures of you Looks like we got a secret cuck over here, tell me your fantasy and I'll return in an hour with a timestamped pic
Asher Nelson
>Avoiding the question
Jonathan Robinson
Whats this from? Is there a news article to go with it?
Asher Nguyen
Just triggerin some white bois for fun. You forgot Sup Forums is public and is no safe space lmao
Jacob Reed
have the mods just given up on this place?
i love how hiro is finally starting a Sup Forums for Sup Forumstards to try to stop them from shitposting everywhere else. as if that's going to have any effect. like trying to stop the titanic from sinking with a spoon.
Alexander Young
It's Sup Forums related no? it is a video
Gabriel Gutierrez
You forgot you're a white cuck who wished his mom had been BLACKED.