Japanese school should only teach English in school


I wonder why Japanese schools do not only teach English.

I am a victim of Japanese education. I can speak, write,listen and read Japanese. However It is totally meaningless in this global era...
I have to read over 800page technical textbook in English to get degree...
We need to understand english in order to understand deeper knowledge...
wtf I hate this Japanese education now

What is the point of teaching useless native langauge? If I were educated by english, I would learn things easier...

Sorry nip. I think Hideo Kojima vented similar frustration when defining the English language as a "parasite" in the Phantom Pain. Must be tough. I only speak English, although I was required to take two years of Spanish classes in my liberal Nigger California school system. I just went to class high every day and told my profesora to fuck right off back to Mexico with her Spic speak. USA USA USA.
I'm sorry, did that answer your question?

Negro we know you're a filthy Canuckistanian trying to btfo the alt-right weebs on this board.


Stop being a cuck, be proud of your culture

Honestly though, I think it's pretty cool that you still keep whatever tradition you have left. It breaks my heart to see once proud cultures completely abandon their identity, *cough* Germany *cough* Europe *cough*

Blame the xenophobia there, man. Whether the older generations want to admit it or not, you need immigrants (the white kind) to help population and...you need English. It sucks to see a decline of a language just because another is more popular but it's how you'll survive.

as an american who's lived in Japan, keep your language, but also learn the lingua franca. I was lucky enough to be born in a time where my native tongue is the world language, but each language is important to preserve the culture of the people born with it.


This poster is a called a jew, OP, don't trust anything he says. Don't let him on your island.

Isn't English already a mandatory second language there?


It's worse in this shithole Japanon-kun

>second language
yes. But almost 95% of Japanese can't speak English for shit


I agree Japan should adopt English because Japan and America are best buddies with the strongest non European cultural exchange

Hi George

Transitioning languages it not an easy thing to do at all. If everyone speaks Japanese and only a few people speak English, it's incredibly difficult for people who can *ONLY* read and write at a decent level in Japanese and people who can *ONLY* read and write at a decent level in English to work together.
Ideally you want proficiency in both if you live in such places. Here in the states we only need English to access virtually any writing of significance and that's great.

How many times are you going to shit again on this board with these bait threads, teacher-san?


English is a pretty important subject in pooland,almost every good university here will reject you of you didn't have English in 11th and 12th grade. #superpower2030

>we only need English to access virtually any writing of significance
>reading translations

No school teaches proper English. The people that speak fluent English are people that learned it themselves and natives of course.

>implying all translations are bad

Japanese is a superior language to English from a technical standpoint though. Using glyphs that contain meaning in and of themselves instead of just using an alphabet makes it easier to read and saves space. When reading Japanese I can understand the meaning of words I've never even seen before from their kanji. That's pretty cool.

Also, the more you immerse yourself in the English language the easier it will be to understand. It's not too late for you to become proficient in English.

Be proud of your language and culture. Don't fall for the globalism meme.

Shh we need more natively English doujins...

>What is the point of teaching useless native langauge? If I were educated by english, I would learn things easier.

English isn't hard. Just sign up to be a Visiting Foreign student at a US university for a year (doesn't even have to be a good one- in fact the more average the better).

Take English, English literature, US history, etc. Don't hang out with ANY asians.

Watch TV with the closed captions on for english always.

You'll be fluent in the year then come back to Japan knowing English and having the resume to prove it.

Just pick some super cheap land grant school like Kansas State or something and you won't get raped for 40,000 a year in tuition.

Your Japanese stop being a cuck to globalism and be proud of your own language and culture. If you want to learn english as a second language feel free but you should expect visitors to your country to speak your language and respect your culture.

>No school teaches proper English.

If you go to a English language school they will teach you Business English which is most effective anyway.

If you go and study abroad and make English your major you will be taught classical 'proper' English grammar.

Business English and proper, Oxford style English are all very similar anyway.

I thought you learned both throughout school? like from kindergarten to high school

English should also be taught in your schools as if it's a primary language.

Your media, at least your news media, should do more of their broadcasts in English.

Also, it would make every Japanese competitive in the global market, as the language barrier will pretty much be non-existent. It will also give you an advantage over countries that don't teach English as a primary, as the international market would prefer doing business with countries that can communicate using the "universal business language". It's easier to conduct international business, overall.

If you're worried about a negative cultural impact, there's really none (at most, very minor). In most of Europe, most can speak English (and even other languages), yet still know and have not forgotten their native tongues.

Move to Britain FFS
And learn to love your country, or you never get Kurils back.

I don't need kurils

I just wanna be educated person

Korean education is fucking retarded.