You can post in this thread only if your country is at least 61% white. Anything under (ie 60% downwards) is not white.
61% thread
Other urls found in this thread:
What are you doing in this thread?
OP breaking his own rules
What are you doing in Germany, Muhammad?
get the fuck out of this thread
Fuck off you fat cunts
Pic related, it's you.
wew boys guess I'm #withher now
We are 72.4% white idiots
Non-Hispanic White ... 63.7 %
We're currently at 77% though...
You can now only post in this thread if your country is at least 99.3% white.
Sup Slovenia, Poland, Latvia and Belarus?
at least we don't sell our nationality to china for shush fund loonies.
at least I'm not on crack, Tyrone
OP is disqualified from his own thread.
You can now only post in this thread if your country has a GDP measured in whole trillions.
All those countries gtfo
>faggot from pickering
>lol i'm not on crack
try harder
is being born white y'all only accomplishment? that would be pretty weak.
Non-white populations are concentrated in the cities in certain states. Move to literally anywhere in the midwest and the worst you will have to deal with is 10% non-white
>you on your polish proxy
you can't count iberians, italians and balkan people.
Only if you class Jews, Arabs, mestizos, Indians and various mongrels as White.
You wrote GDP instead of debt Tyrone
>polish proxy
my county:
>There were 7,488 housing units at an average density of 29.1 per square mile (11.2/km2). >The racial makeup of the county was 98.3% white, 0.2% Asian, 0.2% American Indian, 0.1% black or African American, 0.3% from other races, and 0.8% from two or more races.
>Those of Hispanic or Latino origin made up 0.8% of the population.
Hispanics all run the mexican restaurants and are hard workers.
Anyone got better demographics?
>pic related not shooped.
do you realise that if we remove the non blue and greed eye "whites" non caucasian youre below 20% white?
You can have both at the same time when every other country basically depends on you. Dollar is the fucking international standard for money
>remove based on eye color
You a choosy motherfucker huh
Jealous of greatness.
A tale as old as time itself.
when 20 blacks live in the same rental unit can we count it as one?
>white features
If we cage them, can we count them as apes instead?
Having fucking blue eyes is not required for you to be white. It's a recessive trait so only 1 in 4 white people will have it on average
Funny, I've NEVER used this "international standard" you speak of. We only deal in euros and GBPs, because dollar is an unreliable piece of shit currency. Even the chinese are dumping dollars en masse, trying to get even AUS dollars instead.
Face it Tyrone, USA is becoming a third world african shithole, you are entirely dependant on wars to keep your economy running.
That said, America about 40 years ago...god damn, that was the best place and time to be in history of mankind.
Gas is $1.87/gallon where I live. I rake in ~75k/yr before tax. Be mad
>Having fucking blue eyes is not required for you to be white
>this is what americucks tell to themselves
>1 in 4 white people will have it on average
Do I need to post all the pictures of police registering spics and niggers as white?I bet youre probably even less than 10% white.After all youre the MELTING POT
>not having a country that is 97% white
>other people get upset and go full meme on you
I love these threads. Having the biggest percentage of light-haired, blonde and blue-eyed people doesn't either
That's actually pretty poor desu. I've been offered 120k anually in the US and didn't make the move.
Yeah your gas is cheap, but it's also covered in blood.
I really don't know why you hold any animosity towards us. We're >70% white, according to official reports, and we've been doing nothing but spreading good ideas in the past year or so. Sure, we've fucked up in the past, but there's more Germans pushing an anti-white agenda right now than any other nationality, not that I want to divide the West any further than we already are.
I don't understand the point of arguing who is more white, when we've got whole continents of non-whites to deal with. Seems like unnecessary division to me. No matter how white you are, my friend, you will not be able to defeat China, India, Africa, South, and Central America on your own simply due to population limitations.
I just want us all to get along, and unite as white countries (even the Italians, Iberians, and Slavs, as long as they promise to behave).
White is the color of your skin, ahmed. Those contact lenses you bought don't make you white.
Plz leave
Yeah but it's my first year in the real world and I didnt even choose this job based on that. Naval labs get to work with such cool stuff I couldn't resist.
My girlfriend makes more than me tho... Am i cucked bois?
>He actually thinks that actual Western Europeans have brown eyes
I'm really sorry your house burned down because of the nigger firefighters. I really am. If you need a tissue, please use Washington as it's wet most of the time anyway.
>Now he resorts to calling me Ahmed
Yeah whatever even though I'm pale.You got brown eyes right?No surprise youre so butthurt
Nope blue, but my mom has brown, so you're insulting my lineage.
So you're saying this perfect white woman is not white
Considering she is most likely an ex coal burner, yeah pretty much.
90% European checking in
Not calling you non-white here, but nips can be pale, and they aren't white. Whiteness is determined by a lot of factors, but most of it is actually in the skeleton, primarily the skull.
Even if you're demographically more white than us, your choice of PM makes you all honorary non-whites.
Nah she's asian, they hate niggers more than anybody.
Lol you fucking burgers just cant keep your noses out even if you just embarrass yourselves
You are race-mixing garbage. Hang yourself immediately.
Scientifically speaking, are slavs white?
I grew up in a California city named Cardiff and I own a Corgi. I'm more Welsh than you are faggot.
>I grew up in a California city named Cardiff and I own a Corgi. I'm more Welsh than you are faggot.
Pft whatever man. Koreans and japs are honorary whites to me. And honestly i feel like they have better values than 90% of white girls you know it's true
I earn 143212 billion, you're all poor.
Argentina, you can't even think about posting being
I feel sorry for you. You're not even attractive enough to get yourself a white woman...
Of course not, we're all niggers. Now excuse me while my pale white dick plummets my blue eyed red pilled gf.
Then what the fuck can you count, you retarded bleached sandnigger
you're probably a dyn du
even argentina is more welsh than the usa
who /0%whiteandproud/ here ?
Honestly i wouldn't go back. White girls literally make no sense half the time. I know they're more attractive, but other shit matters too when you have to live with them.
Also nothing is tighter than a small asian girl (well legally anyway)
yn unig cymraeg ti'n gwybod? da iawn amerig
not so fast
Obama is half white. If his kids marry whites, their kids will also be 'black'. If those kids marry whites...'black' kids.
Jeb Bush. Mexican wife. Kids are 'hispanic'. They marry whites? Hispanic kids. Etc. Etc.
OP, you're a mindless sheep that picked up the 'one-drop' rule mindset.
The whole point is for the mentally challenged to say
>America is not white!1!
Do you understand? Do you need pictures?
let me guess, you're "mixed"
- Metizo Colombian. Some mainland Spanish.
- Canadian. Some family from South Carolina.
I in no way identify myself as white. This is bullshit.
>one drop rule isn't real!
Look at Brazil and what "whitening" has done to them
They didn't make their niggers smarter, they made their whites dumber
How long before americas flag has more white on it then its population?
What surprises me is that in this Age of Information, where all knowledge is at your disposal, most of you are the mental equivalent of a small child.
And you're ok with it?
All the nazi posts about how they dindu nuffin and dey sto my moneys makes sense. It fits in with the generally very low IQ of the average citizen of all countries.
HaHaHaHaHaH, nice thread, guys!! I will bookmark this page for later :-)
here's another fun one, dog is 'cwn'
>let me guess, you're "mixed"
No, I'm "educated".
That's what confused you, princess.
Relatively so, yes. They have a flat face, and the back of their skulls is not very distended, but it is slightly more distended than say, a typical Nordic skull type.
No, it's not true, and 'honorary White' is is just a meme made up by people who know a friendly nigger, or want to get their dick wet, like you. Sorry you're either too lazy to find a decent woman, or maybe your standards have been lowered due to something else. I know a guy who's dating a fucking nigress because he believes the fact that he's 1/6 Italian, and 1/64 Cherokee is enough to invalidate his whiteness, despite the rest being English. Don't get me wrong, white women are shit most of the time, but that's no excuse. I'm not even attracted to women, but I can't let my own selfish desires get in the way of the bigger picture. Hopefully you'll see, whether it's a buildup, or a single event, but I will tell you this: half-asian males are fucking ugly. See: Elliot Rodgers.
are there people who actually thinking sucking dick is gay?
you're sharing protein
you're admiring masculine physique
being in the vacinity of other high testosterone males increases your own testosterone
eating pussy is gay because you're litterally slurping down estrogen. and long term relationships have been proven to lower testosterone
spartans had gay orgies all the time and they were the height of masculinity. you bet they were at least fondling eachothers test producers
all these summer DYEL's piss me off. their twink bodies don't understand, but in time i'm sure they'll get it.
>They didn't make their niggers smarter, they made their whites dumber
That's a cultural thing, Mr. Retardo.
There are very few Brazilians who have made a contribution to science.
When will Poland open it's first school?
>tfw US is more cucked than Sweden
Top cucks
>If you swallow their seamen, you win
>race mixing to idiocy is a cultural thing
Yea it sure is and now it's happening to america
Point out the flaw in my argument.
Yes, I see you can't type. Get your mom to help, hon.
You're as dark as my shitstain
>quik change the subject!11!
>Implying asians are niggers
>Implying some asians aren't insanely fucking hot
Half asian males are only ugly when one of the parents is totally hmong.
I'm not a good looking white guy anyway. I've got blue eyes but that doesn't stop me from being just an average joe at best