Serious question
Which Star Wars movie has the best soundtrack?
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Phantom menace
It's pretty much either Ep1 or 4
I liked the soundtrack from Episode 6, especially A jedi's fury and the victory celebration
this, definitely anh
Nah mate, EPIV didn't have the Imperial March.
Binary Sunsets is a good track, but i'm not sure if it puts IV ahead of V.
they are all shit
fuck john williams
yeah id take IV if it had the march, but without it in the OT V wins
unquestionably I takes the prequels because:
I hate to say it, but Rogue One's soundtrack kind of grows on you after repeated viewings. Empire is still the best, though.
DotF is indeed a truly great song.
It's a shame there was nothing else close to as good as it elsewhere in that trilogy.
The first minute of Forest Battle is pretty great
i enjoyed battle of the heroes as well, but fates is far superior. anakins dialogue during the heroes fight kind of makes me dislike the fucking song its so bad
Return of the Jedi. Imagine being such a great composer you can convince millions of retards that individual scenes are emotional and well-written. Lucas owes his career to Williams.
from worst to best
.) Clone Wars movie
some cool lines and stuff from obi-wan, but other than that: shitty story and animation
.) The Phantom Menace
known as the blunder of the century since its release. has some meme potential, rewatch is only possible with others. Shitty effects, dumb story, shit/one dimensional characters. only barely beats the clone wars movie.
.) Attack of the Clones
basically just fanservice (Yoda action scenes, shooting lightning, le clone wars) with very shitty romance and bad finale. Obi-Wan being a detective puts this above TPM.
.) Rogue One
90% fanservice and reused OT ideas. Looks good tho and does a little bit of world building. Just an action flick for star wars fans, not worth watching for anyone else though. This one is just boring for the most part imho.
.) Force Awakens
decent movie but has some of the flaws that RO has: too much fanservice and recycled stuff. Instead of using the Quadjumper when running from the TIE fighters they just use LE MILLENIUM FALCON and the great new design of the quadjumper gets destroyed for a joke. Han Solo looked like shit, couldnt they get Harrison Ford a hairbut before shooting the movie? Also Rey is very underdeveloped, other main characters were done well tho. Movie is great until they leave Jakku, after that its also kinda boring and bad.
.) A New Hope
just the classic. Great movie with great music, characters and a lot of mystery around the lore. Still a great science fantasy movie.
.) Revenge of the Sith
all interesting stuff of the prequels happens in this one. this one legit feels like a SPACE OPERA with a bombastic start and great scenes through the whole movie. Obviously has some goofy acting/lines and bad effects like all prequels but that makes RotS the most meme-worthy of the star wars movies. Also the most enjoyable one to watch in my opinion. You can laugh at it, you can cry at the end of the final battle, you can be immersed through the great music and worldbuilding. This movie only barely loses against RotJ for me.
.) Return of the Jedi
great finale for the series. starts off with Luke as a jedi master now infiltrating Jabbas palace and ends with the best duel of all the movies. Ewok parts were kinda lacking and thats why its only #2
.) The Empire Strikes Back
almost undebatable the best star wars movie. Hoth is great (wampa, battle, obi wans ghost), being chased through space is great, cloud city is great and Dagobah is GOAT, giving us both the funniest scene and the best scene in the series (Yoda encounter and Yoda lifiting the X-Wing).
IV = V > VII > RO > III > VI = I > II
>ROTS is better than ANH
Millennial psychologists please leave
Rogue has the worst soundtrack
TFA has some cool melodies but overall its also not as good as the others
reminder that you're probably a normie faggot if you don't agree "anakin's dark deeds" is the best star wars track
the han leia love theme is actually pretty great
I feel like this is a troll, but Rey's Theme is one of the better pieces in the series.
literally this
ITT: people who didn't read OP's question
I would argue Return of the Jedi has the best score
Came here to post this, Empire isn't just the Imperial March, pretty much every musical queue in that movie hits the mark dead on.
prequels had some pretty sweet soundtrack
Episode VI has the best soundtrack. V is good but less mathematically perfect, where every track is a masterpiece.
ANH > ESB > TPM > ROTS > ROTJ > AOTC >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TFA >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RO
>muh duel of the fates
most overrated piece in all of film scoring
OST wise it's not even close. Say what you want about the prequels but Revenge of the Sith is John Williams Magnum Opus. On the flipside Episode VII is easily his worst.
Never has there been a film so memorable where I can tie the music to the exact scene it portrays. Literally kino.
John Williams absolutely reeks of Wagner in the OT, in a good way.
>VII OST better than anything
How is it possible to be this retarded?
I find it impossible to rank the OT and PT, but all I know is the new films suck ass and I don't remember a single piece of music, maybe with the exception of Kylo's theme. But it's still nowhere near as good.
Clones also has Across the Stars in it
Rots had the absolute best tracks. Followed shortly by ANH.
>over anything
A lot can be said about Ep 2, but damn, that music is some of the best ever made.
Across The Stars never fails to give me goosebumps.
Yep. Unironically the patrician choice.
7 has the worst, mainly because I don't remember any of them, as with R1
Personally I think empire has the best
>the asteroid field
>imperial march
>the battle of hoth
>cloud city
>the fleet/end