What were his final thoughts ?

What were his final thoughts ?

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I will miss my children.


"They're gonna make a fortune out of this place."

*farts loudly*

>I think I left the oven stove on...

>I won't be able to shut John down

His character was actually more likeable than Jeff Goldblum's character, and got funnier lines. Yet the movie obviously expected us to sympathize with Jeff's character and root for him while laughing at the sleazy lawyer for getting killed

The book was quite different.
(((Spielberg))) identified strongly with the greedy businessmen and the sarcastic quipper so he let them live.
The Great White Hunter and Mr. SHUT IT DOWN had to die though.

auto erotica??

Just imagine... this guy never thought that morning when he woke up that he was going to die that night. That he was going to end up in the mouth of a creature that has been dead for 65 million years.

Fucking brutal

>At least I will be remembered by autists in a "'bad guy's' that did nothing wrong" thread on a Chinese cartoon board

Coulda just said stove

do you think he died before being swallowed? Imagine still being conscious as you get pushed through it's sarcophagus and slowly dissolved in the stomach. One of my biggest fears.

his tax policy

I could have but chose not to.

...such a bad script


>I can't wait to make a braaaap post on Sup Forums about this

"With all the money funneled into this park, all the time spent, all the technology; you'd think they'd build the restroom out of more than just sticks and mud."

>I should have molested those two kids. I could have gotten away with it by being dead.

A T-Rex tooth is long and sharp as a hunting knife

Dozens of those in a human body make it bleed to death in seconds, he was dead even befor being swallowed

>Imagine still being conscious as you get pushed through it's sarcophagus and slowly dissolved in the stomach.

This is a fetish.

are you kidding? that's where the contractors get cured - substandard materials on the conveniences, unix for the security system, etc


Aragorn's tax policy

I think the deaths in this movie are way worse.


You would most likely asphyxiate in its stomach before you digested.

>le pedophilia is funny meme

can we get a ban for this asshole?

Back to Neogaf with you mate.

>le touched by my uncle face

Anyone else feel really wierd sitting on a toilet with your pants/underwear still on?
Try it sometime.
Its like as soon as you sit down, your body is ready to relax and take a shit, except in your mind you're like "Wait, no, i'm still wearing pants." so you get this weird feeling in your gut or your ass.

It's even worse when you're in a public bathroom and you have them around your knees because you're paranoid if you drop them all the way to your ankles, someone's going to reach under and run off with your pants.

>Might need some more TP...

you would asphyxiate or suffocate in the stomach first before the acids kicked in anyways.
assuming you didnt die from blood loss from the teeth scratching you.

Zarya from Jurassic world had the much worse death imo

>this is someones fetish

>This shit went south really fast

"Now you're probably wondering how I got myself into this mess"

you should watch The Borderlands

What's the madder, kid?....Never had Lawyerchops?

>Zarya from Jurassic world had the much worse death imo

Kind of sad to think that at the end of the movie when everyone is happy and hugging and riding off into the sunset she is probably still alive, dying a lonely and miserable death in that beasts stomach

The lady in the new Jurassic Park movie had it worse. She got swallowed alive by the monster in the water.

People overreacted so much over that death it's actually fucking ridiculous

>still alive
>after 24hours bathing in that things stomach with her pterodactyl wounds

guess again lol


mainly because it came out of nowhere and she really didnt deserve it

those kids were being little shits and giving her a hard time

she got repaid by one of the most gruesome on scene deaths

>So this is how I die. Being swallowed by a dinosaur in... JURASSIC PARK

>this is just like of my exhentai doujins.. JACKPOT

*begins furiously jacking off inside of the Rex's throat*

Can't she just cut her way through the inside?

"why would you shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?"

it wasn't even called Jurassic park at that point

This thread is making me hard

I have never ever seen this movie before (never cared to, as I found the character of kong boring even as a kid)
Never realized it was so brutally and horrifically violent. Gotta check it out now

She would have drowned of suffocated inside.

>how are Crockett and Tubbs going to get me out of this