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>I've just read an incredible article where "The Handmaid's Tale", a sub-par piece of science-fi trash, is defended by its author. The author, who rightly should be apologizing for her execrable prose, not only defends it but calls it "timely". The book has been made in to some sort of cable mini-series. I'm Canadian, so had to suffer through this book as a young person. It's one of those cheap, dystopian tracts. The difference with this one is it has a deeply paranoid feminist look into the future. The story is as impossible as most of these " frightening looks into the future". But to call it timely, when the possibility of this fiction ever becoming fact even more of a joke, is just a cynical cash-grab.
is it out yet, i got nothing to do so i want to binge it and be done with it already
Guys, we gotta stop LUMPT before he turns America into a theocracy.
the book was fucking boring garbage I also read oryx and crake it was also garbage why do people like her
>dissing handmaid's tale
the book is fucking great man
>when the possibility of this fiction ever becoming fact even more of a joke
it was never meant to imply that 'this might become reality' . the setting is like 1984 in that it shows an extreme scenarios of existing political movements . it warns against religious extremists taking power like 1984 warned against totalitarian ideologues .it was influenced by the iranian revolution which happened a few years prior and extreme religious movements in the us.
also the show shows a touch of 'children of men' in that it expands the backstory of the coup and shows that the damage to society caused by the infertility plague is what allowed this to happen.
my only complaint about the show is mixing narrated firstperson with third person and some of the casting choices.
also yea it is relevant, fertility rates are dropping and developmental diseases are skyrocketing across all western\firstworld nations (both are correlated to having kids later in life) and if this keeps going unchecked it can fuck society up in a major way and allow batshit religious people to gain more power.
confirmed for turbopleb
>I also read oryx and crake it was also garbage
fuck off Oryx and Crake is great
its the leftist starship troopers it borders on unintentional satire
>hating on 100% based postapocalyptic biopunk
gb2 the plebelands you pigoon fucker
americans loathe totalitarianism i really want to see a f451 movie instead its more realistic and scares me more
>oryx and crake
u wot m8 ?
also its filled with very intentional satire
the pigoons were cool as fuck ill admit that
sorry i meant handmaids tale
>also yea it is relevant, fertility rates are dropping and developmental diseases are skyrocketing across all western\firstworld nations (both are correlated to having kids later in life) and if this keeps going unchecked it can fuck society up in a major way and allow batshit religious people to gain more power.
ah yes and those batshit religious people will most likely be white christians right. . . ah yes i see very relevant very timely really makes me think hmm yes. . . i think i remember reading about those fundamenatlist christian no-go zones in europe happening right now. . . wow things are even worse than i thought hmm someone has to do something about this!
Christians make young girls feel bad about having a triple digit partner count before thirty, pretty much a dystopia if you ask me.
also not leftist\rightist ,its not primarily focused on some political\social message like 1984 its mostly character driven and offred's character has a very well written arc.
if you REALLY have to shove some political analysis int here its anti totalitarian , anti theocratic and pro equality\liberty in that it shows the horrors of a society which doesn't have those things .
saying its timely dosnt mean the events of the book are happening one to one right now and some dude is murdering congress as we speak . the roots of the tensions which caused the gilead movement to rise to power in the handmaid's tale do exist in our society.
i dont understand why you're trying so hard to treat it like its 1984, its not. its not a 'cautionary tale' as evident by how atwood did the exposition for the world of handmaid's tale . she intentionally didnt go into detail about how it happened unlike 1984 because you knowing no more then the main character does and relating to her was more important then telling the backstory of gilead .
gilead was made to tell offred's story, not the other way around.
my only complaint is the 'antagonists' which were pretty much shoved into the madadam story to provide some conflict in the end and served basically no purpose other then that . other then that the world and characters of madadam were pretty great and i;d love the books even if they didnt have a fight with evil bad guys in the end.
No one cares about femenazis shit. I hope this happens to them as revenge for all the shit theyve been giving us men. Sup Forums still sucks though
> I hope this happens
your pleb neckbeard ass will probably be sent to the colonies and die of toxic waste poisoning in a month while the rest of us get shitty assignments as guardians\angels
Are you fucking stupid? To think the brown and black people, who have no money and are largely destitute present any kind of a threat just shows how easy and ready you are to take it up the ass from the people who tell you that they're dangerous.
To think Christians are any kind of a persecuted victim is to be fucking retarded.
For men, yeah. Then again, it's really not their fault they're not giving it up to you, no?
There we go. Just proving the novel's point.
>implying this isn't peak tv
>more Jewish filth to turn the plebs against religious sects
Fuck off
Oh no!
Christian discrimination is now being equated to general discrimination, and christians are being told to fuck off!
Such victims of the horrible gays! The GAYS! The same gays who have been advocating wanton slaughter and slavery for thousands of years.
Oh wait, that was the christians. Never mind.
>Just proving the novel's point.
the novel has nothing to do with feminism if you think antifeminist ramblings somehow prove its point you misunderstood something .
if it could be said to have a 'point' the handmaid's tale's 'point' is that an anti-egalitarian , anti-liberal theocratic society is a shit society to live in. atwood clearly shows how in this matriarchal/patriarchal caste system everyone is oppressed and miserable , while those at the top like fred and serena are nowhere near as bad as the soldiers dying on the fronts or the people sent to the colonies no one in that society is happy or even remotely content with things.
does your religion allow going on sites like Sup Forums ?
Gods a chode sucking shithead. Fucking off yourself
You've proved me wrong. One semitic sect slaughtering another. Such victimhood. I am fucking shocked. This has happened 0 times before this.
Get fucked.
I have never hated a fictional character more than the main character's wife in f451
>thinks christians are more dangerous than muslims
meanwhile muslims are beheading british soldiers in the street and operating vast child prostitution rings like in rotherham while christians get fined for refusing to bake cakes with homosexual slogans on them
>dude drumpf lmao
>fuck white christians men
Really makes one ponder
>telling your customer what writing he can or cant on his cake
these people are bigots and should not be allowed to own a business in a free country
And here I was wondering why some stupid faggot was spamming the thread with cherrypicked links.
a free country would allow people to choose who they want to do business with and its not like they couldn't have just gone to another bakery. . .
shoo shoo
w-where you rr-running now ;(
You should know by now a Muslim can mow down 50 gays in a nightclub and it'll still be the Christians fault.
I can't imagine having such a blind worldview. You must be one of the people triggered by colbertposting.
its fucking rude,uncivilized and anti consumer .
you either let people choose text for their cakes or you dont anything else literally makes no sense.
anyways there's no shortage of bigoted christian scumbags what's your point ? weren't we talking about a show what does any of this have to do with christianity.
Oh, you're a complete dumbass, got it.
Those innocent gays, they're just like Modern Family!
You must be the most gullible retard I've ever encountered.
So what exactly is wrong with Gilead?
Stick your head in the sand and keep listening to what the TV tells you to think.
whats rude and uncivilized is suing someone because you disagree with their religious beliefs even though you could just go get your cake at another bakery
God bless Norm. As a fellow leaf I can't begin to express how good it feels to know someone else thinks Margret Atwood is completely overrated
i remember when i was at sixth form i had the option of doing the handmaids tale with the annoying feminist teacher or paradise lost with the bro as fuck patrician teacher and i chose the latter
i'm happy with my decisions
Oryx and Crake is okay until you realize that she wrote the whole thing as an anti-GMO screed
its shit and everyone is miserable and oppressed . also its economy is in the shit compared to the rest of the world and they might somehow manage to get reproduction levels to replacement while the rest of the world works on an actual cure.
who disagreed with any beliefs ? some people wanted a service a bakery provided but the bakers denied it to those particular people because of bigotry .
anyways christians are scumbags why are you trying to defend them anyway ?. their 'central authority' is literally a glorified child molestation ring.
>Oryx and Crake
>anti GMO
u wot m8 ? if anything its pro GMO
>anything that doesn't fit my worldview is fake!
If you spent two seconds outside your bubble, it would be catastrophic.
obviously the homos disagreed with the christian bakers beliefs regarding gay marriage.
its typical of vindictive nature of homosexuals that they would choose to file a lawsuit instead of simply going to a different bakery
Your post reeks of doritos. But why is a business obligated to serve everyone? If someone feels discriminated against by a particular business they are free to go to another one. If the original business sees an inability to compete with non-"bigoted" businesses they'll be forced to act accordingly
It's only one sect that's being violent. But how? How, you ask yourself. Ebil christians > : (
>it's got its own article on Wikipedia, people with downs must be able to navigate life better than you
That's how you come back at me? Phoneposter? Am I talking to r/atheism?
O&C satirizes capitalism , consumer culture . corporate culture and even specifically biotech firms but at no point is it in any way anti GMO. in fact trying to put an antiGMO message in the O&C world would be fucking absurd.
also how the fuck can you be antiGMO that literally makes no sense. its like being anti food or anti putting-bandages-on-wounds. shit was being done in one way or another for thousands of years, nearly 95+% of poeple alive since the agricultural revolution wouldn't be alive if not for modifying organisms .
i'd be pissed as fuck if i went to a bakery that does wedding cakes and they refused to do a wedding cake specifically for me . that shit aint right.
I bet you would, pussy bitch
Is the joke that he's playing a character who's an utter pleb?
so you would sue a jewish bakery that refused to bake you a cake with a swastika on it?
well if they decided they wanna believe that they should refuse to serve these people in their business they people that they refused to service can decide that their religion dictates they have to sue now.
>my arbitrary beliefs are special and should be protected
*tips bible*
well where i live im pretty sure they can refuse as its a hate symbol. but then i live in israel kids buy each other swastika cakes and graffiti swastikas all the time because they think its edgy rebellious and cool
Private businesses refuse service to all the time. But if you're a vindictive fairy faggot, you make a big deal out of it. I'm sure you can relate.
It is quite timely, but I wonder if people realize how it applies to Muslim majority countries.
I'm gay and I'm not even going to bother getting married if I can't force a religious baker to make me a cake against his/her will.
to people*
well they won the case so apparently in that state its illegal to refuse service on those grounds .
also they did literally nothing wrong by suing . why should everyone go in and get the service this business is offering but they go in and told to fuck off ?. bakers were assholes and deserved everything they got for treating people like that.
That's a hate symbol you retard. This is like them discriminating against black people buying cakes.
Those private businesses get sued if they're breaking the law, though. Which is what the bakers were doing.
ok fine so instead of the scary #hatesymbol swastika the cake just has to say "adolf hitler did nothing wrong" in pink cursive lettering. would you still sue the poor jewish bakers if they refused to make it for you?
and they didn't refuse to bake them a cake because they were gay they refused to bake a cake that had a pro-gay marriage slogan on it so your race analogy is pointless and thats even assuming that sexuality and race can be equated in the first place
>when you're too redpilled to keep custody of your own kids
>Short listed for Nobel prize
>Didnt win it like Obama and Gore
Sweden no!
An asshole because you won't bake someone a cake? Awww hurting someone's feefees should be illegal!
Can she still orgasm from the g-spot?
So, it's illegal to not bake a cake for gays, and yet this series is in anyways applicable to our society. You can get fucked in ass on the reg, attempt to buy a cake from someone to celebrate your assfucking, and financially obliterate them for refusing, and somehow this country is on the verge of becoming a theocracy? Anyone who thinks this bullshit is any less fantasy than GoT is undergoing a stroke and needs immediate medical attention.
fuck off dude , no one cares about your christcucks.
most likely not , im pretty sure 90+% of the stimulation down there is from the area the circumcision fucks up. anyways its not that bad compared to some of the other shit they could have done to her. i really hope the show keeps following ofglen\some of the other characters . first person perspective of offred might have worked for a book but im pretty sure wont work well for a show.
>hate symbol
so I guess a pepe cake is also out of the question
And yet here you are. I can see how you relate so well to the female characters. How's the HRT going? This series is complete make-believe.
lmao they even threw in some christian fgm
what absolute madmen!
>cartoon shit about how good it feels to pee with your pants all the way down
>hate symbol
yea its based on a very well written story, the whole point is relating to the characters . also
>This series is complete make-believe.
some tv shows are about fiction . like the stuff going inside them isnt real.
seriously tho why did this thread upset you so much ?
What am I looking at here?
>being assblasted at a reaction pic
Ah, sore subject! Christians are trying to distance themselves from their historic and continuing practice of cutting off clits.
The only thing lazier than generic distopian fiction is generic totalitarian distopian fiction. Fun fact: based on the latest historiography of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, the entire concept of totalitarianism doesn't even exist.
>no biblical basis for fgm
>some africans do it anyway because of islamic influence in the region
yes yes white women beware! your clits are in danger from the evil christian church! mwahahaha!
I think it's another series pulled out of the dustbin to be used as agitprop.
i didn't get that it felt more as GMO's as a mechanism for the "great filter" that resets the development of man to a primitive state a pretty obvious fear that has been around since the a bomb.
I prefer Gilead to this degenerate leftist cesspit.
This is the correct opinion.
If you surround a man with rotten meat, don't be surprised if he becomes a vegetarian.
Yes, a film based on a book inspired by oppression of women in Afghanistan is indeed relevant
> Elizabeth Moss
> Handmaiden
How am I supposed to believe anyone would impregnate such an ugly hag?