Anybody else get massively turned on by these 5/10 Yorkshire lasses?
Anybody else get massively turned on by these 5/10 Yorkshire lasses?
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left is a yorkshire 10 lad
Blondies got a canny body on her like but i never watch that shit mate.
My mates Aunty was on there, huge fat Black woman from London, not sure if she still is.
not gonna lie would fugg the left one
That Iranian/Italian whatever family has a canny lass on there. She usually sits near her brother. Olive skin. Bang tidy.
noice feets
wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating biscuits m8
you think the brother fucks her at all? haha would be weird right? haha just kidding
I like how her brother grabs her thigh at every opportunity he gets
I was just about to say that. They're very """""close""""""
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gogglebox is my fucking shit
why haven't they made an autistic gogglebox yet, it would be gold
They look like typical overweight young british cunts.
Why do you guys like these sluts so much. They look like they put makeup on with a fucking gun.
Back to your Colbert thread, Malcolm.
Glad someone with nice feet is repping the white rose
We don't, OP likes them. I like this one
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Look, you go worry about Nukes and Trump over at Sup Forums, we'll have a nice cosy cuppa tea and watch some telly. Ahhhhhhhh. Custard Cream anyone?
>that bit where they're watching titanic and start gently crying and hold hands and say they'll love each other forever
I prefer Garibaldis desu senpai
>Gogglebox is fucking shit.
Piss off you circumcised Jew slave
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Leon is unironically based, the only reason I sometimes leave it on if flicking channels
>actually gibberish
I can't speak brit. Return to your ghetto where you belong:
Would fuck the one on the left, and also the one on the right
Oh, wow, now you're getting quite triggered my american friend.
Please try not to hurt yourself on your way out. .
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I prefer the brunette desu lads
What is up with the burger in this thread, is he new or something. Doesn't he know about britpol or britfeel or the many brit nostalgia threads that have taken place on this very board for years
5/10? You are generous sir. Mighty generous. Chav skanks of the lowest calibre.
Go back to your pickle thread faggot.
You are required to return to the cesspool where you came from. Failure to do so will result in a permanent ban.
You have to go back:
Cultural Marxism will not be permitted on MY board
Ey up you bloody wankers.
Such a pleasure to see fellow yerksher's on this board. Keep it clean
Just go away. You're getting boring now.
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finnfag here, what show is this?
Oh I get it he can't handle the banter hahaha
he is gay as fuck
Return to your ghetto immediately. Non-Americans are not allowed on this board:
wotcha bloke. u bent?
uk made the internet
suck a dick yank
It's some shit called Gogglebox where the cameras watch people watching TV.
All foreigners must return to their place of origin:
>That episode with the furfags
I fucking loath that family. Daughter is fuckable. But fuck them.
Ignore the Ameritard lads he obviously has autism of some kind
>there is literally a British TV show called Gogglebox
did you find it on your smibbly bibbly?
The new families are fucking shit. I especially hate that husband and wife, the wimpy cunt with the glasses. You know the one I'm talking about. I want to stab him and then fuck his wife in front of him while he slowly bleeds to death.
Quit trying to be a smarmy dickhead, we use the point and shooty like everyone else to change to the right channel.
The Telly Welly? Why Yes, we did. Right next to The Bigglepomp Show and Higgeldy Piggeldy, aka The News.
No one here is your friend. You are an brit goblin like the rest of your outcasts here, and that is why you belong in your swamp, with the rest of your multikulti types:
>there are people so devoid of any kind of critical thinking ability that they'll willingly watch actual proles with no insights or interesting opinions watch telly
Christ. Do you also live tweet your reactions to all 3 of followers, 2 being bots, and the other your gran?
My farts are fucking rancid tonight lads. I think I put too much garlic in my sauce.
It's a shit show with a shit name desu
Cheese on Toast for me boyos NICE AND HOT
Few of these in me cuppa. Roll a joint. Sorted
Any more pics of the redhead?
I hope.... I HOPE ..... you don't microwave it like a pedant.
Microwave? Fuck nor. Grill, sprinkle of pepper on the cheese, boom.
Good. When I was a kid a friends mother, toasted the bread, put the cheese on and then microwaved it. It was revolting. Fucking cunt.
I would have straight up stopped being friends with that kid.
Taking a shit lads
how was it?