Grove Street.
Grove Street
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Least it was till i fucked everythang up
Least it was till Reddit fucked everything up
r8 my gf
>get into a car
>first thing you do is switch to Radio Los Santos
Who else did this?
Ayo it's me CJ CHILL CHILL!
All you had to do was stay in the damn train!
>tfw no early 90s los angeles gangsta movie
hell yeah
there's like 40 of them user
Same or Radio X outside of cities
Truly a timeless classic
Onii-chan you are a bustah. Straight bustah.
>RLS in Los Santos
>Radio X in San Fierro
>K-DST in Los Venturas and Red County
this is objectively correct
Mr. Johnson, I'm GTA
>tfw you will never play an open world game with a sense of wonder and amazement again
>Arrive in Desert...
>Switch to Radio X
How about none ever, because 90s music was the worst in history, and you should make your own station with music from Vice City
>90s worst ever...
>Not late 70s
>Not 2010s
>not 1930's
You fucking pleb
That picture gave me cancer
4 Number 9s
how did CeeJay even fuck everything up? Seems to me like he was the only sane one in the group
>90s music was the worst in history
It was improved good music, and also the year for goths and punks.
>Holy shit this is amazing, you can do anything!
>Holy shit you can use motorcycles this is the best thing eveYOU CAN FLY THOSE FUCKING HELICOPTERS!
>pic related
>Nuthin but a g thing starts playing
And we're supposed to believe Sup Forums is the problem?
Remember that feeling you got when you first got to San Fierro? And you started driving around town looking for all the SF landmarks? Like the Golden Gate Bridge and Lombard Street and the Coit Tower and the TransAmerica building? Fuck that was such an amazing feeling.
brb reinstalling Vanilla SA right now
Witcher 3 was an open world that gave me wonder and amazement
>want to replay san andreas
>mission where you use that forklift
>mission where you chase a faggot on a motorcycle
>that entire part out in bumfuck nowhere having to drive cross country and up a mountain to take a picture
>every single catalina mission
>stealing the combine
FUCK it takes so long to get to the good part of the game.
>I can swim!
>get into a car
>gangsta shit is on
>switch to K-Dst, Radio X or the talking channels
>K-Rose in rural areas
>its a stealth mission
it's not as amazing as you remembered
god it was vast in my memory
but I then reinstalled it
now every game is fucking huge but there's no sense of vastness that I first felt in San Andreas
>not mentioning the RC airplane mission
>mission where you use that forklift
>not picking up two crates at a time
>mission where you chase a faggot on a motorcycle
>not waiting for him at a strategic point and blowing up his bike while he drives past you
This isn't Sup Forums related so why are you still babysitting it?
>tfw playing GTAV
>go to that part of the hood with the grove-lookalike cul-de-sac
>run over one of the purple faggots
>drive around in a circle while the whole hood shoots at me
>call the cops and wait for them to arrive and kill all the niggas
Yet it feels bigger than V
I had that going with GTA V until the game went to Sandy Shores and I realized 70% of the map was a boring desert and small towns.
>implying there's anything more satisfying in a GTA game then doing the cab missions in GTA IV while listening to the jazz channel
also turning the cars off before exiting them
I only remember jacking off to the strippers cause i was a horny deranged middle schooler
Hard to explain why.
GTA V should've been split into two islands, really.
I would love an SF like split between SF and Oakland and then Alcatraz island between the two that you can only get to by boat -- like in real life.
Fuck me I spent alot of time on that mission
I loved that stealthy Madd Dogg's Mansion mission but the other stealth ones were shit.
Home Invasions were pretty great too.
>1910 music started
never fails to make me kek
>max out one of the weapon skills the first time
GTA V's map was a disaster.
>start off in the only city on the map
>the rest is just small towns and a fuck load of indistinguishable hills and mountains
>there's not even a sense of proper scale or wilderness with the open spaces because there's roads cutting through everything - see the "forest"
>a giant, useless fucking pond in the middle of the map meaning even if you wanted to get to the top of the map (fuck knows why), you'd have to drive around the Alamo sea and Chiliad
GTA V should've had things to do in the 70% of the game that is Los Santos, other than filler minigames.
The world seems more geared towards the multiplayer. The single player campaign has some great characters, but the plot doesn't feel as fleshed out as SA. You also don't get the sense of scale in V that you got from following quests through each of the areas in SA.
damn, ryder got tall as fuck.
Agreed, it's just tedious to drive from one side to the other in GTA V whereas there was always a sense of excitement in seeing what new areas you could check out in SA because it was split up (including that little harbor town in the Northwest corner of the map).
>tfw all that empty space but barely anything to explore especially since V has fewer explorable interiors than 3
San Andreas had distinct sections and character. GTA V was "we've built the city, fuck the rest, just copy and paste some hills".
San Andreas' map made you want to change the radio station as you ventured to a new area.
The highway around the island also makes no sense.
True. GTAV has FAR fewer missions than GTA SA -- by like 40, main mission wise.
And all of the missions tend to feel the same -- likely because they are the same: robbery mission and drive-here mission.
Why is this thread still up? Does this mean we can finally have news stuff that also can be posted on Sup Forums here?
>Long after you thought the meme had gone too far
San andreas is a very cinematic game
This game made me like black people
He fucked Ryder.
Where did you guys meet?
Oh its one of hiros bot threads to make the board look faster for advertisers
That explains why it's not being deleted
The Chiliad mystery was never solved. Was Rockstar just fucking around or was it an Easter egg they abandoned? There's a bunch of shit in the game and hints from them that there was a mega-Easter egg. But nothing materialised.
met her at driving school
it's just the ufo. what else did you expect it to be?
It was a wild goose chase.
best girl
shame she had to go and get BLACKED
That's because they decided to make it into a clusterfuck where you play as 3 characters so they didn't have enough time to make missions for each and had to condense it down to 69.
Not to mention the focus on GTA Online which was still broken at launch despite being delayed two weeks after the game came out.
the act like a fucking loon and destroy missions like trevor vs the world missions, and micheal and franklin destroy that guys house setting off a fucked up chain of events mission, and fat jimmy is a fuck up just like dad missions were fun. but those werent enough.
>tfw no real dlc or enough single player content.
There's a pic of a hatching egg and a jetpack. If you overlay the mural over the map you get all sorts of perfect alignments.
They don't even bother adding new guns to single player anymore.
theres the skeleton tunnel in the ps4, xbone, and pc versions that is just there if you can find it.
they never complete A LOT of stuff just to focus making money off of sharkcards.
In retrospect, GTA V was a letdown.
When I come through up in the place/You don't want me to cum with a my gun in o face.
>home invasion
>sneak up on the owners and shoot them with the silenced pistol
>make as much noise as you want afterwards
>Not having it on K-ROSE 100% of the time.
>fucking up San Andreas with all kinds of stupid mods and anime characters
most fun you can have in a GTA game
I don't know about letdown, per se, but it had far more potential than what was given.
Like, there's not even a single mission where you go to the prison or infiltrate a military base.