ITT: actors when they were young

ITT: actors when they were young

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Same smug fucking face after all these years.

He was handsome even as a kid, those eye-brows. I wonder what type of people his parents were.





Looks like a mix of goose and that midget on Even Stevens.

How about you give us some fucking names you absolute retards.

>not recognizing your favorite film stars

kys pleb.

brittany venti?
alia shawkat?


>real tweet

>faceblind IRL
>can immediately tell this is Alex Jones
I don't know why, but I have no trouble recognizing people from one video/picture to the next, but as soon as my reference is real life I can't do it.

Holy fuck is that bill burr

yay pudding

Who cum drum

Jim Norton is a comedian not an actor


>Crediting the lyrics to Cash and not Reznor

Top Pleb

to be fair Nine Inch Nails fucking suck ass

I would never credit anyone called Trent.

Jim Norton looks like shit.

your shit looks like shit

He looks like that Star Trek episode with the Trip clone.

Wow. Brie Larson looked like a boy.

That's Dakota Skye though.

it's your fatass mother

>this is lexi belle
>read the related article
oh man, i never fapped to her because she was too cute and not sexy enough, but this is sad, poor orphans.


I get extra hard when I think whores do not like the situation. That's why I have a fetish for blacked and old/young stuff, as I do not think the girl would normally accept. I used to jack off to animal porn where dogs fucked women but that left me with an uncomfortable feeling, so seeing niggers and fat old men fuck pretty young girls is nearly the same and it doesn't make me feel bad.

The fact that someone wrote how they knew Lexi as a young girl and how she was a bit sad, yet optimistic about future but ended up a whore makes me super fucking hard.

I'd be smug to if I was white.

whatever gets you hard man, it's just not for me. i do enjoy facialabuse sometimes though, so there's that.

Facialabuse makes me hard on an emotional level but I get turned off from all the gagging and violence. And also shots of the man's asshole.

He does and great episode


Gillian Anderson

It's weird how she looked 40 when she was 20, and she looks 40 when she's 60.




literally the only google hit
> i prefer typing a 30 character message and solving captcha to 1 click


President Hussein, I'm Black Metal

Every picture is of someone when they were younger

the only thing you could've said that would be more reddit than this is 'Don't you dumb rednecks realise wrestling is fake??'



shut the fuck up you smartypants beofre your daddy rapes you in the butt

Not necessarily.

I've literally spent 95% of the time I've been awake today on Sup Forums and reading this post was the first thing that made me chuckle. I don't even know what type of music Nine Inch Nails play or who the fuck Johnny Cash is but still laughed for some reason. The mind is mysterious..


>Doesn't know who nine inch nails is
>Doesn't know how Johnny Cash is
What the fuck

I like these random posts which have nothing to do with anything. Your post made me entertained so you can be proud of that.

me too 2bh famalamalam

What the fuck is your problem dude?

>I don't even know what type of music Nine Inch Nails play or who the fuck Johnny Cash is
Nine Inch Nails are an industrial rock band that's lead by Trent Reznor. Trent does all of the vocals and the vast majority of the songwriting. They were gigantic in the 1990s. You must've heard or at some point in your life.

Johnny Cash is one of the most famous country singer-songwriters of all time. He started making music in the 1950s and has been extremely popular ever since. You must've heard or at some point in your life.

You don't know who Johnny Cash is?

Serious question here, how old are you? Under 18?

To be fair, no one outside the U.S. knows of Cash

Holy shit is that Alex Jones?

Not even in the UK?

Bill Hicks.

Thx but this laptop doesn't have audio working on it so can't listen to those songs.
Will look up both Johnny Cash and Nine Inch Nail music when I get to a comp with audio since apparently they are artists I should know about (not that into music but whatever)



BDH before she became a fat pig?

tsk tsk tsk. You'll never get a serious answer with that attitude.



but its the truth

Cracks me up every time. BDH got thicc a while back but she didn't eat John Goodman.

on finger or the band

>mfw the innocent think its a fatty trying to lose weight

It's not? I mean sure, she won't lose much weight with that speed but atleast she's semi doing something that could be considered doing something good for health, you know?

lelaroo famalamio i dont know if you roll the troll but not only is putting your joints under that stress bad (you should only diet until a bearable weight), this video is of ... another nature

ah yeh, true with the joint pressure for sure, but atleast she tries (for camera at least, maybe she ate pizza as reward afterwards or something lol)

i feel like i'm not getting through. that is a fetish video.

What is it really? Sex thing?

There's a fetish for watching fat people exercise? lol I've heard of the "feeding fetish" but not this

Not anymore

>on a movies board
>doesn't have working audio

tfw a google search for her shows pic related.

This board doesn't even support audio. The webm threads are a fucking joke.

That woman is strangely attractive
