I can't find a trailer or Showtimes or ANYTHING even though there are literally trailers and previews airing on cable tv.
Is the government fucking censoring an honest documentary about the patriotic Oregon Standoff?
I can't find a trailer or Showtimes or ANYTHING even though there are literally trailers and previews airing on cable tv.
Is the government fucking censoring an honest documentary about the patriotic Oregon Standoff?
Other urls found in this thread:
RIP Finicum
>Squatting on federal land because you want to steal from government is now patriotic.
Feed and water your own cattle.
yeah that's exactly whats happening. the government is perpetrating a false flag operation to suppress this movie cause duh jews, right?
>be anarcho-libertarian
>hate them there gubments
>squat on federal land
>don't pay taxes
>start a little colony of similar tax-dodging miscreants
>start threatening government employees who ask for taxes
>start amassing weapons
>government gives final warning
>wow the government who owned the land came over and shot us to hell
>what a bunch of fascists
Maybe when the gov doesn't force you to use it by eminent domaining your land
>the people who bought the land shouldn't be able to request rent in order to maintain infrastructure, police and levels of healthcare
That isn't the issue there at all, it was a set of ranchers trying to nig people during a drought.
They're literally a barnacle on society and I wish FBI would have smoked all of them. They do nothing for actual meat market when all large suppliers are getting bought by foreigners, so they mean very little to grocery stores.
As far as I can tell all they were doing is costing me money. Stop trying to steal shit and people might care that FBI assassinated them.
Oh boy here we go...
>Full Rundown of what the conflict was about
Federal Sup Forums SHUT IT DOWN shill detected
>the freedom to steal federal land
The amount of retard posting about an American patriot being gunned down in front of his daughter is sickening and likely backs up the theory that at least one or 2 of you guys are paid government shills trying to discourage the freedom movement
Lavoy FINICUM was not a terrorist or an extremist, watch his video the day before he was shot. All he wanted was open dialogue and the guns were just there to stop them from getting tazered and arrested/swept under the rug
You people should be ashamed of yourselves
>Fini cum
The citizens owned it until the gov came in and said "we found uranium underneath your land and are willing to kill you go get it, now keep paying higher fees that we arbitrarily make up without legislative authority until we drive you off"
There's also the Clinton connection through Uranium One, a Canadian mining company and a private Russian firm that was buying nuclear weapons materails from the US with the help of the Clinton Foundation.
>our founding fathers came out of tyranny and wanted freedom
No they wanted to not pay taxes to people so far away
And they fought and died and bled for it
You have to be prepared to do that and then not be like "Oh boo-hoo they shot me!"
Do the bootlickers in this thread also defend what happened at Ruby Ridge and Waco?
>at least one or 2 of you guys are paid government shills trying to discourage the freedom movement
One or two more than there are genuine proponents of the "freedom movement" then.
Ruby Ridge was a mistake
Waco was not
Stop trying to steal shit and people will care, now fuck off and die.
>paid government shill
Go put your tin foil back on.
Absolutely, I would welcome the government destroying cults and militias.
You're literally no better to me than inner city gangbangers.
Did they find uranium under his land?
Oregon has like 25% of our nation's nuclear weapons materails underneath it's soil
Yes I believe that was a contributing factor to the land being so hotly contested
Do your own research though, don't trust me because I'm a shill
Get a load of these paranoid schizos off their meds
They're so crazy right guys?
>militia dindu thinks normal people support them
That's for niggers like Mike Brown that attack cops
There's video footage of Lavoy getting shot at with his hands up right here
And no I'm not some militia hothead that needs to be gotten outa here
>Investigators with the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office, assigned to process the scene of Finicum's shooting, were accounting for the two known sets of shots fired by the OSP officers during the event (the shots that killed Finicum, and the earlier shots that struck his vehicle) when they discovered a bullet that struck the roof of the truck at a different trajectory. After ascertaining the bullet's existence with cell phone video taken by one of Finicum's passengers, investigators modeled the bullet's trajectory using computers, and determined that the bullet was fired from the direction where two FBI agents were standing. They later determined that a FBI Hostage Rescue Team member fired twice at Finicum, missing and injuring a second militant in the process. The agent, whose identity was withheld, was under investigation, along with four other FBI agents who were suspected of attempting to conceal evidence of the gunshots. They reportedly told investigators that none of them fired a shot during the incident.[42][43]
>During initial processing of the scene, the rifle cartridge casings purportedly fired by the FBI agent were reported not present. However, an OSP officer later described seeing two casings at the scene near where the FBI agents were positioned. FBI aerial surveillance video shows agents searching the area, then huddling together before breaking up moments later, with one agent bending over twice to pick up an unknown object.
Huh, really makes you think why they're censoring this documentary...
Anyone find a trailer on the dark web or something?
>on the dark web
>You're literally no better to me than inner city gangbangers. HEHEHEHE IM SO EDGY ;P
>except they literally are better than inner city gangbaners
Is there such a thing as triple or quadruple speak?
Weve gone way past double speak with these people
Anyone have the trailer? YouTube is dry