


Rey is getting WOOKIED.

None of these things bother me on their own. But pushing them into a story for ethical brownie points is morally corrupt.

"who cares, is the movie good?"




>star wars
I'm glad I'm a 3rd world shitter and wasn't brainwashed into liking this trash from birth

Just like Force Awakens did right?

No fucking way Disney are risking their Chinese market with monkey relations

BLACKED fans must be ecstatic.
You don't need to feel the shame of being a cuck.
(((They))) simply make the world better place by letting you know that it's okay to just flush your culture and history down the toilet by race mixing with inferior races.

Black guy getting riced. Oh no, the thing everyone knew was going to happen

"strong female" = mary sue

>yfw it's Kylo and Finn

Rey need no man.
Finn and Poe finally become lovers.

LOL. Thats 2 in 1.

Jew jackpot.


I don't care about Rey's stupid story. This was supposed to be about Luke!

WOOOOOW really cutting edge and risky, guys



For what? You suck, George.

some lady took over star wars years ago and she was very clear she would be using it to push stuff like this

it's just a vehicle to push trendy things and milk tons of money out of it as a reboot

they're talking about finn and the Asian girl

fake news

This. It bewilders me how progressives think that calling attention to interracial/gay romances is treating them equally.


>clickbait to make money is "progressive"

Asians are going to get shat on again

Why did Hollywood Jews choose Asians as their personal punching bag again?

Exactly my point.

Welp it's like we've regressed to the 20th century


Memes just keep getting less interesting.

wow my interest in this movie just increased knowing that two actors of different skin color are going to kiss. just take my money

If by interracial means gay romance i'm in

anyone who thinks the author is a progressive is an idiot, its just another greedy evil culture manipulator who only cares about money

protip: there are millions of them and they aren't all jews, they're evil white, black and every race men and women. humans are evil and greedy

Because it's still okay to be racist to asians.

Finn is gonna fuck the fat gook. Rey is gonna remain alone just like Luke did.


darth nigger is gonna fuck the asian isnt he.

The fact that the sjws still see it as 'interracial' and bring attention to it, shows that they secretly are disgusted but try to pretend they don't. A real non racist wouldn't give a fuck
It's almost as if the only reason they do it is to make themselves feel morally superior

I can't seem to find this article anywhere, so it's probably fake and gay.

Fix your shit, western men.

>two chubby unattractive people paired
>meanwhile cute white girl gets strong white cock
What a nonsense.


If you don't want girls to buy into this shit maybe you guys should put yourselves out there to watch the older ones with them so that they can tell the difference between the good and bad movies

You can tell this place is fucked when you KNOW you're speaking some logical shit as you're typing it

>Finn is gonna get POE'd

finn and the asian chick or poe and the asian chick, blacked fans will be angry, screencap this

what the fuck is bearclaw doing up there?


>revenues already dropped 50% after one movie
Isn't anyone at Disney worried about this?

Progressives are incredibly racist.

who's the cute white girl? on another note, still can't figure out why they cast bagul from sinister as the lead

Ridley and Driver are way more attractive in movie than IRL.

Most are jewish in the tv/film industry m8.

That'd be pretty hot.

That guy on the left was pretty good in beauty and the beast

You can't be racist to a minority that's doing better than the majority. Stands to reason.

But we already knew Finn gets with the chink youtuber who has never acted before.

Poor Finn.

This is correct.

Rey needs to stay a virgin for maximum profits.

My thoughts are "Why the fuck is this even news? If it does happen just fucking let it happen naturally in the movie - making it a news headline will just turn it into memes and trash-talk"



Rey is that attractive but she is a hell of a lot better looking than that fat Chinese girl. The chick from Crouching Tiger and Hero etc. Is a far superior choice.

The fat, ugly chink is very much the tumblr insert.

Does Tumblr really have that kind of influence?

>Blacks are dumbos
>Jews can infiltrate whites
>Asians are smarter
>Look different

They think the episode movies will continue to sell.
Now if the next movie drops drastically from VII they will panic

Pretty much this. Disney cares more about the Chinese market than they care about the progressive American market. Rey is going to take centimeters of Asian cock.

The only thing George did wrong was not putting Natalie Portman in skimpier clothing.

Kathleen Kennedy is clearly a tumblr user.

White women hate Asian girls because of jealousy and inferiority complexes.
>New cute Asian girl in school
>All the white bitches exclude her from everything and make up rumors about her

That's why they picked an ugly girl for Star Wars.

Oh yeah, they're shitting their pants. The public simply isn't interested in seeing Star Wars once a year. And certainly not more often than that.

Why does Kathleen Kennedy look so evil?

>The chick from Crouching Tiger and Hero etc. Is a far superior choice.
Ziyi Zhang is waaaay to pretty for Western cinema. Look at for why.

On the highschool girl demographic? Yes. The attractive girls use instagram and the ugly girls use tumblr. Given America's current obesity crisis, attractive girls are a minority.

I think the Han Solo film is when the numbers are going to really drop. It's not even down to politics, nobody wants to see that crap.

The Hans name is not really Han is the icing on the shit cake.

Asians like white characters anyway. They don't need diversity.

Every time I see a picture of Lucas I'm distracted by his glorious hair