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>tfw earth niggers steal your wheat
More like country roads take me home to a better movie
For some reason I find the crew of the Covenant to be really unlikable.
That woman is a terrible actress
Always feel sorry for that alien in Prometheus, born on a planet completely alone and will die alone
I thought the cast was bad until I saw the two Covenant scenes after the Prometheus & Alien screenings a couple of days ago. It got my hopes up massively
I agree. Why is she being forced on us?
Looks like a fan trailer
>37 years old
>13 years into her acting career
Yah, Jack McCoy is the only reason she is in this...
she only made it because she showed her bush in inherent vice, her acting was only okay but i guess that's enough for women to have a career in hollywood...
Why not watch the film and judge her performance fairly? You can't, because you've already made up your mind and want to share your pointless opinion. Knobber.
not using the superior Olivia Newton John version, i thought this was a feminist movie
>Johnny Cash Hurt worked for Logan, this will surely work for Alien
wew lad that's looking bad cg shit
ok, sure, that's how hollywood works. That's why Emma Stone loses roles to skinemax actresses. Oh wait.
not using the superior Japanese version:
so sick of Hollywood whitewashing!!!
>That woman is a terrible actress
thought the same. or rather that she appears to be unsympathic
Oh god
We Alien3 now? Ali3n? I can't remember what it was called.
I'm so fucking mad because I know this will be shit and I know I'm still going to fucking watch it.
ridley wtf u doin mane come on nigga
>Implying I'm not paying admission just for the Fass
Can they just go all out and give us an Alien movie with Jeri? The series is already retarded. now.
Wait, so this is set in West Virginia? I guess the wheat makes sense now.
This makes me feel very sad.
i wonder what happened to the deacon? did he died of starvation?
Danny Mcbride
Why does Ridley Scott always cast butterface women?
Also I guess Noomi died on her way back to her home planet.
she looks fine with longer hair, in covenant she doesn't because of the dyke haircut.
really love how tall she is desu