Why did he need orange slices?
Why did he need orange slices?
I forget
Because they have vitamin C
Orange slices are a common snack after a soccer game for young children
This is a quip playing off that
Why did we need this thread again?
American """humour""", hilarious. Just stop trying.
Yeah, when I played soccer as a kid, every game one parent was the designated orange person that had to bring a tub full of sliced oranges for half-time/after the game.
oh my god why is this a meme
>It wasn't funny the first 400 times
>maybe it will get funny if I keep posting it 30 times a day
It isn't
it's one dc pajeet spamming it
It's an old LSD joke. Remember when Antman goes into a psychedelic looking dimension? That's the joke
becoming a big guy was extremely painful
Whats a pajeet
Because growing causes him to have a vitamin c deficiency
Did he take his kid to a soccer match in his movie?
they were refreshing as fuck too, always kept in the cooler
Because Sup Forums needed a new forced shit meme
like all our memes aren't forced shit memes
Not only wasn't Ant-Man not playing soccer, he's not a young child.
Fucking retard.
stop trying to be funny, you're not good at it
Stop being stupid.
Bet some shut-in is going to believe this
Shut the fuck up, no one does that.
>confusing shitposting with shilling
wew marvjeets are really fuck stupid, no wonder they cant get past the idea of a sometimes sad superman
Poo in loo