Up now in The Soup
Up now in The Soup
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I miss The Soup =(
Utmost comfy
me too
is joel mchale even alive?
did all the writers kill themselves after trump won?
Some beautiful soul has been uploading old episodes of the soup on youtube and i've been enjoying them
>tfw mankini
SuperDimson is based
I hope these stay up forever
its so weird watching shows where its the first time they mention the kardashians before it really blew up
Exactly like I remember when the Kardashians were on the Soup like every week because they were always the butt of the joke
Anybody read Joel Mchales book?
It's actually really fucking good.
Do we know what the voiceover chick looks like?
I always wondered that. Now I know. And knowing is half the battle. The other half is google.
this was the best show - perhaps the only good show - ever to air on E
why the fuck did they cancel it?
I don't know why but I always pictured her blonde
I don't know for sure but I feel joel mchale wanted to do other things and not be tied to a show every week. You could tell near the end it was conflicting with things
I loved the show but slowly realized the Joel Mchale isn't really parodying a douche, but kinda is one.
>takes funny moments of reality shows meant for women and a decently funny man you can relate to presents them to you.
What a great idea for a show. Made me okay with watching reality show clips.
You should watch his performance at the VGX Awards. He's an asshole, but he's the right kind of asshole. The smile doesn't hurt either.
It made watching Bad Girls Club with my wife, who was my girlfriend at the time all the more better. I really miss it and wish McHale didn't go the sitcom route.
it was so comfy
At least we have Tosh r-right guys?
Tosh was actually ok for the first three seasons.
Tosh is okay but I always feel like I've wasted time by watching it.
underage leave my thread NOW
I'm 35 years old.
Even though I watched it every week I'm glad it's dead.
>not wild on
there's no way you're over 20
That's even worse.
At least if you were underage it would be more understandable.
I bet you post on Sup Forums as well.
There was no point in compiling clips with youtube at its peak. Also, McHale was moving on to better things and a replacement would probably have been a snarky liberal gay jew.
>googled this
>it's video game shit
You have to go back.
>Sup Forums is better than Sup Forums poster
Sup Forums is absolute dogshit, but Sup Forums is absoluter dogshit.
Yeah there's no way The Soup could work anymore. It's a late 00s time capsule.
>I watch The Soup but I'm too good to watch 10 mins of video games.
He's pretty unabashedly Christian, I wouldn't be shocked if he was a non-liberal.
Sup Forums is pretty bad, but Sup Forums is literally the worst board
at least /trash/ and /s4s/ know they're trash
Sup Forums posters genuinely believe they're not embarrassing or obvious when they're crossposting
wild on was shit tier tease material
>watching that shit instead of skinemax
>Sup Forums is pretty bad, but Sup Forums is literally the worst board
Opposite of true. Sup Forums is all teenage meme posters. Sup Forums at least tries to talk about video games, albeit badly. Very badly.
>implying Sup Forums posters don't stick out like a sore thumb everywhere else.
started in '91 - ended in '15
>late 00s
>Joel is 45 years old.
Who cares? Stop shitting up this comfy thread.
>Sup Forums was ever good
>Sup Forums is all teenage meme posters.
so is Sup Forums
at least Sup Forums's shit memes take off at times
what has Sup Forums done recently?
other than shit up the site even more thanks to memegate?
Sup Forums was ok until like 2012
I agree with you, but I want to point out that HE FUCKING STARTED THE BOARD WARS BULLSHIT GODDAMN. He was just too wrong to not reply to.
>Sup Forums was ok until like 2012
T. 2011 poster. They always say this.
>X board was good until the year after I arrived.
Anyone else remember when it was Talk Soup? With Jim Hensen, then that queer guy, then that black chick from Friends.
go sperg back in your console war threads, Sup Forumsedditor
nice projection, very Sup Forums you
Talk soup isn't same as the soup. If you just looked it up to get a start date(which you did), you should know this.
it was originally Greg Kinnear
Remember when they first brought Talk Soup back and it was called "The What The? Awards" before they changed it to The Soup?
Or is no one else autistic enough to remember that?
Let's talk about chicks, man.
>Chicks, man
yeah - they were exactly the same thing idiot
>let's have some chat stew
I unironically masturbated to that moan once.
I unironically masturbated to Joel McHale and his sexy beard dozens of times.
So meaty
that one guy: YEAAAHH
I honestly stopped watching The Soup after that faggot from that Community tv show replaced the old school original host.
Greg Kinnear (1991-1995)
John Henson (1995-1999)
Hal Sparks (1999-2000)
Aisha Tyler (2001-2002)
Joel McHale (2004-2015)
McHale was easily the best host, then Kinnear, then meh
how much was this like the mchale era soup?
I have no idea, did they do reality show clips?
More from talk shows, hence the name and subsequent change. Reality wasn't really a huge thing then.
This seems like wishful thinking on your part.
its always been a clip show son
wasnt much reality tv when in the early 90s
used to focus a lot more on talk shows like Jerry Springer, and news clips and soap operas
>tfw im basically an ugly joel mchale
feels bad man
>Coming up next on The Soup, Joel makes fun of clips from shows on this very network, that we give Joel to make fun of, in order to boost the ratings and name recognition of our other shows.
I'm too cynical to enjoy this show now.
You look like Frank West/Dan Akroyd?
>making fun of shows = an endorsement
Watching those stupid clips from the kardashian never made me want to watch one of the episodes
The Soup was a male orientated show on a female oriented network. It's a smart move. I doubt many males tuned in for Kardashians after watching the Soup.
except that the kardashians was the biggest show on E by a mile
and it was also the trashiest most retarded shit on television, making it perfect for the Soup
i also remember some clips of E "News" which was god awful
The Soup was the only redeemable programming on the channel
But you became more aware of the show, and that's what they wanted. Why else do you think E! allowed the show to run that long when the thing it was know for was trashing the other shows on the network. It was controlled opposition.
damn before joel mchale actually does look a lot like me. I should just fix my hairline and id be set
From Paul Scheer to Kevin Bacon
>trashiest most retarded shit on television
There were PLENTY of shows trashier than Kardashians on television. Jersey Shore, Real Housewives of X, Flava Flave's show, Brett Michael's show, etc.
post pic
It's literally not. E made them change the name to the soup for brand recognition. Different producers even. Sorry kid, it's really not that complicated.
Oh, and don't respond to me. You just got blown the fuck out.
>post a pic of me on Sup Forums
Nah that's not quite it
I appreciated how they always stopped the video at the funniest frame