What's Hugh Jackman doing, what am I seeing here?
What's Hugh Jackman doing, what am I seeing here?
The fuck?!?
He brought his boipucci along to appreciate some satanic art.
He's into satanic shit?
why is that kid circled
Did you bump your own thread with this post? I swear I won't judge you. And yes, he donated to the woman who made this "art".
Ever been at an art show opening, OP? That's what it is.
>Did you bump your own thread with this
no, this my only other post here I only came across this photo yesterday and it legitimately creeped me out.
>it legitimately creeped me out
I bet you frequent /x/.
Sup Forums was right
>I bet you frequent /x/
Nope, not even once.
it looks like chocolate idiots
Its blood. The practice is called spirit cooking.
It involves blood, semen, breast milk, and occult shit.
This shit tops Scientology by a fucking mile.
i know what it is info wars have you seen blood i used to work in around raw bloody beef that looks brown to me.
Well it is cooking. Maybe its a blood sauce.
>"Devil's Heaven" was the theme at the 20th annual Watermill Center Summer Benefit, and "sinful fun" was the dress code. Smoke, singing, and spookiness were the name of the game. During cocktail hour, guests strolled the grounds, taking in site-specific artworks.
>At dinner, Alan Cumming served as master of ceremonies, introducing speakers including Robert Wilson, Lady Gaga, Winona Ryder and Marina Abramovic. Auctioneer Simon de Pury hosted a live auction, after which guests headed off the dance floor to shake it (wings and horns alike) to a great mix of tunes by DJ Nick Cohen.
>hosted a live auction
...yes... a live auction.
As opposed to an auction of inanimate objects.
He's got a bright red boipucci folks
why did they circle Robert Downey Jr on the picture?
This shit again. It's just some stupid modern art shit meant to shock people
>Celebrities are into weird art.
>News at 11
Who cares? Why are Americans so afraid that nudity will scar children for life yet will air shootings on national tv?
Nothing to see here faggots, just a nice normal fun for the whole family art event.
Who cares you fucking pussy
Why with the insults?
are you implying it isn't?
I don't know
Why are you so afraid of nudity?
Shame Jackman's part of this shit.
Jackman isn't a part of anything though. It was some art museum open to the public
OP, you are aware that Sup Forums very much supports spirit cooking and the underground child trade nearly exposed by pizzagate?
This is a board of pedophiles who are more likely to talk about child stars' feet than they are actual film. They're not going to decry this degeneracy.
It's nothing, don't worry about it.
Sure thing Podesta.
Is this Jackson's personal harem?
There's a natural jealousy of the pedo elite among Sup Forums, so people will decry it
I could throw a dart at any random platform on the web and uncover degenerate pedos congregating. Yes Sup Forums has it's fair share but there's still a lot of good people on here.
No, it's Bryan Singer's harem. Hugh just got invited.
Oh absolutely. Doesn't mean they aren't here.
>ywn grow up with the most degenerate sexual perverts around you
>This whole thread
>You fucking pussy
>Only REAL men drink semen soup at satanist art exibits
the satanic pedophile vampires NOW HAVE WOLVERINE
being a non-pedo doesn't automatically make you a good person
they're just some of the worst people on here.
>being a non-pedo doesn't automatically make you a good person
I wasn't implying it did. But I do know there are people on this board that are explicitly against the exploitation of children which makes them good people in my book.
>naked girl lying in syrup
... uh