How some cool silent film effects were done
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Actually cool, thanks.
>that keaton stunt
That must be bullshit.
where are prrofs?
Colleen Moore is adorable
Buster was a fuckin madman with a death wish
Keaton was a certified absolute madman.
Well that was interesting.
Based Buster
I have to go watch some old silent movies.What do you recommend?
While this is all well and good, where's the memes?
Metropolis is one of the biggest and one of the best. True kino.
He must have dislocated his shoulder in this, theres no other way
>True kino.
>le kino meme
Fuck off
this reminds me when I was a kid building my own practical special effects for my lego movies
People were made of stronger stuff back then. Must have been the Lead that was in everything.
Charlie Chaplin's movies are all incredible.
Keaton did a lot of crazy shit, you should look into it it's really impressive what he did for his films.
I'd bet it was probably sped up a little
but it is kino
This was pretty cool.
Does anyone know if there is a documentary out there about the same subject? I am really interested in this. Practical effects are really cool and interesting generally.
how do you pronounce it?
Good post, thanks OP
The General is superb:
The Gold Rush is great too, my favorite of Chaplin's movies that I've seen.
Everything by Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin if you haven't already. It's must-watch film history, really.
I always just thought the Keaton stunt was him having a death wish.
This is great thanks
Same answers you've been getting, but Sherlock Jr. is a great intro to silent film. Only an hour, genuinely funny w/ some revolutionary camera work, effects, stunts.
>matte paintings are done on glass piece in front of the camera, not painted on backdrops or the set
Well shit, man, I never even considered the idea of doing it on a piece of glass. I saw something where they were painted backdrops like in stage-plays and just assumed that was the only way they did it.
I genuinely believe that Buster Keaton wanted to die in one of his own movies
The guy always looked fucking depressed, you can't find a happy picture of him no matter how hard you try
You'd also look depressed at slow events where you get your photos taken if you spent your life thinking up and doing exciting stunts.
Like parachute-jumpers who turn into adrenaline-junkies and just live for jumping. They don't want to die jumping.
This is so neat, thanks OP
Those were his glory days, when he was actually happy. He fell on hard times soon after selling out to MGM, starting w the Cameraman, and watched his career fall by the wayside as he took on a crippling alcohol addiction. Then he wanted to die.
Why did I instantly think of Bugs Bunny?
close enough
"And your *other* gun" origin?
One time he literally fractured his neck during a stunt, and after laying down for a while, they continued shooting. He's the GOAT.
He smiled and laughed in the early movies where he was Fatty Arbuckle's sidekick.
the deadpan bewildered look was part of the character
Holy shit it actually is, and he used more than one giant gun for effect.