Why hasn't she been in anything since Jessie?

Why hasn't she been in anything since Jessie?

Shit actress/bad agent I'm assuming

>that hint of areola
Fukken nice

good tits

With gorgeous women lined up for miles in Hollywood to choose from, a former child star who turned out several points below a 10 isn't going anywhere except as a novelty.

Is she over after the DUI arrest?

Women should stop wearing bras it only makes their books sagy look at those things, what is she? In her twenties and already sagging.

Debby Ryan > Selena Gomez

>In her twenties and already sagging.

Big boobs sag you virgin

fat face
nice tits but not amazing

she been in my sex fantasty

>fat face

Her face isn't even fat.

Still chubby though.

Do you even know what chubby means?

Her face is normal.

ok fine but its not as skinny as it could be, in that case its chubby

not him but her face looks kinda puffy. idk what it is. maybe its the lips.

I'm pretty sure that's because her bones are keeping it from getting any smaller. Her face is actually really well constructed.

There is literally nothing puffy about her face. Her bones and muscles are showing through so there's not much fat there at all.

maybe its just wide then. whatever. shes cute anyway.

>literally has a show coming up

What makes a faggot like you so desperate to defend some irrelevant cunt on a Sup Forums board, for chrissake.

Wide faces are healthier and younger looking. Narrow faces are sickly and old looking.

In fact, having a narrow face means you had shit nutrition and low activity as a child. It also gives you crooked teeth since your face has to be wide enough to fit them all.

no homo but what is with that outfit

>those jeans
>that tittyfrock

I'm not white knighting. I'm stating facts. That guy even ended up admitting I was right, you dumbass edgelord.

Her face is wide and she can't even close her fucking hamster mouth.

Great outfit tb.h
I am a strong supporter of slutty outfits.