Post your best cringe. Youtube vids and/or relating to movies and TV.
>this was over 3 years ago
Post your best cringe. Youtube vids and/or relating to movies and TV.
>this was over 3 years ago
Other urls found in this thread:
Who was in the wrong here?
That fucking stacy for being such an ungrateful roastie cunt
She has a hideous scar. She's not worth it.
>those women at the end crying with laughter at Garrett
Why do the autists always go for the Stacy's?
>those fake tears by some random at the end
Teenage girls are awful
the fedora wearing autist
Better than most of Sup Forums could do desu.
based jokababy and sharks
Oh fuck off. You'd say she was leading him on if she pretended to like him. Best to be honest and not spare men's fragile emotions
stand aside mortals
I know you're memeing but, he was wrong for trying to kiss her. But in life we learn just like this, I had some idiot experiences like this too. Who don't?
Well, hello beautiful...
You can't spell cringe without Steven Seagal
You mean the redditor thats too proud of himself to stay on Sup Forums thread, but too much of a coward to make this thread from his computer
Didn't he end up becoming a normie?
these commercials make me want to smoke just to spite them
You'd get about the same amount of cancer
Shari's Berries
>"This one's for you" Let's not act like the girls had those looks on their faces because they were excited... they were all afraid that this lil nigga finally snapped and came in with the extended clip AR...
mario be playin t-dub is pure kino though
This isn't cringe. They have more guts than any of the pussies here who browse Sup Forums
Imagine being this autistic
the company exploiting his naivety to sell chocolate
Every thread. You're an autistic faggot. It's not 'guts' when you lack the basic understanding of human emotions and social status
>every time Alexa posts a pic on instagram with one of her Chad friends, someone always comments, "Garrett looking good"
Its been awhile since ive seen this
>that webm
>he didn't even snatch that motherfucker birthday
What's up with the second video? He's literally mumbling for two minutes straight and then starts awkwardly dancing. Why isn't the whole place erupting with laughter? That was so fucking bad.
i cant
Stop promoting yourself on Sup Forums, please
fuck dude what is wrong with you. Years literally fucking years I had last seen this.
fuck you.
Whites shouldn't act like niggers
>Sup Forums goes on a date
>when the spork meme comes to life
>tried to kick the ball into the net but it instead skews miles off to the left
fucking christ it's gold
I miss the 2006 nerdy girl aesthetic.
>invite autistic kid on your tv show
>treat anybody who notices him like they are doing him a favor
>make him listen to a shitty song you wrote about him being lonely
It's really surreal looking back at this entire segment.
This entire channel.
What the FUCK is Billy Bob's problem?
>I'm pretty hung
he's autistic
Poor kid man that girl is clearly way above his league.
Right in the feels.
The fedora kid.
The sooner you realize that you can't get away with shit like that if you're not a Chad the better.
joker baby isn't cringe
but the other guy is
The conditions of the interview was that the interviewer would make no reference to Billy Bob as an actor and just talk about the band/music
First sentence out of the rapists mouth was shit about Billy Bobs acting
Are these subtitles real?
Only to ask what inspired him to start up a band, which is fair enough. Billybob is pretentious faggot that takes himself too serious
Go to bed Billy. He only mentioned your (failing) career in a throwaway line.
>ywn have an equally autistic gf
just kill me now
You spelled 'kino' wrong.
he's just a bit awkward
will be a normie if he can get laid reasonably soon
Now THIS is cringe.
Get off it.
but he didn't know any better, he was just a kid
the middle aged women of that shitty little business put him up to it, kind of like Miss Havisham from Charles Dickens' Great Expectations
You didnt even post the most Joker cringe
>ywn have an energetic gf who likes to do anything
feels bad man
me too user
>implying this kid didn't grow up to be an insufferable redditor, now currently and endlessly BTFO over Trumps' victory
The world was completely fucking cheesy under Obama and faggots like this are the reason
pure cringe right here
I'll just declare myself the winner right now. There is no possible way to outdo this shit.
He became a normie and has a gf.
>that girl thinks she's dating some kind of alpha danger-boy
Please no
Thought the interviewer handled himself very well considering.
lolno, he got cucked
we looked him up months ago
>this fucking thread
that's enough internet for today, holy shit I can't take half these videos
>35 mins of autism
>most of it is just sped up
jesus christ dont tell me this went on for hours
what the fuck
I'm scared to open this
>no one posted this yet
>Gen X had grunge culture & music
>Millennials had Emofag culture & music
Who wins
>holds flowers to the camera
>starts lipsyncing to some romance song
>10 minute song
I just skipped through it, I didn't see anything aggressively cringy about it 2bh. Not to the point where you pointed out that no one had posted it yet
Both of them.
>YFW that stacy has likely sucked over 300 unique penises to full orgasm by now
>fedora is probably in an anime club and likely shitposts on Sup Forums
It's a Sup Forumstant meme some fucker spams in every cringe thread
Only real cringe. I still can't believe he actually thought this was funny
Not really cringe. Felt more like a parody even tho I'm sure it wasn't
>fucking puts the two webcams next to eachother in a restaurant setting just to dance
How no one knows who goofydood is is beyond me
His Joker impersonation gives Jokahbaby a run for its money
ITT: kissless virgins who dont have the balls to attempt anything in this thread
>inb4 why would i want to do anything embarrassing for a girl?
The producers of the video who knew exactly what they were doing.
Did they ever hook up after this?
The only true Joker kino