Do actresses actually think this is a good look?

do actresses actually think this is a good look?

>they aren't catering to muh internet dick
>what's wrong with these women that could fuck anyone?!?!

Probably not but she's hedging her bets that this will sell big with millennial cucks and dykes.


Why is all woman are get the dyke hairs?

Literally the first thing that came to mind when I saw this

the pie looks fine
get over yourself


to weed out people with shit tastes

Jewish conspiracy to make us want to fuck boys!

w/e breh i like the contrast

I like short hair but KPs is a dude haircut.

Most women I've known irl think it's a nice look for some reason.

>it's a has been popstar undergoes another image makeover and fails horribly episode

Moms spag-cherry pie?

It's disgusting but it's preferable to the Skin Diamond cut every woman seems to prefer now.

That actually makes sense considering we are getting lots of flatchests in lead roles like Gadot as Wonder Woman and the cute from John Wick 2

I am actually really okay with this plan they are doing and they can continue doing it

I don't mind since I have a fetish for short haired broads. Still never dated one but fucked plenty.

>Still never dated one but fucked plenty.

Katy Perry isn't an actress, and I've never really found her to he that special so I don't care

Yes, even though the pixie cut always looks terrible. It's the "I'm a gigantic cunt that's past her prime" hair style

It's a good meme

>have extraordinary amounts of money and power
>no one to tell you your ideas are bad

It does. Katy Perry's just ugly.

let's go even shorter

and now a little longer

so is this a shop, because she looks like igor

>do actresses actually think this is a good look?

That's probably what her real hair looks like with a dye job. She wears wigs all the time so her hair is probably close cropped IRL.

igor? more like Fedor

gross hair

This Ruby Rose meme has to die.

>sharp ,angular features
>Absolutely dreadful in front of the camera
>Is a cunt in real-life

i bet she licks butt holes real good!

Katy went all out on Shillary.
Plus she is legit ugly now. Gotta remember her age. Her best market is moms and tumblrettes now and she knows it

>visibly getting older
>got granny wear
>making a pie like an old granny

Kek you're right

Will we ever get the old Katy back, lads?

Mila Milan

what's the word for this gross look where it's obvious she has an inch of makeup on?
I can't stand that shit, but I can't put my finger on what exactly it is.
I think it's because the skin is almost completely matte, looks almost uncanny valley level of unnatural

I always say a pound of makeup.

Short hair is patrician.

They can't hide their oddly shaped heads and shitty bone structure if they have short hair. It's how you tell if they're good breeding stock or not.

Never trust a girl whose hair is always super fucking done up, they're hiding shit. Remember that women are liars. They invented makeup and fashion so that they could lie to you without even speaking to you.

Absolutely disgusting

Nigga, that's been a good look for so fucking long now.

Because you secretly want to fuck a dude

Rather date a trap than a bald bitch like Katy Perry or girl with short hair

long hair casually tied up in some fashion is the best

Your insecurity about your masculinity and worries about your latent homosexuality are your own hangups, not mine.

Women with short hair are still women.

>gay dude likes fucking dudes

fuck yeah mmmmm

found the gay

>"I haven't shaved my head yet"
>shaves her head
What did she mean by this?

this lol

>boy hair
>no visible tits
I love when women forget that they're only relevant because of sex appeal and the reality check that follows.

What is like from 12 years ago?