Do you think she knows her big tits are the only reason she's famous?
Alexandra Daddario
what's wrong with her face?
is she discriminated against because of:
a) her boobs
b) her pits
cant she just smile without showing her teeth
someone must have told her by know she looks fucking demonic when she shows her chompers
i mean i like it it makes me diamonds but it must look weird to others
also yes, she knows her tits and eyes are the main reason anyone tolerates her bullshit
her acting talent is null
Yes, but I doubt she cares.
she's getting replaced by a younger model soon
Please post more pics of her looking like a demon.
Literally only redditors and waifu creeps know who she is. Most normies arent even aware she exists
*chanting in Ancient Sumerian intensifies*
Wait till you see her fridge ass!
She should never smile
Who's this titcalf?
Baywatch will make her a global sensation
Kara Hayward
kind of
less teeth. just a regular smile you know
All her roles center around her boobs. She is nothing but a titty monster in Hollywood. She will never get any decent roles.
Some day she will get breast reduction surgery.
Go away, nigger.
she's got such an asymmetrical face, but knows how to hide it well.
So rude.
Jesus, how weak is her jaw?
It's permanently dislocated from too many blowjobs
Weak as the roles she gets offered
she needs to stop grinning
She needs to be DCEU Zatanna
they look saggy
Do you have no concept of how breasts work? Shes pressing down on them
t. jealous chestlet
Of course. They're gigantic. Gravity does its work. Have you never seen a woman with big tits before that weren't fake?
Isn't she dating a midget? man, that gives me confidence, I will never be ashamed of being just 6'1" anymore
Have you not seen True Detective? They are definitely saggier than they should be given she hasn't had children. Chelsea Handler has better tits at 42.
wearing bras make your tits saggy
yeah, she's hideous
>still posting these old pics
Do you think she gives a shit?
I hope she gets blacked soon
She's been there and done that.
i hope you swallow the barrel of a shotgun soon
i don't fap to her, and i would resist having sex with her in the remote chance she wanted it.
im pretty sure she is a literal semen demon.
Fuck you if you don't like her demon look
Is that really her walking? Why and where?
She had just come out from her private audition for Baywatch with The Rock
holy shit thats terrifying
She'd be a million times more attractive if she had a forehead.
I want to tickle and lick them then go for the boobs
nothing's wrong
and to answer your question OP i think she knows that's the reason she got put in the new baywatch but she seems chill about her tits, not so stuck up