1 hour of boring lawyer talk: the show

>1 hour of boring lawyer talk: the show

>Literally 1 hour of complicated medical jargon: the show

Someone should recut this to be just the Mike parts.

we could've gotten We Like Mike instead of boring ol' jimmy

It would be better if this was actually the case. Its more like
>1 hour of AMC letting Vince idly masturbate and hope people stick with it, the show

>It's a Mike ties shoelaces for 15 minutes episode

>its a vince wastes half an episode with autistic scenes that dont further the plot episode

>mike finds tracker in his car
>takes the tracker back to his house

What did he mean by this?

You can't possibly be this stupid.

I am. Please explain

>40min of my brother fucked me again and ruined the family

I fall sleep during this show instead

Memes aside, why does stupid shit take so long in this fucking show. I'm all for slow burn, but >10 minutes if the border patrol searching a truck and not finding anything

Is Vince autistic

this. dropped it after a season of nothing happening

isn't there a recap from every season?

>it's an ADHD babbies shit on a decent drama show episode

>Pleb litmus test: the show

only watching a show or movie just to see what happens next instead of appreciating all of the nuances and idiosyncrasies is a tell tale sign that you're the typical "reddit" user.

Is this the new meme?

100k subs on the subreddit. Hmmm

I've found the best way to watch it is to marathon it.

Learned that on Episode 3. It's too slowly paced.

Because he wanted to find out who was tracking him.

>tfw marathon it and then caught up to the latest episode

thank goodness I didn't watch breaking bad until it was already finished

>appreciating all of the nuances and idiosyncrasies
How do I condition myself to notice these things? I just play mpc, turn my brain off and pull the hair from my balls

There's literally a completely unironic post by the mod about him having to ban people because they are too mean to Chuck, A FICTIONAL CHARACTER ON A TV SHOW, and that it was bordering on crossing the line of hatespeech. It was not a joke.

I responded how retarded that was and got insta-banned.

That's when I deleted my account there. I always the "le reddit" thing was just retarded basementdweller tribalism, but that site is fucking toxic.

Next episode will be Howard getting tired of chuck

Le old man with Yankee accent thinks he can bring down a small army of meth fueled super spics who incidentally show up in a later timeline in Breaking Bad the show.

Post things from the old seasons people have forgotten about.

why didn't he just reverse engineer the tracer to find the source

>things people have forgotten about
Jimmy becomes Saul. At least Vince seems to have forgotten it the fucking hack

That would be called the Reddit cut

>border patrol searching a truck and not finding anything
They did find something though

Netflix should just release the entire season in one day.

>it's a mike tries to order something off the tv but has to keep telling the caller to speak up due to his hearing problems episode

thats what he did?