American Gods

Haven't read the book, but any chance this will be good?

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I don't want to be THAT guy but...the diversity I'm see here is a bit...much


>Ian McShane as a God
How can it possibly be not good?

My hardcore SJW friend has been shilling this on Facebook a lot, but I'll give it a fair shake.

Better blame the faggot that wrote the book then

Hannibal is plet tier at best

The book was a really fun read, McShane is great, and Fuller makes some nice looking shows. I'm sure it will at least be decent.

No.. Looks pretty faithful to the book and as far as I remember race was mentioned once while describing the character and then nothing really after.

You're a plet.

>heard the book is great
>don't know whether to read or watch

Seems about right

they might add stupid shit like that just for the show but Hannibal didn't have any of that so who knows

>half of the people in trailer are white the other is black

that isn't ENOUGH diversity...

Looks like it might be good. Casting seems spot on (especially for Wednesday and Czernobog) but...

Easter is definitely not thick enough.

Just read the Sepinwall review

It's going to be KINO

The show looks a lot worse than the book from everything we've seen so far.

It's about the gods of foreigners. There's going to be some dark skin.


But..that was in the original book

And that book is really short. Also, the casting is perfect besides Easter. Christina Hendricks should have been Easter.

Go for the book. Show looks like it'll be as faithful as it can be but that may not be enough. Especially if they don't capture the comfiness of Lakeside, which they won't even get to until season 2.


>Gillian Anderson as Media



Yeah, I'd put money on it being good.

>race was mentioned once while describing the character
Shadow was racially ambiguous throughout the whole book. Some people thought he might be black, others thought he might be native american. So he was mixed race at best. I personally pictured him as native american when I read the book. Partially due to the name, I guess. Shadow Moon? Come on.

I'm also kind of worried that tech kid god is going to turn out gay. Because fucking look at him.


I've seen the first episode but never read the book. It is very high quality and I want to see more of it.

The first episode also has a woman grow enormous and consume a guy with her vagina. Is that in the book?

where did you see it?

>Is that in the book?

Why isn't he a nerdy fat kid?

Yeah, that's in the very first chapter.

I guess they thought the "hipster douche" stereotype is more relevant to the tech kids these days than the "fat nerd" stereotype.

watch first, read after. youll enjoy both more this way.

Reading the book now.

I like the interactions with the various Gods, but I don't give a shit about Shadow at all. He has zero personality. Bella in Twilight had more character. Shadow's zombie wife is the best character in the book and she only has a handful of appearances.

it'll be heroes tier comicon panel crap

>Native American is blackwashed by a Euronigger


If anyone has any questions about the first episode I can answer as well.

I hope we get a nice long scene of Emily Browning sucking Dane Cook's dick.

he represents modern technology/the internet. when the book was written, that was the trenchcoat, katana and fedora faggots. now it works better if hes a normie. from the trailer, he looks like if tumblr and an apple store had a baby, which is perfect.

fuckin this

I'm actually kind of interested in this. I hope like hell they actually use 'Who Loves the Sun' in the bar scene.

The book was great, Ian Mcshane can do no wrong.

If this is the kind of show that plays The Velvet Underground, I'll check it out.

>mc is called shadow


Would be a real shame if they ruined this masterpiece

This. The book and McShane are both great. I don't know anything about the show runner but it doesn't look horrible. I expect season 1 to be fantastic at least. I don't know how far they can stretch the book though.