A Dark Song

Can anyone recommend more like this? This shit was pretty good

bump, why is no one discussing this awesome movie. Please watch, it's really good

What's it about?

A determined young woman and a damaged occultist risk their lives and souls to perform a dangerous ritual that will grant them what they want.

Cool, I'll give it a watch.

was pretty good

What would you have asked your guardian angel for

i'm downloading now
better be good shill

How am I a shill for wanting to discuss a Movie on a Movie and Television board. You know that is the purpose of Sup Forums right?

There are none like this. I think Crowley tried a ritual like this once, but he caved several months in. Saw it on a shitty documentary

>I'm a useful idiot not a paid shill!
sorry, my bad

Saw it last evening. It was pretty decent. I'm not even an occult/goth fag, before coming in, but it get me really interested in that shit now. Well, not that interested. I'm not going to go performing rituals now.

It was def a solid indie horror flick. Defied genre expectations. Very bewitching soundtrack. Compelling narrative. Decent cinematography for a newb director. Will say, that the ending will probably polarize some.

try jacob's ladder

You are making no sense

Ignore him. He's either trolling or retarded. This type of film isn't made to produce money. The director is just trying to get exposure, and maybe the leads too. You think shilling on Sup Forums would them rich?

>You think shilling on Sup Forums would them rich
Of course not, mainly because everyone here pirates their content (which I encourage too).

>but it get me really interested in that shit now
This... really makes you think about how science and mysticism coincide

But if we talk about a movie some jackass is bound to stumble into the thread and then go buy the movie.

You just KNOW it's gonna be awful, right?

>jackass is bound to stumble into the thread and then go buy the movie
Yeah, so fucking what?

Did you even watch it?

The business model for movies to make money, is to get them on as many big screens as possible. This was VOD/direct-release outside of Ireland, I think. People buying home release is usually peanuts, in most cirumstances.

Slow as fuck
Ginge was unnerving
Love the occult aspect
Pretty good effects
Nice pay off

Nah desu. I might do, I checked some reviews.. it's a 6/10 apparently.

Sup Forums gets so many troll threads I'm always skeptical when these unknown movies get shilled. Recently we had "The Dark Tapes", and "The Void", both utter shit flicks, but multiple threads saying how GOAT they were.

this annon here

20 minutes in and it's bretty gud.
Very interesting occult aspect.

we'll report back.


>20 minutes in and it's bretty gud
>will report back.

It is definitely worth a watch, pretty spooky

lel dat boi mad

Honestly, she picked a pretty good thing. She just wanted mental and emotional peace, and she got it. I was impressed.
I loved this movie. Some other occult movies I liked are As above, so below, Eyes wide shut, Rosemary's baby, Suspiria, Dagon, Kill list, Starry eyes, and House of the devil.
None of them are exactly like A dark song. I can't think of many movies that focus so much on occult magic.

good taste, tbqh

Horror bump

>"I'm just some cunt using your sons voice to make you afraid"

This was scarier than it should have been.

definitely worth a watch