ITT: Actors that you look like
Ill start
ITT: Actors that you look like
Ill start
I have a friend who looks like his twin. That ain't you is it JP? kek
When I'm wearing shades I look like David Beckham. When I'm not, apparently I look like Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys.
My friends say I look exactly like him
Me too, actually. I definitely dress like him.
I was tempted to post a picture but I know I'd get doxxed lel
Dunno, who the f*ck do i look like?
Mall cop
hi Don Cheadle
People have said I look like Adam Baldwin. Some have said Dane Cook, but fuck those people.
Do you realise if you wasn't a fat fuck you'd legit be a handsome dude?
Get lifting, bro. Lose that lard ass.
Post tits
Like a marshmallow with a mustache
The white trash offspring of Jimmy Kimmel and Tobey Maguire.
Post your real pics too please...for comparison
50 pounds ago. I think it's time I hit /fit/.
Fuck that I'm scared.
I was handsome...once...
Still are dude, just covered in a layer of McD's and KFC.
Just get a fucking room and suck that bear dick already bro.
You wanna watch?
People as ugly as me don't get cast.
Ever watch British tv?
I dont even eat trash food tb h, i drink a lot tho
pleaz help me
The fat guy from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Watch some and you'll find your look a like.
oh Gilly
I'm not British ugly, I'm just fat and unshaven and stuck with serial killer glasses because my normal onmes broke and I can't afford a new pair.
>Yeah, drop the MOAB Mike.
You look like John Candy, guy was such a legend
show ur tits or gtfo
im a girl, you retard?
Ive been told once on here I look like Paul Dano, but blond and with a stronger jaw. Does that sound like anyone else or is Dano the closest I can get? Doesnt feel right.
you know you could have posted any asian actor right?
Did you just assume your gender?
Post pic and we tell you, qt3.14
hmm.. samefag
I'm not even sure people samefag anymore dude. Are you new? I remember I used to think everyone was samefagging when I was new. I think it's a distrust thing
The hairline being the only similarity
For me it's the Joker. I'm intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.
>posting baby pics on Sup Forums
Have anything closer?
>The Skeleton Man !MAxPETUTTk
Yeah gonna need evidence.
I go bed now. You don't look like Paul Dano. More like Ed Sheeran
Well phuck. Just saying what I was told before. I didnt think so either.
Are you a legit fag? And where do you live that you're going to bed now?
Is that a negative wow? I honestly cant tell.
People used o say I looked like Jack o connell and rdj. Nowadays I don't speak to people and have spiraled into shit and I'd say I look like Jack blacks bloated corpse.
was recently told by a random stranger i look like her. i don't think see any resemblance.
not op but we might know the same jp
whatever man ur buttugy u fat shit stop posting and take a run
Post more pics and Ill let you know.
kek, you London senpai?
I am consistently told in public that I look like either Elijah Wood or Daniel Radcliffe.
Hmm. Feels parlous. Need an answer first.
will you ever learn?
I apparently look like these people albeit twinkier
Style yourself like Radcliffe. Go to a nightclub. Speak with a british accent. Find the hottest and most drunk girl, who can still talk. Initiate conversation and just tell you are working on an acting career, if she doesn't yet recognize you as Radcliffe. Then when she asks what movies youve been in, tell her "Just Harry Potter, mostly. But I've been working on this film where we fuck, mostly, and I'd like to have you star in on it. Let's go."
I'll probably try this, better start working on the accent.
I've been told i look like BJ Novak and Downs Syndrome Ryan Gosling.
You want proofs? Ok here's my
I dont know about the others but this is me, just took the pic.
>be fat
>don't match with celebs
The redpill is that until you're thin you will match with nobody of interest because you're too ugly.
Not an actor but i kinda look like a fatter gerard way
Bit of an old pic when I drank more and didn't have a job. I'm doing better these days.
And I guarantee I'm more handsome than you, bully.
Im a 2m version of Stephen Merchant
I remember you from a thread like this one last spring. Someone told you to get a Hitler youth cut. Probably would work. Do it.
People always come up to me and tell me I look like him but eh
You look like a 12 year old dutch girl?
>dutch women have beards
You've OBVIOUSLY never been to Dutchland
In the time it took you to respond, you could have flown there and back to make sure.
my friend keeps saying i look like a male version of emilia clarke.
i dont really see it, although im gay so maybe i dont recognize female beauty lulz.
Sorry. I was living life. Well away from those nasty bearded dutch hoes.
>tfw a guy said you looked like the goose
>tfw a women and her daughter said you look like adrien brody
>tfw these actors look nothing alike
Pretty much this.
Only younger