>tries to parody Heinlein's starship troopers and poke fun at fascism
>Pushes viewer further into fascism
>tries to parody Heinlein's starship troopers and poke fun at fascism
>Pushes viewer further into fascism
Other urls found in this thread:
i'm not watching these two faggot beta males do something on youtube. i'm just not.
>stupid audience is stupid
expecting the right holding public to demonstrate some agency is not "stupid"
Reading comprehension, retard.
Reading comprehension, retard
They completely butchered Heinlein's book and missed the message completely. If it wasn't called Starship Troopers I would have enjoyed it a lot more, but it has almost no relation to the source material.
Reading comprehension, retard
Did it really miss Heinlein's message though? Fascism as a governance sure does whip people into shape.
Yeah, people who are into fascism aren't going to be reasoned out of it.
>*tips fedora* a fellow classy gentlemen I see
>enlightened red-pilled greetings, good sir
in all seriousness though, fuck off to reddit faggot
>love starship troopers film and the forever war
>start reading starship troopers book
>stop reading because I just can't get into it like the forever war
someone call me a pleb
>that bait image
styx doesn't even dislike girls
do the books go full bible thumper like the sequels to this do?
interesting filename fellow 4channer
Forever War is the patrician choice.
Heinlein's fascist universe:
>Everyone has a purpose, and knows their purpose.
>Merit outweighs everything else.
>Citizen and civilian classes: citizen = public service with a vote; civilian = capitalist lifestyle with relatively high levels of freedom
>men are encouraged to be masculine and women to be feminine, but both can pursure any opportunity if they meet the requirements.
Verhoeven's socialist ideal:
>nobody has any purpose in life but their own selfish, nihilistic desires
>white guilt
>anti-Christian, but pro-Islam
>pro femininity, but anti-masculinity
>"those bugs have rights, and can safely assimilate into our society if they're raised in the right environment"
Really makes you think.
interesting post fellow tumblr
Heinlein went through many phases as a writer
There was a time when he wrote about trannies who changed bodies by switching brains and another time when he used to write about moon libertarians.
>men are encouraged to be masculine and women to be feminine, but both can pursure any opportunity if they meet the requirements.
men cant fly, women cant urban warfare