Has anyone outside of Australia watched Rabbit Proof Fence?
Has anyone outside of Australia watched Rabbit Proof Fence?
Why do indigenous people have giant noses
I was made to watch it while taking a college class. It was boring and I've pretty much already forgotten what it was about.
do you remember when the mothers were bashing their own heads with rocks?
Sampson and Delilah was actually kino
What are your legs!?
American here watched it when i was like 11 iirc my mom heard it was good so she rented it
>watching this at school for some class
>women bash themselves in the head with rocks in the opening scene
>everyone bursts out laughing
it helps them steal air
I remember there being a pretty uncomfortable response from the crowd. Pretty much a general "wtf?!" but afraid of appearing ignorant so just stony silence.
For huffing petrol.
>select all images with a gas station
usually aboriginals aren't fairly depicted in television and film
>a white aboriginal with gay parents
yeah okay well done well done
Yeah as part of the five weeks or so in year 10 social studies they tried to drill white guilt into us
Everyone laughed at the old woman banging her head with a rock and the teacher got super pissed over it
NZ btw
Same with my class kek, some of the guys would mimic her at break with the rocks laying around
He looks white though
2:30 is the rock scene
he cant be more than 20% abo
rabbit proof fence was a pretty entertaining movie though
Man, aboriginals are the most unfortunate-looking people ever.
It's positively cruel to bring them into our world where they have to compare themselves with our standard of beauty.
Modernizing people truly is fucking wrong. Some people just aren't meant for this shit. And frankly I really think it's all a farce.
Why is that fucking funny? The first Australians really do bash themselves in the head with rocks. Where's the humour? That seems like perfectly understandable behaviour to me.
I don't think the movie had the desired effect. Everyone at my school unironically started using the phrase "half-cast."
Springs. Steel springs.
don't Aborigines have an average IQ of like 90?
Watched in when I was 16 and same happened with my class. They kept making jokes throughout the film.
try 60
Its in the 60 range
what a silly cunt lel
They have literally zero ambition or interest in doing anything
No, is it a good movie or what
Posting some abokino
Bonus: it's also transgendakino
Are abbos objectively the ugliest people on the planet?
>whose mother and father are both gay
yeah some do especially if they live in the remote communities essentially cutting themselves off from society where substance abuse and domestic violence etc is rampant
it's pretty sad but they choose to do it
I've met plenty that are just like anyone else though
>The first Australians
that never fails to make me laugh
>Antony just vamping in the background while these two jokers clear their throats and try to keep a straight face while making the most unpleasant noises
Lots of racism ITT. Aborigines can achieve the highest levels of academia.
I have. My dad rented it one time when it first came out
Because they're not human
wtf I love aboriginals now
is your dad a faggot?
Made to in school. It was pretty good though.
idk hes a libtard
I cant remember why he got it, probably read it on some (((review))) site or something
This is an Onion article, right?
Still can't decide if this or DONT SLEEP ON THE ROAD is the definitive abokino.
Exactly. What? How? Explanation needed.
Whenever they showed the guy hunting them down me and my friends banged the terminator theme on our desk because they fucking make him seem like a t-1000 tracking them down.
That's very generous
probably because they cant rely on their intelligence to find food, so they're going back to using their noses like the rest of the mammals
Will Australians ever admit they were responsible for the Abo Genocide?
Why aren't we discussion true abo-kino?
Not until it's complete
>Has anyone outside of Australia watched [anything Australian that's not Crocodile Dundee]?
Australians didn't do shit, it was entirely the fault of the British Monarchy.
>Americans didn't genocide the Native Americans, it was the British
they should all shut the fuck up
>there are filmfags posting on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who haven't seen Chopper, The Castle, Muriels Wedding or Romper Stomper
>forgetting The Bikie Boys and Rama Rama
Should I watch this, or is it just libtard fodder?
Animal Kingdom is by far the greatest australian kino. Snowtown is legit, too.
So this is "white" Australia.
Jesus all those comments
>fuck whitey
>awe boo hoo I'm so ashamed of my race
>white people stole two continents!
No wonder this is mandatory viewing in a cuck country like Australia
Yes. Watched it in class. I remember is some kids crossing the fence, that tracker dude, and the abo chick getting raped.
We watched walkabout as well.
>she probably gets laid easily and obviously never uses protection
I'm not single so I'm not saying this out of jealousy. I'm saying this out of pure horror for the human gene pool.
They are embarrassed by the fact they didn't get them all.
Romper Stomper was horrible.
The same here. I think it's pavlovian by now.
Aboriginals and niggers are genetically a different race.
yeah but "muh imperiled whiteness" types on Sup Forums have the same relationship to white people in general so they cancel each other out
Trips aside, coming from an Aboriginal's perspective; that being my own, it depends largely on the community and the place you've been brought up.
Most Aboriginals will get ahead in life when they move away from their families. That way they can leave the depressing cycle, along with the negative influences.
Abo's should be taken in by white families to raise them properly.
No, they shouldn't.
The movie does well in showing why that's not a good idea.
Whos's that guy in the pic? Why is he wearing a dress?
Seriously though, abo traits are ridiculously recessive. A lot of them can be half white and be blonde with blue eyes.
>It's a ''''''''custom''''''''' and not because they're dumb animals
>Amazing ancient cultures all around the world
>Australia has a bunch of retards who hit their heads with rocks
>African-American average IQ: 85
>Australian aboriginal average IQ: 67
Globally only Bushmen and Pygmies score lover.
We watched it in School, in Denmark.
They were both repressing their true desires, got married, had a kid and eventually came out to each other. Happens with lots of gay people. Just rarer that they'd both be gay.
Quality Sup Forums post right here
>have 1/8th Abo ancestry
>claim it so you get auto entry into university
Mad respect to anyone who manages this. Same shit in Canada, job apps and uni apps: tick this box to get in automatically.
australian here that lives in an abo place, you would not believe how devout christians some abos are, they literally believe in devils those missionaries really did a number on them
They did the same to most of Africa and fucked them over by teaching them to not use contraceptives. It has lead to them having trouble with food as they would keep having kids but no change in their supplies. Also doesn't help they live in areas being taken over by the Sahara so there's even less land to grow food. Hindsight is 20/20 of course and these guys had no idea what they were doing wasn't helpful.