Is it cape-kino now?
Is it cape-kino now?
>that third act in black and white
yes, it always has been. can't wait for the bluray release too
Will it be cheaper to see?
I want this meme to die
Pleb fuck
It's the weakest part of the movie, bar none.
Mad Max did it
I'd unironically see it.
I really fucking hate this movie and its fans. Large crossover with Stranger Things retards.
But that was only because George Miller regretted not being able to film it in black and white like he wanted to from the start. This is just a fucking gimmick.
>George Miller regretted not being able to film it in black and white
How does this justify releasing it in black n white?
Rereleasing it was a stupid cash grab, but at least his senile old mind had some reasoning for it.
I'll take 10
The clone was a pleb filter
rip shad
Gonna get plowed by a 12 year old. That's pottery if I've ever seen it.
Their heads are up their own asses at this point.
>a bloo bloo a one night limited screen release
I wanted to see it again and now this was announced.
If it's near my city I'll see, because I wanted to see it again anyway.
Reminder that fighting a savage, mjndless, younger clone of himself makes perfect thematic sense and if you don't get it you're an ultimate pleb.
I heard they were planning to release this movie with the option to watch it regularly or in b&w. Does anyone know if that's still happening?
This kid manages to be really cute and ugly asf at the same time.
Yeah I think Mangold said on twitter it will be km Blu-ray
He talked about it on twitter. I'm pretty sure they're still doing it. It sounds a bit pretentious tbqh.
He beat me to it.
All you have to do is slap a filter onto it, and then you can get a bunch of turbo nerds to watch it again
It's easy money
its just dump as shit
dumb, i guess im a clone tier
I'm glad these idiots ruined the whole franchise adn convoluted the entire shit to the point they just had to kill everyone lol
This kind of thing is never a good idea. First of all, digital video with the chroma removed is monochrome, which is not the same thing as black and white. It might seem sophisticated, but it's actually kitsch. Non-photochemical black and white is an exercise in futility.
Kind of but a different head shape. She's got bags under her eyes. Looks like she's been on a three day coke and alcohol bender. Still cute though.
Black and white doesn't make something better... That's so painfully pretentious
>tfw it takes you over 20 years to make a decent X-Men movie and now you want to brag like you've been doing it forever.
wtf I hate Logan now.
How are they bragging like that?
I sorta wish there was more violence in the movie. I'd like to see Logan really utilize his claws and I'd like to see bullets really do some damage to him.
Where'd the tits go?
She never had any you creepy bastardy NEET.
>mfw it turned out to be just another X-Men movie
oh well
>he didn't see the original painting
They're really pushing that wowitsalemodernwestern angle so fucking hard. It's not
(((Mangold))) has a hard-on for the western genre. He made that shit remake of 3:10 to Yuma. I did like Logan though.
So is it like Mist were the movie was supposed to be black and white and this is a sort of director's cut?
>redditor kinotard is alone on a Friday night
No surprises here
It's Saturday morning you dip
You are me user. That's exactly the first thing that poped up into my mind. I also don't understand this B&W fascination for recent films. I've never seen it work for action films - only thrillers and dramas like Sin City or The Mist.
I feel like BW only works for things made 60+ years ago.
Oh well, I'm gonna see it.
This was just a weak filter I slapped onto it.
Looks pretty aesthetic. Not sure why all the fags are complaining.
Hopefully they make it Black and Chrome
Aesthetic as fuck.
I love it.
What is chrome? Like the reflective color material?
the first black and white movie logan fans will watch in their lives
i had to read that like six times to get it
fuck i'm high lol
I think it's mainly more to do with playing around with the contrast and lessening it along with image midtones etc. Here is an example I guess
Logan is a serious depressing film and thus black and white works better instead of so much color.
>tfw watching this movie in the cinema, I was never aware of all this color
I suppose the serious tone of it made me see it in "gritty colors" so just imagine watching it then in black and white. It would make me then be way more effected by the themes of the movie
The really went balls to the wall with all that teal and orange.
I agree with the dark tone of the film and the black and white.
Glad they'll put it on the Blu-ray if I can't catch it when it's in theaters for that night.
Perhaps a bit on the nose though.
Fury Road black and white worked great
>tfw no video of the storm scene in black and white
>tfw almost no videos of the B&W version at all
>no retailers sell the physical blu-ray in my city
>ordering it will cost upwards of 100CAD
Kill me
>but at least his senile old mind had some reasoning for it.
What reasoning has he given?
That looks way better. Almost surreal.
Literally all you need to do is download the torrent and use a filter in MPC.
Just set your TV/monitor's saturation to 0.
literally this
the last half an hour jumps off a cliff
>logans berserker rage only lasts about 2 minutes and kills about 4 people (hugely disappointing)
>all those kids shitty kills especially the wrap the bad guy in fucking grass and freeze breath in his face
>all the child actors acting (apart from x23)
pretty much ruined an otherwise great film
>dem terminator 2 vibes when logan first fights himself
i was hyped, then massively disappointed
Where are all the dafneposters?
*chirp chirp*
Uh we're talking about Black and White here, guy, and how aesthetic is looks and how it matches the tone of the film.
the whole movie is a pleb filter. all you plebs think it's """"kino"""
>talking bollocks because you're technologically inept
It was a piece of shit and the rating drops from 8/10 to 5/10 because of it though
cant they just give them glasses that filter out all the color
>woah it has no colours!
>hmmm the goyim know this was another overrated capeshit with an unwatchable third act and a lot of plot holes
>well tell the shills to astroturf it and we'll release it with a filter
>it's about the FEELING
Making the film black and white literally only detracts from it. Just because it has some Western vibes doesn't mean it needs to be in black and white.
>Le black and white film meme
This needs to stop, no it doesn't add anything to the experience apart from hiding cheap effects.
No it's a new marketing meme to get retards to pay for a movie twice.
Fuck off.