Remember when Kirsten Dunst was still cute?
Remember when Kirsten Dunst was still cute?
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its a good thing, because she cant sing for shit.
She's still cute!
what the fuck is this. i'm seeing weeeb imagery alongside a western whore
she was cute in Spider-Man
I have only seen her in that toy movie and Spider-Man. Love her.
>its a washed out western whores try to be kawaii episode
>that panty shot
Seeing her tied up in Small Soldiers was what got me into bondage.
>it's a children born after 2000 seeing this video for the first time episode
really makes you realize why this board is in the state it is
She looks better than anyone in that video. Asians looks so soulless, like there is nothing behind their eyes.
Avril reminds me that I miss shitty early 00s pop punk and I'm sad to have missed the opportunity to fuck an early 00s pop punk chick. I could have been her Sk8erboi...
I know Japs are generally ugly as fuck but
>implying they didn't get ugly ones on purpose to make Avril look better
Her photos from the fappening is solid proof that she's still pretty cute.
and has grade A tits
Just imagine the casting for this. They contact an agency and they provide the usual cute young idols and they have to turn them down and ask for older women. Those businessmen must have had some laughs at the karaoke bar that night
fucking christmas cakes
Her lip synching at 0:20 really bothers me.
ummm is no one going to point out that this is obviously CULTURAL APPROPRIATION?
the video portrays her as an outsider who is annoying a bunch of japs
that would be back in 93.
she's still hot, though
the age of weebshit has begun
oh wow, that was terrible.
Imagine her sliding her panties off and sitting on your face while still wearing this outfit.
What a fucking patrician.
>points at black guy
>"That's my shit"
What did she mean by this?
not just a black guy, but Pharrell Williams. sometimes I wonder how many breads he has eaten
she was so hot in this, despite being like 45yo
why there's no hd version? this was clearly shooted on film.
Let me even out the weeaboo with freeaboo.
>That panty shot
Imagine getting a blowjob while she gives you that dead eye stare.
you meant gaisen or kikokushijo?
that's just sad
At what time? I'm not very good at spotting panty shots.
Still would
she still got it
>he didn't watch Fargo last year
mmm those plumper dumper sweater puppies
Got you covered senpai
Is there anything more cringey then white women trying to be asian? It's like they're trying to fill the niche that's slowly stealing their men.
Spraaaaang Breaaaaaak.
The other videos were okay. Slightly cringey. This is just embarrassing.
It's depressing, really.
just realized she kind of looks like she could be amy adams' younger sister
she's still af
>double chin
Kirsten is still 10/10, step up your game other aging hollywood women
>tfw you will never put your Dunst in Kirsten's cunst
Is this a jojo reference?
she's in her boyfriend's music video.
She cannot pull of that wig. Like, AT ALL.
except she is, roastie, she's looking cute as hell...
>Gwen Stefani's tummy
>Asians looks so soulless
No. People with mud eyes look soulless.
I've always like Dunst. She picks interesting projects and talented filmmakers to work with.
Plus she took the fappening in stride, unlike other actresses. Would bone and chill with.
no they do
ohhh I member
Look closely at about the 3:29 mark.
Never forget.
aka all asians