What are the best films where the nazis aren't evil clowns but people fighting for a righteous cause?
webm related: look whos back showing the truth
What are the best films where the nazis aren't evil clowns but people fighting for a righteous cause?
webm related: look whos back showing the truth
wtf hitler was right
literally every example of tyranny in history was established by people promising to do the right things for the right people.
Does racemixing increase the odds of autism and other mutations? That's really cruel to the child you're bringing into the world. Does the movie go that far?
Bump for the Fuhrer
Downfall is a very good example imo. Even Hitler gets a somewhat sympathetic treatment.
And look at what that gave the Romans, those poor sods!
One of the best films of the 70s too
the roman empire was designed around the prevention of tyranny and started it's slow collapse once it came to be ruled by tyrants.
t. knows jack shit about the republic and empire
Das Boot
Cross of Iron
Island at War (miniseries)
Die Brücke
The Enemy Below
The Cockpit (animu, miniseries)
If anyone knows any others please share. Obviously (((Hollywood))) hates to portray the Germans as anything other than cartoon villains.
Let me fix that statement for you.
>Literally every example of government in history was established by people promising to do the right things for the right people
Fucking idiot.
Forgot to include Stalingrad and Der Untergang.
you know nothing
Your lack of counter argument is noted.
The united states, for instance, was established as a balancing act to ensure no one person, group, or entity, had any real power without the support of a significant majority of the others.
So that's not a promise to do the right thing for the right people then?
Are you saying what they promised was the wrong thing or are you saying the citizens were the wrong people?
Generation War (or Unsere Mater Unsere Vater in Kraut i think) is pretty fukken good.
no you just didn't need to make up bullshit or have an excuse to conquer back then. Men by nature want to conquer, this isn't news.
No, telling people their power would always be limited is not promising the right things for the right people.
Current situation notwithstanding.
it's a movie about how despots use retarded and gullible people's insecurities to consolidate their own power and justify war crimes
no wonder bootlicking stormtards love it
no, but being old does
Daily reminder that if you're not a Hans Hermann Hoppe libertarian you're evil and should be physically removed.
wtf i like hitler now
The romans came up because of how they collapsed once tyranny was allowed to flourish.
In the modern era, if you want to conquer, you need a ton of people behind you. The quickest way to get that is to find a contingent of poor and oppressed people and promise them the exact opposite of what they currently have. Then, more often than not, these would-be conquerors (hitler, stalin, mao, castro, etc), once in a position of power, turn around and shit on all the people who put them into power.
As opposed to.... what exactly?
>Then, more often than not, these would-be conquerors (hitler, stalin, mao, castro, etc), once in a position of power, turn around and shit on all the people who put them into power.
How did Hitler shit on German nationalists?
oh, it's le ancap guy except when it comes to freedom of movement of third worlders
>except when it comes to freedom of movement of third worlders
Freedom would be having the option to disassociate from third worlders. We don't have that right now.
If you're really that desperate to have your girlfriend blacked, then go for it - just don't drag us normal humans down that degenerate drain.
classic strawman, friend
Funny you'd whine about strawmen after