So what are you eating tonight, Sup Forums?
So what are you eating tonight, Sup Forums?
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This has nothing to do with Sup Forums - Television & Film, /ck/ reject from /vg/
I see this chart was made by a mega pleb.
I see this post was made by a mega retard.
Retard that has actual taste.
Nothing, I already had dinner at the appropriate hour.
How the fuck is Quizno's better than subway? It's the same fucking shit.
Better quality ingredients, especially the vegetables. Subways tomatoes are pretty much taste free plastic
>eating vegetables on your sub
>tfw spent all money on drugs and none left for food
Cut the drugs, sell them at a profit and use the monies to buy more drugs AND food
Qdoba, and a pint of Wild Turkey.
popping down to the local burger joint and grabbing a m-rare
>five guys that high up
>churches, whataburger, and popeyes in mid tier
>no mention of raising canes
What kino should I watch while I eat this?
A Reese's Nutrageous bar.
Gonna pop these in for a minute.
What should I setup in the meantime?
Kino should only be paired with home-cooked meals. "Food" from a takeout place should be paired with a flick.
I'd recommend the Italian Job remake.
>Microwavable grilled cheese
The only acceptable choice would be Remember the Titans. Don't forget to finish your one-paragraph essay during the halftime scene.
what the actual fuck, it takes 5 minutes to make grilled cheese
Rocky IV
Bread Sandwich
Me? I prep all my meals myself.
>grilled cheese in a box
Burn, you fucking heretic
Sup Forums is a Brit-free zone. Fuck off back to your shithole island.
Smart city people don't have room for a stove in their spacious apartments
why are sit down restaurants where burgers cost $10 and take 8 minutes to make in the same chart as McDonald's?
if I'm not eating within 60 seconds of ordering without leaving my car then it isn't fast food
Tendies of course
Jack is that you?
where is the onion volcano
I still have 2 slices left, gonna reheat them now
>no Freddy's
Fucking LMAO
About to order 2 large pizzas, my friend. I looked in the mirror and notice I have a fuckload of zits on my face as if I am 15 again... yet here I am about to order fast food to distract me from my shitty existence.
ok this triggers me
In all seriousness, spinach and black bean quesadillas made with homemade tortillas.
I had a 14-hour day at work and felt like shit. I had some beans I made in the freezer and some tortilla dough in the fridge. It wasn't hard to put everything together.
I washed it down with some Ardberg 10 year.
>here I am about to order fast food to distract me from my shitty existence
Don't forget to drink up too
Made this meal before watching Cast Away.
wtf is this
Pepperoni Pizza: the god of all foods
Am I the only one who eats the base first and then eats the cheese, pepperoni topping separetly?
Hi people I'm back cookin again!
dont do that to yourself
Nigga I take 10 shots before the delivery boy gets here just to deal with how human he looks compared to me. Also I don't tip and sometimes they scowl at me for that. The booze helps.
>Pepperoni Pizza: the god of all foods
You misspelled Hawaiian.
>no chili
Gonna head over to the Surly King's and get some eggkino.
who /tortaahogada/ here
Bagel sandwich with a microwaved egg.
what else are essential Jack kino?
>pineapple on your pizza
>looks like someone puked on a tortilla
I'm getting the shits just watching that, but goddamn I want some
>eating a pie with no top crust and calling it a pizza
What are you doing, fruit belongs in pies, not pizza.
legit would be good if prepared more properly
>No sea bass
Holy shit what the fuck is that garbage?
>Five Guys
>God tier
Sup reddit
This is an 18+ website kid
Is, is that pale shit next to the ketchup butter?
Looks like squeeze bottle mayo