inflicting pain on someone is the most enjoyable sensation possible. again and again and again while they beg you to stop. using them until they beg you to stop. breaking their hope and their will. fucking their pussy and asshole until the thin membrane of skin between the two holes tears, creating a giant meathole. fucking them until theyre dead. taking everything they have to give and more, beyond the limits of human suffering. if they catch you, so what, there's nothing left to save. they can put you in jail and throw away the key, but what she gave you, they can't ever take away.
youre a kuck if you want to "fall in love" with any female. you need to try inflicting pain
Jayden Wright
please post more than 2 this time plz
Zachary Brown
Seriously hurting women, emotionally or physically, whatever suits you, is easy. you will see how it feels if you try it. any normie can fuck his fat wife and love her. boring. if you cant inflict pain on women, or you are afraid to, do it to an animal. live feeds off other life. its simply the natural way of things. we are renewed when we take life. we make things suffer to improve our own lot. just admit it to yourself and do it. you will find that we are hardwired to enjoy it.
Adrian Martin
Matthew Sanders
James Moore
Post the one where they drown her in paint please
Nathaniel Gutierrez
Bentley Butler
what the fuck
what is this from?
Oliver Robinson
you're a weird guy user
Liam Russell
underrated post
Christopher Lopez
bookmarking this thread
Jose Foster
muh dick
Ryder Ortiz
>What's your name, kid? >xXxSephiroth420xXx >The fuck kinda name is that kid? You still in middle school?
Luis Richardson
i'm gonna cum more???
Kevin White
The Killer Inside Me
Cameron Hernandez
our lad
Joshua Bell
Liam Sanchez
taking a life must feel so powerful. It's like you are God.
Angel Lee
What do you think would be the best part about raping some dumb, worthless, inferior cunt? I think for me, it would be forcing your fat, dirty cock inside her dry pussy. 99% of the fun in raping some bitch has to be forcing yourself inside her in the first place. After you've subdued her physically and she has stopped screaming and fighting and realized that she's genetically inferior to you and there's nothing she can do to change that, she would quiet down a little and maybe hope that by acting like a pathetic, submissive cunt, she'd manage to manipulate you into pitying her. But of course, you know better than to get played by some inferior fuck hole who's on the same mental and emotional level as a retarded child and you'd keep going despite all her miserable attempts. As you try to push your fat cock inside her pussy and realize that it's dry, she'd probably feel relieved at first, thinking that there's no way you would ever try to go on because you'd probably hurt your dick too if you tried to push it in. But as she notices your determined expression and as you pin her down harder and keep forcing your dick in, uncontrollable screams and sobs would burst out of her throat, as you not only humiliate her, but actually hurt her physically in the most intimate area of her body, but you'd keep going anyway, enjoying her desperate wails and watching all the tears roll down her face, your dick getting harder with each thrust. Eventually, you'd cum inside her and impregnate her and leave her to cry alone, naked and helpless, and forcing her to go to a hospital to confront their staff's judgmental looks and to undergo countless medical procedures as if she were some sort of lab rat. Finally, a doctor would literally dig inside her cunt and remove the baby you planted inside her, traumatizing her permanently and making her emotionally incapable of fulfilling her only genetic purpose and causing her to kill herself when she realizes how worthless she is.
Ethan Jackson
fucking LOVE this pasta kekkek
Brayden Mitchell
*tips mohammed's cock*
Christopher Phillips
Imagine a world without sheboons
Josiah James
>spotted the femen jihadi
Lincoln Watson
We're not the ones fighting for them to come in, women are
Thomas Stewart
Brody Gonzalez
Disregard that, i suck cock. Meant to post this
Joseph Ortiz
Be sure to not forget to censor that vagoo in your snuff films Japan.
Owen Brown
post more like op
Josiah Edwards
dam her pussy is fuckin lit af f a m
Juan Green
>that part where she comes back and you see the burns on her inner thighs dumb fucking nigger lel
Jaxson Ross
Ah....classic Sup Forums
Jose Myers
>drinking water now hurts
Cooper Green
I think once you drink that much it's called drowning. Unless you think being dropped in a river is the chance for a relaxing quaff of H20
Blake Gray
You are fucking retarded
Alexander Watson
What is water poisoning.
Brody Thomas
Start raping your teachers with tree branches
Benjamin Reed
any more webms?
Nicholas Barnes
Jacob Barnes
>I call this artistic display 'Fuck Trump and fuck white people' >OUCH OUCH FUCK OUCH >WHITE PEOPLE HALP