I mean...what the fuck?
I mean...what the fuck?
The most honest and thoughtful film about love, life, friendship, insecurity, and depression that will likely ever be made.
All with a killer soundtrack
the last 15 minutes of this movie are confusing as fuck, anyway it's a 7/10
An excellent movie, leagues ahead of anything arty shit everyone trying to pull off for the last 20 years
basically the whole thing about being on an island was just a delusion/ metaphor. It's about how loners become completely disconnected from society and retreat into delusion and escapism.
The end when it seems like Radcliffe is dead and Dano has just been hallucinating it all but then comes back to life is about although the outcasts experience of life may be full of someone living inside their own delusions, things that are invisible to other people, the experience is just as real as anything else
this movie hit too close to home
An interesting movie that took chances.
>anyone who likes a thing is shilling
literal retard
An absolutely awful movie that tries to make an arthouse film without a plot and just throws farts, erections and 'lel randum' scenes at the screen.
Honestly its one of the worst movies of 2016
This. Really can't tell if it's become a meme to ask what the movie was about and call it a masterpiece.
An incredibly divisive movie. Some will call it a masterpiece, others will call it tryhard faux-arthouse trash
Normal people will call it an interesting and very different movie that is worth a watch but nothing more
It was quite absurd.
It was 1.5 hours of uncontrollable laughter to me.
For that alone 8/10
Should I watch this film? I'm easily disgusted and I find fart jokes to be incredibly stupid.
>fart jokes
Well, in this movies farts are more a tool than a joke...
Farts are used as a propulsion method and a way of starting fires. An erection also functions as a compass at one point in the film. While the premise itself is silly the movie plays it straight and they are used more as a tool for survival rather than punchlines. As the "Swiss Army Man" these are just some of the tools at his disposal.
I don't know, I was somewhat hyped about that movie, because I usually like crazy kino like that. But this one just didn't do it for me, it was just too silly and not really in a funny way.
It wasn't supposed to be a comedy. It's a Drama with some comedic scenes/elements.
A stoner movie.
It hit too close to home for me as well. Non-stop tears for the last 30mins.
Made my crush watch this movie. She liked it enough to even cry to it. But if she knew I had a crush on her and had her pictures on my phone she'd probably react just like that Mary Elizabeth Winstead character like any normal person would.
>I had a crush on her and had her pictures on my phone
you are me, pls stop
People who hated the movie because of the fart jokes are literally missing the point of the whole movie.
>you looked happy
>I wasn't
That line killed me.
> my crush
Its not 1990 anymore you fuckbrain.
Use tinder or someshit.
I'm sorry you din't get it.
Dealing with Schizophrenia and stalking problems
wanting is better than having
nobody matches me on tinder i've considered creating a tulpa out of a girl I fell in love with from a vintage teen nude art set
oh Emilia you will soon be mine
>Post pictures on the internet open to public
>Oh no a man has my pictures on his phone
It's like pornstars that want respect and their past to not bite their ass.
Knew only that it was some movie about farts and dead Harry Potter. First 10-15 minutes were pretty awful to the point I was considering to stop watching it. Then I fucking cried for the rest of the movie. Hit too close. Great soundtrack. Liked Daniel Radcliffe in it.
I'm so glad other people can see past the crude humour and appreciate the drama beneath. What's terrible though is that it was probably all unintentional on the directors part
It's classic Dano
Anyone else who refuses to accept the 'it was all in his head!' resolution? I don't think the message changes at all even if Radcliffe really was a magical corpse.
Tulpas aren't meant to be directly inspired by something but be their own thing you faggot
I'm going to sound like an /r9k/ poster but the part where MEW notices all the pictures on his phone and confronts him hurt my soul. This movie hit so fucking close.
>If my best friend hides his farts from me then what else is he hiding from me, and why does that make me feel so alone?
You saw a movie that 2 Actor made up after meeting in a pub and getting fucking pissed and then decided to make it for bants
Right here Shit. Sauce?
I was put off by the first 15-20 minutes. "Okay we get it he's farting" but once he wakes up and they start talking the chemistry hey have really impressed me. It's worth a watch for sure.
And it turned into a great movie about escapism, imagination, growing up, confronting reality and being shat on by it.
i came here to post this
>Its not 1990 anymore you fuckbrain.
If that's when you were elementary school, you're revealing your age a little bit, grandpa. Have little reason to believe it's not used today.