NATO allies respond to Trump’s suggestion that the U.S. might not protect them from Russia

Why are Europeans such whiny grifters that demand the U.S. be their defense force?

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>respond with nigger tank gunners.

the majority of europes are fucking retards that's why.

You think hitler steam rolled them because he was smart or something? Most of them were still shitting in outhouses back in the 90's.

Imagine them in the 40's.

Europe consists of uk, france, germany. The rest are dogmeat retard countries that are the size of our cities.

because they want us to keep paying their defense bill.

shut up


ffs do they not realize that they have to pay.

I am pretty sure Estonia, Poland pay for their nato shit

Basically a non-country, I eat your kind for breakfast.

I understand the US confusion with Europeans, western yurops are gay as fuck. I also don't get why would western yurops think they have unlimited free protection for some reason?
Anyway, why would Russia invade Europe, why do western Yurops think Russia would ever invade into Europe again. I'm from a country that got invaded by Russia for real and even I don't believe this.

explain why russia is the boogeyman again?
>we spend 10x more on military than them
>we have 662 military bases while russia has 10
we're literally a victim of our own cold war propaganda

>our cities.

Hey belgium shouldn't you be running away or something.

lol fuck off shithole slav mud puddle

Because that's how things have been done for the last 60 years and if Clinton wins it will stay that way.

2% is just a meme for the domestic US audience

Estonia, yes. Poland, no.
Also, I'm from a country that does not fear neither NATO, nor Russia.

In Norwegian news the media is all writing that "Trump says he won't defend NATO members".

Maybe far down the article they say: but he would if they contributed their fair share.

Because then they would actually have to spend money on defense and not be able to afford the social programs that they tout over our heads as proof of how much better they are than us


friendship with nato has ended

russia is new best friend

Pay your fucking share first, lazy yurops

2015 said that they do, Poland that is.

Atleast the estimate says so

>b-but american senpai, we won't be able to afford our endless socialist policies if we have to defend ourselves??!

>if Clinton wins it will stay that way

Fuck off Merkel

Make us defend you Europe.

yes in many ways, we've never stopped believing in the threat of other world powers, russia might have dropped off a bit but pandering over china has risen. We still have good force projection and neato toys like carriers and f-22/35, but frankly it's a fuckhuge cost when currently no one can really compete.

It should also be said that it gets pretty tiresome to have to deal with "lol world police" "fuck america for interfering" all the god damned time. Seriously, wipe your own asses for once and stop putting your shit on us.

If europe had to defend itself without the united states help, they would probably lose to a number of middle eastern countries and that's saying a lot. Germany couldn't even supply weapons to it's crack forces in nato training and gave them brooms. They barely have any tanks or planes currently operational. Sure they have better tech, but their actual forces are miniscule.

I say let putin and chairman mao put some fear into them for once. Let america invest back into itself instead of plane tech for china to steal. Biggest tech leaps come during war anyway, and US military industrial complex is corrupt as shit. Can't drop a contract for 15 year old tech because lol, military pays! oh whats that, computers and gps from 97? sorry can't break the contract and upgrade to a 2016 fire control system!

They're just pissed off that they actually have to start spending money on their military instead of on immigration.

If I were a cuck, I'd be pretty pissed as well.


But seriously the entire Northern hemisphere is fucked. You're all stupid cunts.

Aussies, Saffers and Kiwis should be running the world. It would be a finely tuned high performance machine instead of the shitfest you snowniggers leave us with.

pack of wankers.

>proof of how much better they are than us
We are
You guys are cucks who pay for our defence whilst we spend money on important things

Not entirely inaccurate

also least likely euros to get fucked are:

UK > France >> Ger > rest.

water still best divider.

The 2% thing is all over the place. Some articles say it's only the U.S. and Estonia, others say that.

NATO officially, in 2016, says the U.S., Britain, Greece, Estonia and Poland.

Regardless, eastern European combines at 1.5%. It's pathetic for a group that is apparently so scared shitless of big bad Russia that they even still want to be in NATO.

>pretty much a non-country

>Aussies, Saffers and Kiwis should be running the world.

I would unironically love to see this.

It's stupid to think that NATO is there to protect the interests of the Europeans. NATO is there to protect America's sphere of influence. That's why the US pays more.

Says the man from the biggest fucking failure country on the planet.

Australia out shines ya mate. Even in shit posting.

Maybe NATO allies should pay their bills.

Europeans are basically white niggers.

That's going to quickly come to an end and we will sit here laughing as the Russians rape your disgusting women

I hate krauts so damn much. From no other people have seen so much laziness and self-entitlement. I wish Ivan raped all of your whore women, you sub-human.

>misprinted germany flag

Europe should shut the fuck up and gain some nationalism.

America won't save you while you commit suicide via Muslim.


That's how it used to be, you know, when Russia was a serious threat, and Europe was recovering from a war, but then again Europe helped out and had respectable militaries back then.

>America won't save you

I think we would. We'd be mad as hell though.

>slav mud puddle
Mud puddle or not, you're still a non-country. Basically a brit colony that is currently controlled by the US. Also, ~16% of your population is slavs. ~3300000 Canadians are slavs. Let's not forget that you paint the Russians as the big bad scary wolf, if slavs were as pathetic as you paint them, why are you all afraid of Russia?

There's a Polandball that is exactly this, anyone have it?

Nah mate remember, canada is the first post-national country

Trump has already said they're on their own when it comes to their immigration problem

Fucking kek. There's more people living in Spain than your whole country.

I always mistake you for Romania and I never care enough to make a mental note of it.

Here's Estonia in the 40s


Does the state give you enough rations for a Canadian and shit sandwich?

>eurocucks cry when america sticks its nose into everyone's business
>eurocucks cry when america decides not to

Here's Canada in the 40s

Id rather not have Europe arming itself. Every time they do it they go fucking batshit crazy, then us and the UK have to fix shit

Europe is Russians' ancestral homeland. Why on earth would they want to destroy it?

It's about saving them after shits hit the fan; like the last few times Europe was inflamed with conflict. We'll come in and save them. Then we'll help with the rebuilding while we collect our shekels.

It probably wouldn't be under a Trump presidency however.

>because they want us to keep paying their defense b
Poland isn't paying their way and they are going to pick a fight with Russia thinking we will back them up. What a fucking deal for them.


Your "country" is nothing more than a parking lot for EU bureaucrats and an entry point for Muslim extremists.

But if Russia isn't is a serious threat now, why would this matter? The US could lower spending without Europe raising, and nothing much would change.

Only true whites are in Australia and USA confirmed

Only v4 and mainly Poland are scared of Russia, Russia would not invade into Europe again. We're more pissed at Russia than scared of them.
Has anybody asked themselves, why will Russians invade Europe? They will collapse economically, they are barely stabilized at this point of time with this standart of life, why would they on purpose go back to eating rats and waiting on food lines, etc, etc. ? I think the US is painting Russia as the bad guys on purpose, the US does not want a strong EU-Russian relationship, imagine Russia joining the EU, the US hegemony will be destroyed in an instant. And this is not impossible, cause only Poland will be opposed, Russia is up to standart with EU shit, especially products.

I was reading a book on the early frontier, most of the frontiersmen had to pay for their own provisions to FUCKING SURVIVE.

Its common knowledge for Americans that we have to work for/pay for the things we want, somehow this is lost on the Europeans.

Its our fucking sons on the line here you freeloading Euros, while you enjoy your "free" shit, there are American grunts ready to defend your ungrateful asses who import hajis and savages and ruin the good thing you have going on.

Fuck you faggots, I can't wait to see you loser scramble to figure out how to defend you countries when we finally ditch you faggots

>tfw not in nato but want to show our military might to the big dogs on the other side of the pond

>Because then they would actually have to spend money on defense and not be able to afford the social programs that they tout over our heads as proof of how much better they are than us

Exactly this.

So Trump is right, other NATO members need to step up or fuck off.

I think Russia is more pissed about the fact that EU and America tried to take Ukraine from their sphere of influence. They had good relationship before then.

Don't blame em, I'd rather kneck myself than lift a finger to help out filthy estonians
>all look like vampires
>small man syndrome

>The 2% thing is all over the place. Some articles say it's only the U.S. and Estonia, others say that.

We are the whitest country on the planet you inbred petrol sniffer

lol you realize they're allies with the Chinese right?

>I think Russia is more pissed about the fact that EU and America tried to take Ukraine
>I think Russia is more pissed about the fact that Soros and Rothschild inc tried to take Ukraine

> mfw when trump starts a war in Europe to create a humanitarian crisis that will push Europeans to emigrate to America while completely restricting any Arab and showing Mexicans and niggers back to Mexico and prison.

absolute madman

What state, we're a capitalist country now, dumbass, get on with the times grandpa. We're where everybody outsources. Stealing jobs from Turkey as we speak. Of course it's not really stealing, cause we have capable people, whereas turks are just cockroaches, kek.

i wouldnt consider importing muslims and paying fat people to not work important user.

I'll hate your country for life, Kirill

Holy shit Trump isn't even president and already the world is quaking

>Has anybody asked themselves, why will Russians invade Europe?
Exactly. They can't even invade Donetsk and win.
Why would people think they would attack multiple countries in Europe?
It's just a strawman raison d'etre for NATO and other elite globalist organizations who want to control Europe.

>Europe takes in millions of refugees
>waves it's dick against Russia shooting down it's planes and taunting an opposing them at every turn
>dares, fucking dares to say the US should defend Europe and Trump is an asshole

Go cuck yourself Europe. Clean your own mess up.


Yes, China is what Russia strives to be, China has good relations with the whole of Europe, especially developing countries like ours. Chinks have opened a car plant here and they are seeking to invest in a lot of new factories. Russia is still trying to undermine its former vassals like us, because they are faggots. Remember south stream? Fucking Russians.

I remember watching a quiz show from back in 50s/60s Americans seemed a lot more intelligent and knowledgeable about things like geography back then.

Russia isn't even Europes enemy, it's USAs enemy. Would you like us to join forces with Russia?

>Most of them were still shitting in outhouses back in the 90's.

That was back when our education system was actually functional

8th graders back then were doing what high school seniors do now

That's Red Square... that a reverse albino estonian?

Yeah, Russians are scammy and shady, but not fools, nobody would help them if they invade Europe. What they did in Ukraine, it's a special case and it still cost them a leg and an arm and it was westerners fault. And it was a loss for both Europe and Russia, the US did not feel it at all, we didn't too, but that's another topic.


W-what. I want to believe you're trolling..


They are cowards dude, absolute cowards.

You have to realize Europeans have fallen completely. Their societies are crumbling, look at Paris look at Brussels. These people CHEER when their own get killed. They are psychopaths.

As for Russia? They're not the greatest but at least they have pride. I despise the European not because he is European but because he has turned his back on his own history and pissed on the sacrifice of his ancestors.

They are an absolute fucking disgrace. I say fuck them to be honest, let them die to Islam we can always re-take it.

Its as if we sponsored anti-usa coup in fucking Mexico, with slogans like "Gut americans, glory to Osama BinLaden"
And during this coup mexicans wouldve actually gut and burn some burgers.
I dont think Murica wouldve just took it in the ass, passively.

Russia already got the Ukrainian land they want (Crimea). They are not even at war with Ukraine anymore.

Die you fugging faggot. You don't know shit about Yuropoor. As expected of a leaf.

The biggest story in Europe in the last two decades is literally the countries you mentioned declining culturally, morally and economically (aside from Turkmany), while the eastern part of Europe has been on the ascent.

Who knows? I don't see why we pay 22% of a budget that doesn't actually benefit American citizens. The Europeans wouldn't be able to respond in time to help us defend our land and no military in the world would be foolish enough to try it anyway. Europe benefits most from NATO since we are actually stationed there, but the top European contributor only pays 14% and that's Germany. Followed by France and UK both at 10%. And as far as the 2% of GDP rule only US, Estonia and I think the UK are fulfilling that requirement. NATO is fucking horseshit, the EU should be the ones footing the bill.

Understandable honestly. I was furious we sided with Ukraine. What did we seriously have to gain?

America needs to cut ties with Europe, they are a cancer and are rapidly falling to LEftism and ISlamism and frankly I want nothing to do with them.

Plus talk to any European. They continually make fun of Americans and Russians.

That's the joke.

Wrong, current Russia is not an enemy of the US, the US is an enemy of Russia, but Russia from our point of view has been nothing but friendly and helpful towards Europe and the US, even though you sanctioned Russia, Russia did not stop letting you send cosmonauts in space.
Now, as far as I know Putin is not the best president from the pov of a Russian citizen, but from my perspective, he's the best thing for Russian foreign politics, except for us, cause Russians are still trying to do their dirty tricks with us.

On paper they are but China left Russia behind a long time ago. I doubt they'd even be anything other than a token military alliance

Lolw what are they going to do???

We are fucking NATO

EU would rather spend money importing ficki ficki instead of carrying their own weight

If you said this a couple of years ago, I would've disagreed with you. But, you're 100% right. The people that cheer their own country/culture/people to extinction deserve to be wiped out.

If Trump wins and somehow manages to reverse half a century of US foreign policy I can't even think of many great outcomes for the US.

If Russia invades (not that that's realistic, it's not 1982) Europe the economic fallout would ruin the US and they'd lose a bunch of market economies that often align themselves with US interests and have played a big part in legitimizing US hegemony.

If Europe starts seeing Russia as a credible threat and either ramps up spending or goes ahead with integration to replace NATO that would also lessen the US's influence in Europe.

If EU military spending stays as it is and Russia doesn't make any aggressive moves people will just assume that we didn't need NATO after all.

Because they're socialists accustomed to having the US defense budget for free.