We all know Alien and Aliens are masterpiece
But, let's be honest, 3 and Resurrection are still very good movies
better than Prometheus for sure
We all know Alien and Aliens are masterpiece
But, let's be honest, 3 and Resurrection are still very good movies
better than Prometheus for sure
Other urls found in this thread:
>better than anything
3 was okay I guess
3 was still better than most movies even today.
Literally nothing wrong with it just overshadowed by the first 2 movies and dumb critics at the time being dumb.
Resurrection was really fucking awful and none of it made any fucking sense.
I loathe nu-alien but i have to admit it is still better than resurrection.
After watching 3 20+ times in my life, I would personally put it on par with the other 3. The atmosphere and mood of the movie is unmatched and once youve seen it enough you know all the characters.
3 is much better than Aliens. Resurrection is pure cancer, and without a doubt one of the 5 worst movies I have ever seen, even though it has prime Wino in it.
Resurrection is SyFy pilot tier that's only held together by Weaver and Jeunet.
Ressurection is garbage. 3 is misunderstood and the director faced a lot of shit from the studio
3 was boring as shit, and Resurrection was so bad, it was comical.
I like them all. Speaking of this topic, does anyone else agree there is to many trailers showing us convenient. Seems like they given the whole plot out.
>Literally nothing wrong with it
it went through production hell and it shows.
3 is shite. I saw resurrection over 10 years ago and don't remember it except that it was sad when she killed her alien baby
The only reason I'd put resurrection above prometheus is because the characters are so dogshit in prometheus.
Sigourney carried the entire movie on her back, the spaceship design was boring AF but atleast the xenomorph effects where still decent (atleast better than the bluescreen puppet they used in 3)
3 was the last aliens movie with memorable characters though.
3 (Assembly Cut) is mediocre and Resurrection is pure garbage.
>killing Hicks and Newt off screen
>Ripley making the dumbest decisions all the time (why not just tell the doctor)
>boring action sequences towards the end with the AlienCam
>that complete cringe mad scientists Lance Henrikson cameo
3 still has great performances and a nice atmosphere, but it's not nearly enough for me to consider the movie good or even great. And Prometheus was decent, though I'm biased because I really like its grandiose sci fi style in general
I like the way Resurrection had Winona Ryder being all cute in it.
Alien > 3 > Aliens > 4 > Prom
> 3 > Aliens
Opinion discarded.
Switch Prometheus and Resurrection and you're golden.
Alien 1 - Perfect. Undeniably Perfect.
Alien 2 - decent copy of Alien 1. Not really worth re-watching.
Alien 3 - not that bad, if you're mentally prepped for a prison horror movie, that obnoxiously retcons Alien 2.
Alien 4: Ressurection - not that bad if you're mentally prepped for a stupid comedy movie in the alien universe.
Prometheus - Perfect. Undeniably Perfect. Unless you're some whiny loser who's mad they didn't just make another crappy remake of the first movie.
>Alien 2 - decent copy of Alien 1.
That doesn't even make sense. Have you even watched these movies?
alien is one of my top 5 films
aliens was trash, maybe a 4/10
prometheus was pure garbage, one of the worst movies i've ever finished
should i watch 3 or resurrection?
>Prometheus - Perfect.
except the dialog was literally hot dogshit squirting out of their retarded mouths.
Prometheus is one of those movies where its better with the sound off.
>Oh no! We have a problem with this mysterious Alien menace
>Oh no! It turns out our corporate sponsor (The Robot vs the "Mad About You" guy) on this mission is totally corrupt profit based man who doesn't care about human life being killed.
>Oh no! Nearly everyone is dead except Sigourney Weaver. We need to self-destruct this location to kill the alien menace.
>OH NO!!! The alien is grappling onto our escape device. We need to open the airlock and put our lives in danger to get rid of this!!!
> better than Prometheus for sure
Nope. Better than Disney movies though.
So yeah, you didn't watch Aliens. You're confusing it for Alien Resurrection.
>aliens was trash, maybe a 4/10
are you a millennial nu male?
alien was Sup Forums aliens was reddit
youre the millenial numale here, who else could stomach james cameron blockbuster garbage?
>le alien 3 is actually good meme
you guys are so edgy
The "Mad About You" guy is not in Resurrection. He's in Alien 2.
All of those scenes I described are in Alien 1 and 2.
Resurrection has the ugly skull-Alien. I don't remember if they have a corporate sponsor for the mercs in that movie.
Sigourney Weaver is an alien-clone-hybrid in Resurrection.
The alien in Resurrection is sucked out a broken window, not an airlock.
Biggest problem with Alien 3 is that it retcons all of Alien 2.
Hard to get around that problem since "What are you gonna do with Game-Over man, and Newt."
I think the hardest thing to defend about Alien 3 is that it starts with everyone from the last movie dying off-screen. Name one movie that could be saved from that.
The plot of Aliens is
>We're marines and we're going to go fuck those aliens in the pussy
It's completely different from Alien, the plot of which is
>We're civilians and we're going to get fucked in the pussy by that alien
>We're going to go see the new Alien movie, have you seen it?
>Just the first one
MAY is pretty underrated
Alien 3 could have been saved if they planned for Alien 3, when they made Alien 2.
The problem is that after Alien 1, I just wanted to see Sigourney Weaver get her life together. Get in touch with her elderly children while trying to figure out the secrets of the Weyland-utani corporation, and get those big-wigs in jail, but I'm alone in wanting a legal thriller IN THE FUTURE OF SPACE!!!
So we have to incorporate Aliens into every movie because the franchise is called "ALIEN" not "SIGOURNEY WEAVER ADVENTURES" which would be more flexible.
You could have parsed the plot after the first poster came out
>Sigourney Weaver confronts the executives in the boardroom
>suddenly her chest explodes and executives start getting eaten
>winona ryder is running around the entire movie topless
It would have been a great movie.
When I got out of the theater for Jack Black's King Kong, and asked my dad what the sequel will be about, he made a joke about with all the destroyed public property, the only sequel they can make is "Who Sues Who?"
>mfw this was a joke answer
>mfw we will never get a legal thriller sequel to King Kong.
Game-Over man died in Aliens, though.
Possibly, he gets dragged off. Probably cocooned and later blown to bits.
One of the guys from Aliens survived at the end and died in Alien 3. I forget which.
>waaah hicks and little girl
Am I getting memed on? Who cares about those two fucks. First Alien was about Ripley being left alone after everyone dies horribly. If anything, it's Aliens that ruined the horror thing. Besides, android dude literally gets screentime, what's the fucking problem?
The only nice marine, the one who's a bit of a chicken and gets fucked by acid through the armor.
Yeah, but Hicks isn't the one who say "Game Over, man" in Aliens
>Am I getting memed on? Who cares about those two fucks.
It's not that they are particularly important, but the fact that they represent Alien 2, and their deaths essentially retcon the entirety of Alien 2, except for the nice guy robot that is crippled but talks in the middle of the movie.
>First Alien was about Ripley being left alone after everyone dies horribly. If anything, it's Aliens that ruined the horror thing. Besides, android dude literally gets screentime, what's the fucking problem?
No argument, but Alien 2 was more enjoyable since it didn't completely retcon the previous movie. It's a comfy copy of Alien 1 for most people, but it followed sequentially and had cool new tech.
Alien 3 was a dark almost mideval movie, and most scifi nerds prefer high-tech to mideval settings nearly barren of fancy tech.
Alien 3 (assembly cut) = Prometheus > Alien 3 (theatrical cut) > Alien: Resurrection
I think Scott is using his network of Hollywood big wigs to crash the franchise beyond the point of resurrecting it, thus keeping it out of blomkamps hands forever. I probably missed that horribly but he should know better than to be born in Africa.
>retcons all of Alien 2.
Either you don't know what that word means or youre a meme spouting retard.
>I want an ever expanding cast of characters with plot armor in my survival horror in space movie
You're such an enormous pleb. Stick to marvel.
The events of Alien 2 are rendered almost meaningless by Alien 3 killing off the Alien2 characters.
If "Aliens" never happened and they made Alien 3 the direct sequel to the first movie, they wouldn't have to change much, except remove the nice-guy robot in the middle.
You completely missed the point of what the Alien films are about.
>The events of Alien 2 are rendered almost meaningless by Alien 3 killing off the Alien2 characters.
That's not what retcon means you fucking retard.
>>I want an ever expanding cast of characters with plot armor in my survival horror in space movie
Not really. I want a franchise based on investigating Weyland-Utani.
I wouldn't mind if Sigourney Weaver died and the sequel was Newt using Sigourney's years wisdom and teaching inbetween movies or something.
I'm not a capeshit pleb. I'm an autist.
Yes it is. ;)
You're a master ruseman indeed.
I'm glad Newt died. She was the worst part of Aliens. Children should not be allowed to be in movies, they always ruin them.
I don' think you know what "retcon" means.
>im probably the only person who favors Resurrections comfy atmosphere and cast over alien 3.
I've actually watched it more than aliens, (even though its definitely not better than aliens)
must be because of the warm color pallete and the fact that i was about 5 or so when i watched it and my dad didnt want me to watch alien 3 cause newt died
>better than Prometheus for sure
Whoa, don't set that bar too high
>my dad didnt want me to watch alien 3 cause newt died
It's because newt's nude.
I see what you mean, watching alien 3 as a kid broke my heart.
Resurrection's big problem is the Joss Whedon script.
It's a pretty impressive film on a technical level. And Jean-Pierre Jeunet is so fucking weird and french that I think he was a good choice to direct. The cast is good too.
>>im probably the only person who favors Resurrections comfy atmosphere and cast over alien 3.
Your're not alone!
Is Alien 5 going to be good?
ofc no
it was probably because of the autopsy scene you degenerate.
>it was probably because of the autopsy scene you degenerate.
They didn't need to show her entire body, for the autopsy scene. They could have done that offscreen.
I'm the degenerate for pointing that out? (((Interesting logic)))
Hey can you guys help me? I'm trying to get Crow and Servo to be the names of the dropships in this Space Station 13 server and we need the votes.
We don't want a Top Gun reference as the winning vote.
not him but from a medical standpoint is was a very strong piece of the film, and there was no sexualization at all involved in that scene and yet the only thing you can muster to bring up is only the fact that she was nude when the rest of us were looking at the bigger picture
>from a medical standpoint is was a very strong piece of the film
I actually didn't think about it until now, but how come Hicks didn't get a "PURE ART (tm)" nude autopsy?
The failed clones reveal in Resurrection is one of the best moments in cinema.
How to do an Alien sequel right:
Scrap everything after the original. The new story is a rom-com where through wacky circumstances a man winds up trapped in the escape shuttle with Ripley, and a love/hate relationship develops. The finale is a graphic unsimulated sex scene. Directed by and starring me btw.
i havent seen alien 3 in a long while but wasnt it because she saw an acid burn on her cryotube?
also i suppose the whole mother-daughter kind of relationship she had developed, especially given she found out her real daughter died of old age in Aliens and she really wanted to be absolutely sure she found out what happened
>how come Hicks didn't get a "PURE ART (tm)" nude autopsy?
Because his entire torso was crushed in the wreckage.
This man gets it
>The finale is a graphic unsimulated sex scene. Directed by and starring me btw.
That's the first thing we film btw.
We use a professional sex star wearing a greenscreen mask, that is edited for you in post-production. :^)
Can we do alternate takes as well?
Aliens is good but it ruined the franchise.
we dont have the budget. sorry
Right here man. I just enjoy watching it. It's weird and fun.
it converted the movie into a franchise, when there was no need for it. that turbopleb cameron does that all the time.
Your probably right, I think it skewed the idea of what makes a good Alien movie.
Dont forget Alien Resurrection
>We're the audience and we're going to get fucked by Alien Resurrection
Hes only done one other sequel though.
Not counting the upcomming avatar franchise (that I hold out the hope that it is just a code name for another IP.)
Siggy a cute!
Dumb Siggyposters
Alien 3 is fucking shit and should be wiped off the face of the Earth by making Blomkamp, because no matter how bad his will be it will never be as bad as 3 is.
Ressurection is shit too, but what were they supposed to do when Ripley gets burnt to cinders and then Fox tells you to put her in the next film because fuck it I guess the Aliens can literally only excist of Ripleys around.
Alien 1 was by far the least impressive.
>corporate sponsorship
It's been a very long time since I watched it, but wasn't Walmart mentioned in that movie somewhere?
Weyland-Yutani gets bought out by Walmart
In Alien 4 Resurrection, Walmart has purchased the Weyland-Utani corporation, but I don't remember if they do anything in the story.
Seconded for King Kong legal thriller
dumb dumb siggyposter poster
Thanks anons!
me too breh
Alien > Aliens > Alien 3 Assembly > Prometheus > Alien 3 Theatrical > Resurrection
Weak b8