>Two shows are on Netflix that I don't like >I disagree with these shows politically and they really piss me off >Cancelled Netflix because I can't calm down and watch a different show I like instead of the ones I hate.
HaHaHaHaHaHa! The new Bill Nye show still sucked though.
Mason Miller
I cancelled my netflix a long time ago. Glad I did.
Daniel Perry
Netflix conveniently gets rid of their star ratings
Julian Hughes
>paying for netflicks >2017
Ayden Evans
the next day on swaglord's blog: "How This Brave 4channer Stood up to Netflix's White Genocide"
Dylan Sanchez
whats the matter. dont you want to fund saving the world?
Carson Stewart
>paying for flicks Was it autism?
John Clark
Netflix went full jewlord sometime ago with Sense8, but this latest batch goes above an beyond what I thought would actually become mainstream.
Liam Gonzalez
>Two shows user, it's gonna be more then just 2 shows and (they) will continue making this trash if you continue supporting them.
James Lewis
Pretty funny how their most popular show this year was Iron Fist.
Owen Cook
for real?
Parker Bailey
Careful, you might strain your finger with that powerful statement.
Michael Hughes
As long as they're making Scorcese movies, I'll keep supporting them.
Jordan Brown
And they've got The Punisher and David Michod's war movie coming out soon.
Jace Morris
Yeah. Netflix deleted their ratings system because of Amy Schumer's show.
Oliver Brooks
I used to have a Netflix account, but I canceled it when I couldn't access the American version with a VPN anymore.
Judging from the garbage they produce, I'm really glad I did so.
Cameron King
Schumer BTFO
Justin Wright
This is the problem with the Netflix system.
If you have an account, you're still PAYING for all the bad shows that they greenlit.
If they had a voting system where certain demographics voted on greenlighting shows that interested then on a point system these shows would never have been approved for funding.
Landon Gonzalez
Landon Parker
Why do you care if people choose to support Netflix or not?
Easton Brooks
They do have that though, you dumbass. It's called actually viewing it. They track everything. What you watch, how much of it you actually watched etc.. They're not going to green light another season for a show nobody watched or was negatively received.
Josiah Bell
>They do have that though, you dumbass. >It's called actually viewing it.
"Hey guys, instead of asking you beforehand, we already used the money you gave us for a shitty product you would have clearly rejected if you had a legitimate choice in the matter. So watch it and let us know what you think"
Netflix is like Geekbox.
Gavin Perry
Why are contrarian redditors so God damn stupid?
Ethan Mitchell
Why would they blame a fringe group in the ass end of the internet? Surely the ratings would have been influenced by thousands of people of all kind.
Camden Campbell
So it's easier to dismiss.
Thomas Garcia
there's youtube critics who have debunked this and said the whole blame game was a stupid publicity stunt to turn around the tanked ratings into a positive.
Brody Nelson
They were looking for an excuse to change the ratings system. The ratings were made all by people with Netflix accounts, paying customers of the service. They weren't random trolls like it happens with the votes in youtube.
Netflix wants to be the one to determine the ratings of their shows and not their customers. Judging from the garbage they produce, you can easily understand why.
Tyler Lopez
Netflix literally begging Sup Forums anons to come back and stop shit talking their company. How JUST can a company get
Jayden Morales
the next day on Soros's blog: "How This Brave Kid's Show Presenter Stood up to Institutionalized Homophobia"
Sebastian Allen
You don't have to meme, it's a reality.
Bentley Russell
Adam Ward
>subscribing to netflix >being a noveltycuck >not rewatching french educational tc from the 90s by the rulers of the world pathetic
Hunter Green
Thumbs up/down work just as well. The star ratings didn't work like most people thought they did. They were a predictor of how Netflix thought you would rate the show, not an average of how other people rated it.
Nolan Hall
does anyone actually watch all these netflix originals they're making now?
The only one I've ever watched is Stranger Things. All the others just look like generic tv trash that I have no interest in. And there's fucking tons of them
Andrew Moore
WTF happened to Netflix this year? They used to have some really great stuff in the past.
Has all the show business gone bananas because of the elections?
Anthony Thompson
New season of Black Mirror is pretty great.
Juan Lopez
yes, they believe in the polls that said brexit was a sure win, hillary would win 98%, and patriots had a less than 1% chance
however, nobody who conducted said statistics drove outside their state 10 miles
Isaac Jones
I forgot about Black Mirror. I have watched a few of those
I started watching the new season cause someone told me it was about the darker side of technology which is something I really like. I enjoyed it but I realized I was on the third season so I went to the first season and the first episode is about a guy fucking a pig wtf
Christopher Robinson
Their audience is almost as 100% overlap with redditors/network TV viewers and cable comedy "news" shows.
They are giving their audience what it wants, and what it wants is to feel white guilt and talk about identity politics aka women and beta males.
Brody Cooper
It's a show literally made for millennials who grew up on Bill Nye and intrinsically trust him as an authority figure.
Luke Sanders
yeah why give money to the dumbest worst shit I've seen in a while
Anthony Reed
Whenever some little piss snowflake uses 'then' for 'than' I just ignore whatever whiny point their bitch asses are trying to make.
Jeremiah King
Haha, Neflix got a turbo dyke and a has-been not even the March for Science wanted while Amazon got Top Gear!