Does Sup Forums like Buffy?
Does Sup Forums like Buffy?
It's not a masterpiece but it's okay
I miss prime SMG, CC and ED
No. Dumb, repetitive, meme show.
I was always more of a AH guy.
most obnoxious bitch in the history of hollywood.
Yeah, she's the best.
>male gaze
vampire willow best girl
That's kind of horrible and sexy at the same time.
Firefly was better. Also River Tam is the best Whedon-fu
Fred>Vampire Willow>The rest
He's standing on a box in that picture.
I can't even get pass the theme song
I'd stand on her box.
Had a week off so decided to blow through this series, currently on season 4 and really not looking forward to the lesbian witches episodes.
Haven't seen it since I was a kid though so don't really remember if it's as bad as I think it was.
What's wrong with the theme?
Why was first season Buffy so cute?
Fuck off Joss
It's cheesy and sounds cheap but I've heard that buffy fans love it
What's wrong with lesbians?
how was she a sex symbol with that nose?
the cutest
Post some fucking Anya and Darla ya fucking queers.
Spike/Billy Idol is my dude and I only like Angel's flashbacks.
Sex symbol?
Yes, but I'm not sure why this thread is just images of women.
why else would anyone watch it?
The dialogue and plots are pretty good. Is anyone seriously watching this for the women? lol, they're all terrible
never saw the show but always found the actress insanely sexy
You watch it for all 3 and the fact it's a cheesey b-movie turned into a tv show.
Ummm, HI!
i mean they're all pretty damn hot, story be damned
sadly they all went downhill after the show aside from michelle
Here you go senpai:
gfycat com
I liked the first two seasons and then it changed into Dawson's Creek with forehead prosthetics.
Angel was the better series.
naeh, just different lighting so manchildren thought it was better
Has she even done anything since sex and the city?
>never nude in her prime
Life is truly suffering.