>Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to Tolkien, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. Lord of the Rings had a very medieval philosophy: that if the king was a good man, the land would prosper. We look at real history and it’s not that simple. Tolkien can say that Aragorn became king and reigned for a hundred years, and he was wise and good. But Tolkien doesn’t ask the question: What was Aragorn’s tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of flood and famine? And what about all these orcs? By the end of the war, Sauron is gone but all of the orcs aren’t gone – they’re in the mountains. Did Aragorn pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby orcs, in their little orc cradles?
Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to Tolkien, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with...
Other urls found in this thread:
>It's a lazy slob tries to critique an oxford professor/WWI veteran Episode
based george putting tolkienfags in their place
This is coming from the guy who had the Hound win a huge fortune in a tournament in the first book. We're talking such a huge fortune that it's larger than the wealth and combined assets of most lords. What did he do with it?
>By the end of the war, Sauron is gone but all of the orcs aren’t gone – they’re in the mountains. Did Aragorn pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby orcs, in their little orc cradles?
This was actually answered in The Hobbit. Yes, the orcs were all killed eventually. Every last one of them.
>Its a writer got insanely wealthy and popular thanks to a television adaption and now is too gun-shy to finish his own series, episode.
how Hobbit could answer what happened to orcs after its sequel?
>This is coming from the guy who had the Hound win a huge fortune in a tournament in the first book. We're talking such a huge fortune that it's larger than the wealth and combined assets of most lords. What did he do with it?
He drank, whored, and gambled it away? That shouldn't really be possible, right?
He must have put it in the bank or whatever is the equivalent and then abandoned it when he deserted.
its called fantasy for a reason GRRM.
if I wanted gritty violence sexual situations and gender politics Id watch an HBO mini series. oh wa
is george, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
In the bit about Beorn in the conclusion, it's said that the goblins in the mountains were finally eliminated by his descendants.
>coming from a guy who literally wrote that a Lannisters are wealthy because they own gold mines
GRRM gets too much hate. He only deserves hate for not finishing the books before he dies-oops, spoiler!
>Did Faramir ever fuck his sister? Did anyone ever blow up a church with green goo? Did each family have a cool catchphrase like "hear me roar?" Tolkien never answers these questions.
Women are a meme.
>grrms policy on tax in asoiaf
>lol im gonna tax whores
>call it dwarf penny
>i did it guys
Fucking hack writer.
Yeah Gurm
anorexia is a real problem in today's society
ah, thanks. but it could also mean that they were driven out and just fucked off north. Tolkien wrote wars in lotr in more tribal, medieval way, when beaten people would just leave land and go elsewere, concept of destroying the population is quite modern and would be anachronistic.. thats another wy in which GRRM fuck up btw, he just writes modern and postmodern concepts into feudal society, Tolkien knew better
>hurr he's a nice guy, be attracted to him
you just posted this in the tax meme thread
how mad are you at the fat man?
This hypocrite lardass never explores the complexities of ruling either though. Everything is just explained away (le Iron Bank will fund everything, Casterly Rock is also a goldmine, winter lasts for literally YEARS but I guess peasants manage to form these vast food stores to survive, Dany is le chosimba one, dragons did it, etc etc).
finishing a book is hard eating buffalo wing is easy
It's funny because Gilly likes him.
Actually, I just copy pasted it from there.
Seriously though, what is Daenerys' tax policy?
Perhaps she could get away with raiding random slaver villages to keep the treasury filled but if she plans to take the Iron Throne, where all the nations have a structurally rigid governmental system, that charade won't work.
If I was a citizen of Westeros and knew of this woman wanting to claim the throne I'd be really concerned with how she plans to keep the infrastructure stable.
>She was sopping wet when he entered her. “Damn you,” she said. “Damn you damn you damn you.” He sucked her nipples till she cried out half in pain and half in pleasure. Her cunt became the world.
>And suddenly his cock was out, jutting upward from his breeches like a fat pink mast.
>The ship groaned and growled beneath him like a constipated fat man straining to shit.
>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water.
>The three men were erect. The sight of their arousal was arousing
I'm getting the sense that Sam is his self-insert into the books. Must be tough knowing women would rather fuck a hideous monster than an idealized version of yourself.
>Did Aragorn pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby orcs, in their little orc cradles?
The Dwarves already tried this after Thrors death and it didn't work out. Orcs don't need Sauron to rule them and they'll continue to hide all through the misty mountains
>Her cunt became the world.
The ignorance of basic narrative structure is astounding. The Lord of the Rings is not a book about the reign of King Aragorn, so of course it doesn't go into detail of his reign. The sheer arrogance meanwhile to say not simply that Tolkien merely didn't ANSWER those questions, which is true, but to assert that this was because Tolkien was too dumb to ASK them is breathtaking.
Meanwhile on the other hand, the rule of the Seven Kingdoms is vitally important to Martin's works, with the central character of books 1, 2 and 4 all also being the person in de facto charge of running them, and yet the lack of detail devoted to such matters (in comparison to his ability to describe the details of a meal or a cringey sex scene) is startling,
Sandor is tall.
What part of Height>Face>Frame don't you understand?
I'm pretty sure she's going to enforce democracy or some shit in the show
This is a reasonable question
what's the problem
>the sight of their arousal was arousing
buttblasted lotrfags
Tolkien had better things to do, like work out how each civilizations calenders worked and as well as the syntax of the different languages
I bet George would be the kind of guy to critique Aesop's fables because rabbits and tortoises have no concept of friendly competition
they are not, what isn't answered in appendices can be deduced from how feudal societies used to work
yeah they would only have violent competition involving mass genocide and gang rape
Does Grrm consider his penis a tiny pink mast?
>Fucking Tolkien didn't even explain Aragorn's tax policy what a hack!
>How do the Lannisters have so much money LOL they have 5000 year old gold mines
it's pretty reasonable to ask what happened to the orcs in LOTR. They were the main antagonistic force throughout.
And fuck off with "it's in the appendix". basically like saying SW plotholes are "Explained in the EU"
>This is coming from the guy who had the Hound win a huge fortune in a tournament in the first book.
Not just the Hound, but Anguy the Archer won _10,000 gold pieces_ at the Hand's Tournament and it's somehow all gone.
>And fuck off with "it's in the appendix"
No, it's explained in the main text. They all fucked off to the mountains and various dark places they like to live in when a guy like Sauron isn't organizing them and forcing them to fight for him. But I suppose the only thing harder than ruling is actually reading.
iirc the orcs were naturally cowardly and without Sauron around they just stayed away from humans
OP didn't post it for the sake of baiting as many people as possible, but Tolkein quite literally did address all of these questions in an interview, explaining how each of them crossed his mind and why he decided against expanding on the post-LOTR middle earth politics. He proposes an attempted assassination of Aragorn and the political fall out from replacing the regents for example. He realized that to write those things would be pointless and hackish.
The value of the currency is impossible to understand
Possible autism, but whenever I read a either a fantasy or historical book I like having some understanding of how valuable a currency is.Its clear he has no fucking idea, and the rates change constantly though out the books.
Fuck you, Dirty Santa!
Tolkien finished his books before he cashed in.
Get back to work while you can still salvage something worth being remembered for.
but those are not plotholes. those things are not important to the story, thats why they werent included. but Tolkien was kind enough to write appendices for the autists who would wonder about that anyways, and since he wrote them himself it is not comparable to SWEU which was made by different autors
>The midpoint of the race found the hare squatting in the grass, groaning. Every rabbit stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the tortoise caught up, the hare was shitting brown water. The more he drank, the more he shat, but the more he shat, the thirstier he grew, and his thirst sent him hopping to the stream to suck up more water. It was now that the tortoise overtook the hare, shell groaning with exertion like a fat, constipated hare straining to shit. As the turtle approached the finished line, he became excited. And suddenly his cock was out, jutting upward from his shell like a fat green mast. And so too did the other animals watching on become erect, and the sight of their arousal was arousing.
I've got a feeling that the concept of the Iron Throne is going to be abolished and the 7 kingdoms will be restored, and Dany is going to just end up ruling the Eastern continent.
Dany will go full Mad King and all the fans will piss themselves at this ebin subversion, screencap this
They went to the middle east and became muslims
>Wahh why is your work of fiction so unrealistic
I think the Iron Throne will remain but the survivors will form a Magna Carta that Jon Snow will be restrained by
Yeah, god forbid a story tries to portray characters that encompass abstract ideals and act in a fantastical manner, what really matters is drilling into the absurd implausibilities and minutia of this fantasy world with dragons and green-skinned monster men
Post-modernism is all about destroying ideals
Why do people pretend Game of Thrones is realistic? The scale of everything is insane, the nonsense of everyone speaking the same language, the mess of cliches about the Middle Ages, etc. At least with LOTR people recongize fiction and you don't have annoying idiots talking about "watch this to see how things were REALLY like in history!"
inb4 someone responds to this post by saying "w-w-w-well it has dragons so it's not supposed to be realistic" ignoring the direct quotes from the writers of the show and the book author bragging about realism
"Because there's no such thing as good and evil and everything is shades of grey, just like real life!"
I wonder what Tolkien would say about the two chapters devoted to George's mary sue violently shitting herself?
Wasn't LotR intentionally written to be something more like a fable? Like the greek epics and that sort of thing? I remember hearing the Tolkein wanted to write his own British legends using the tales of ancient British cultures.
He was Robbed.
It was very anglo-saxon in the way it was made.
Tolkien was a bit jealous of the rich fables found in mainland Europe and decided to make something for Britain.
Ours was probably lost in the upheavel caused by the world's first industrial revolution.
I feel a bit bad for him because it's obvious he intended it to be something more than what modern society has done with the series.
>than an idealized version of yourself.
he's a chickenshit little coward who is LITERALLY raising another man's child
GRRM isn't a great writer, but I don't think you can accuse him of idealizing his self insert character.
>Did anyone ever blow up a church with green goo?
>but it could also mean that they were driven out and just fucked off north
and then what? men built cozy little villages in their evil Mordor volcano lair?
>>How do the Lannisters have so much money LOL they have 5000 year old gold mines
and...yknow, run a thriving port city
>but those are not plotholes
nobody fucking said they were, retard
They're just questions that the books left us with. Can we seriously not discuss them without you throwing a spergy little fit?
what did he intend it to be?
>there's only one bank in the entire world and it's in another country across and sea filled with pirates
>food can somehow stay fresh over the 10 year winters with no refrigeration
>messenger ravens are used extensively even when it would be more efficient and reliable to use an actual messenger
>two busiest ports other that the capital are on the other side of the country where there is no one to trade with
>islands with no trees somehow became a Viking raiding society
>imaginative names like "the North" and "the Riverlands" for entire countries
Bravo gurm
>with no refrigeration
gosh, its almost like these 10 year winters are cold
I doubt they're keeping their food outside in the snow you retard
Just a minor correction.
The Iron Islands used to have trees centuries ago, but one of their retarded kings cut them all down to build a huge fleet.
Somehow they were that fucking dumb.
Tolkien wrote LoTR based on lore from ancient Scandinavia mixed with anglo legends and christianity in order to make a mythology.
LoTR itself is based on his ideals of the class-based english countryside being superior to industry, and his own personal horror of industry causing war(Sauron is a smith god corrupted and set to violence)
why do you doubt that?
A silo surrounded by snow is just as cold as any refrigerator
>but one of their retarded kings cut them all down to build a huge fleet.
TBF that's happened with certain polynesian islands and such.
>Her cunt became the world.
Where is the audio book version of this read by Gilbert Gottfried?
dumb burger. Silos are a modern thing. In medieval times food was kept in cellars and granaries which were insulated from outside cold.
But not only is that shit boring and meaningless, it requires a far more talented writer to express.
What the fuck is this fat hack thinking?
Well to be fair it allowed them to conquer the mainland and whatnot. It's just when the Andals came and kicked their dumb vikang asses, they got put back on their viKANG islands with no trees or resources. Their own little containment shit kanglands
Yeah but weren't they migrating to other islands?
That's if we're thinking about the same thing.
>No trees
So is there a soli erosion problem? what about salinity? What are the environmental considerations of chopping all your trees down?
>hurr how are they refrigerating their food during the winter?
I'm not even going to address how retarded this is
>Yeah but weren't they migrating to other islands?
IIRC the Moai essentially waged war on each other and ate all the food and died out because of that. Even still, I could see a really dumb leader doing that shit.
Well the words of their ruling family are, "We do not Sow", glorifying the fact that they fucked up nearly all of their potential farmland, what little of it there was.
Well she only has her drunken, abusive, unabashedly incestuous father to compare him to. But I guess in real life a woman would still prefer the former. :^)
Refrigeration and ice harvesting wasn't a thing until the 17th century and even the best modern refrigerator wouldn't keep food fresh for 10 fucking years.
there were no 10 years winters
If you're going to try and score intellectual points by pointing out plotholes, you could at least read the books.
Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to Lucas, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. Star Wars had a very medieval philosophy: that if the chancellor was a good man, the galaxy would prosper. We look at real history and it’s not that simple. Lucas can say that Leia became chancellor and reigned for a hundred years, and she was wise and good. But Lucas doesn’t ask the question: What was Leia’s tax policy? Did she maintain a clone army? What did she do in times of blockade and space-famine? And what about all these Stormtroopers? By the end of the war, Palpatine is gone but all of the troopers aren’t gone – they’re across the galaxy. Did Leia pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby troopers, in their little space cradles?
Why is GRRM so autistic?
You're right, a generation is longer than 10 years
Nah this actually got addressed, the guy himself says he basically had threesomes for a month straight till it was all gone.
2nd fucking paragraph
>according to Westerosi legend
The long night is meant to be a fantastical fantastical myth
Are you actually autistic?
GRRM tries too hard to be an edgelord
Go to season and climate if you want to get autistic about it. Most are 5 years which is still far too long. Did you even watch the show? The whole point is that they have long winters and that the current one is going to be the longest yet.
do you honestly disagree with this?
What about Cersei's lesbian scene where she imagines the woman's cunt to be a Myrish Swamp?