this show took a major down turn with allison hannigan, she fucking stumbles over reading the lines and takes forever, its literally cringy each time she throws to or comes back from a commercial break, also she comes off as fake as hell in her sincerity after a magician either wins or not
This show took a major down turn with allison hannigan, she fucking stumbles over reading the lines and takes forever...
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what did teller mean by this?
>Kid's got Moxie
What did Penn mean by this?
Is this a another three stooges remake?
does she have enough promise to star in her own las vegas show?
I rather disliked Jonathan Ross in the earlier seasons but never imagined it could be this bad.
She did improve over the course of the last season, though. Maybe she'll reach Jonathan Ross tier eventually
i feel like its really hard to truly see the magic taking place in full speed. so lets watch it again this time slowed down
ross was great, energetic and always seemed like he was enthusiastic and wanted to be there
fucking allyson, first off is old af now and ugly an fat
her face legit makes ME feel bad each time it goes close up
but any time she tries to improv on anything its the same "act disinterested"
the bantz taht Jonathan had were top notch, the show FELT like an off-shoot of bullshit an other stuff with the non-PC Ross' humor and jokes and phrases he would say with the contestants
Listen, I'm not a fan of Alyson Hannigan in this role, but personally I never found Jonathan Ross funny in the same role, ever.
I wish Mac King were the host.
I think its the format of the show not the host thats the problem.
Its just one big cocktease with noone ever explaining how things are done.
99% of women are boring and dumb and the only reason to be around them is to get dick-in-pussy action.
nigger penn literally said in their recent google interview that the hints he drops are keywords that you can use to find the trick online and figure it out for yourself
they dont ruin the peoples (probably) best tricks of their routines to not ruin their schticks
but penn an teller themselves have shown people how they do their tricks all their life
but shes literally not that at all, shes like fucking 40+ and ulgy af
i mean look at her face
fucking jonathan was like almost 50 or something and looked tip top
Does she have autism?
Mac King hosting would be based.
>she fucking stumbles over reading the lines and takes forever, its literally cringy each time she throws to or comes back from a commercial break, also she comes off as fake as hell in her sincerity after a magician either wins or not
True, but she looks sexy as fuck in that blue dress
he probably meant that
he has perfect taste
shes got something, alright
do you think she can make things appear while using her hands?
Has Alyson Hannigan literally ever been good?
she was kinda fappable in that apple movie, the first one
but when she kept that same character in buffy it was pretty dumb
SMG and Dushku (specifically) were SAF tho
I almost saw this show at the Rio in Las Vegas couple months ago
Ahhh does anyone else love Las Vegas???
Vegas I love Vegas.
It's alright, better and cheaper than Southern California. I'd try other parts of the country but I still wanna be close to LA because that's where family is.
Alyson Hannigan makes my dick rock hard, though.
Wait, have you even seen Fool Us season 3 or is this based on Buffy?
She can certainly make them arrive. She's got the "magic fingers" for sure.
t. boring and dumb manchild
do you think she has a great little monologue she recites while working on making it appear?
Nothing says host like a man with a speech impediment
better than a lady at her best