Redpill me on climate change. Is it actually real...

Redpill me on climate change. Is it actually real? I was considering climate change being real but after seeing shit like the stuff in 'Bill Nye saves the World' I'm kind of doubting it.

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Of course it's not real. Keep burning those fossil fuels goyim. and i've got some nice coastal properties for sale, ignore the shills who warn you about storm surges and floods, they're just libcucks

Truth is its half true. Our pollution isnt enough to put a dent into the earth's natural atmosphere. Its scare tactics and nothing we could stop or change. Eventually we will be in another ice age.

I'm not smart enough to read studies and it scares me so I'm pretty sure it's a hoax

Haha I loved that television and film!

The studies dont show catastrophic changes though. They just make the big leap in logic that we are directly causing it.

Climate change was real for the last 4 billion years. The point of contention is the degree of human influence on the supposedly accelerated rate of climate change, and so far science is inconclusive at best.

also, not movies

I wouldn't know. I'm not smart enough to read them so I just listen to the pundits who agree with me

yes it's real
yes we are adding to the change
the change was coming anyway
we're just helping making it come faster

The only thing you need to know about climate change is that it's mainly just a ploy to cripple and destroy western countries.
If the so-called climate experts were that concerned with ending carbon emissions, then they would be attacking the BRIC countries for their shambolic and devastating environmental policies.

The fact that the BRIC countries are not being attacked for their disproportionate contribution to carbon emissions is proof that every climate change activist is a shill who is being paid by (((them))) with the express purpose of accelerating the destruction of the western world.

i got a degree in atmospheric sciences and its undoubtedly real. anyone who takes the time to look at the wealth of evidence available would agree.

>I believed in something until something vaguely related triggered me
Grow up

well CO2 traps infra red and we are releeasing a fuckton of CO2, do the math

if you want strict proof ask /sci/ or buy a chemistry set or something

I'm not going to have children, so why should I care if it's not gonna affect me or anyone I care about?
What justification can the government possibly provide to attempt taxing me for something that does not factor in my life? Fuck off, jew

>1990s: Global warming definitely is a hoax. See, the oil companies say so!
>2000s: Changing the term from global warming to climate change? See, I told you global warming was a hoax! No self-respecting field would change their hypothesis to reflect new data!
>2010s: Climate change might be real, but obviously humans aren't the primary cause.
>2020s: Who cares if climate change is real? Its not like we can do anything about it ;)

Literally you right now

Keep conflating climate change with pollution goy. If we prove that al gore is a hack then obviously its also okay to dump oil in rivers and chop down all the trees.

Kek I have a PHD in Bio and in med school. Im definitely more educated than you, also I'm right wing and think climate change is bullshit. How mad does that make you cuck?

Nah man, buy a gas guzzling humvee. It's good for the environment and our walle- uhh...

>disproportionate contribution to carbon emissions
Except the West, America in particular, contributes by far the most carbon emissions proportionate to population. China & India are also embarking on much more ambitious green-energy programs than the US.

Yeah obviously all those studies about dumping nitrates into the water were intended to stifle agriculture.
The great lakes are still in good shape

And this makes you qualified on this subject, how exactly? You might as well have a degree in Nutrition sciences lmao.

Either way it's still in everyone's best interest to transition from fossil fuels to renewable and nuclear energy.

Daily reminder that blatantly off topic threads like this shilling an alt-right agenda will stay up for hours longer than a normal off topic thread because the mods are being paid for them

I wouldn't know. I'm not smart enough to tell what is confirmation bias and what is reasoned thinking so I'm going to take your post as confirmation that climate science is full of hacks and the whole thing is a hoax

>it's an "user posts a blatantly Sup Forums thread but since he tangentially mentioned a TV show it won't get pruned" thread

Because I have a science backround and extensive research in organic chemistry so I understand how this is fake science.

People who are uneducated are the ones who truly believe that this is real and we are the direct cause.

That sounds exactly how liberals confirm their own bias that climate change is real. Funny how that works right? Fucking dumbass hahahaha.

>Because I got a degree in Biology I'm qualified to speak on atmospheric sciences
Yeah, you're retarded

Post a pic of your degree and a timestamp cuck

Not Sup Forums

yeah people who are uneducated and almost the entire scientific community

Daily reminder that shareblue posters don't blend in well here

Thats exactly how (((settled))) science polls are conducted
>we asked a bunch of PhDs in completely unrelated fields if they think manmade climate change is real and they replied 'un, I guess'

Oy vey he doesn't want to listen to the words of Rabbi Kushner! Please tell me what to think, master! Shall I make another Bill Nye thread for you, my Jewish king?

When people respond to concerns about climate change by saying 'the climate has changed for billions of years, we couldn't possibly have an effect,' it reminds me of people who argue against evolution because they don't understand 'why monkeys are still here if we evolved from monkeys.'

Just because the climate has changed drastically before humans existed doesn't mean the carbon dioxide we release isn't having an effect.
Why are you so eager to believe it's not? Because you don't care for liberals? Shit, I don't either. That new Bill Nye show is a disgrace, but that doesn't mean climate change isn't real or that pollution is irrelevant.

oh're actually retarded...

>people unironically dont believe in climate change

i hipe you are all b8ing

Are you one of these retards who think that "humans have enough nuclear weapons to destroy planet Earth n-times over"?
You greatly overestimate the impact of mankind's industry on this globe. We couldn't create a change in climate even if we actively tried.

There's a whole board dedicated to science and shit who you could ask. And yes it's real by the way.

yes climate change is real, but that's not the debate

Climate change is indisputable
The argument is whether it exists, but whether humans have caused it and whether humans can fix it or not.


A broken clock is right twice a day

so this is the mod that allows hardcore cp to stay up for 3 hours while banned BLACKED in 20 seconds

Pick one.

wrong board but yes it is and so is manmade climate change

the question you should be asking is how significant is OUR impact relative to what is happening naturally, the processes we have no control over. the answer to that, right now, is that our effect is laughably small. and global cooling is more significant than warming, this is all but accepted by the scientific community now and the media is slowly adapting to the change, hence why you hear "climate change" and not "global warming" now

the next question is then why is the media and the scientific community putting so much effort into trying to force something that isn't true? who knows what the answer to that is, maybe it involves globalists trying to stifle growth in the west while allowing growth in the third world, since this will make a unified global society easier to introduce. or maybe this isn't the answer, none of us will ever know for sure, it's not something that will happen in our lifetimes.

where do you get your news because you are an absolute retard

fuck your dumb

>guy puts in the effort to make a legitimate, well thought-out post
>guy is completely and totally wrong

p sad to be honest family

>Except the West, America in particular, contributes by far the most carbon emissions proportionate to population.

and where does the "green" lobby focus most of its efforts? in 20 years the US energy industry will be as much of a mess as the german industry while china and india will be supplying the rest of the far east.

>China & India are also embarking on much more ambitious green-energy programs than the US.

embarking on projects to increase the level of uranium being enriched for weapons is not a green energy project, no matter how many nuclear power stations they build as a front for this. they both continue to grow their heavy industries and soon they will overtake the US in pollutants. pollutants that still have an environmental impact that is negligible relative to natural processes, mind you.

>t. Alex jones

>it's not my opinion and i don't like it therefore it's wrong


>people only disagree with my because they can't handle the truth


>I'm not smart enough to read studies and it scares me so I'm pretty sure it's a hoax

this user speaks the truth.

explain what parts you believe are wrong

>US energy industry will be as much of a mess
The Green Lobby tends to focus on dirty sources of energy like coal, meanwhile America's production of Natural Gas has increased tremendously, something that's unlikely to change.

>Embarking on projects to increase the level of uranium being enriched for weapons is not a green energy project
China is slated to add more several times more solar power in the next 10 years than America you dummie. India is ramping up its clean energy production faster than the US as well.

You actually just have no idea what you're talking about.

The single best George Carlin

>Sup Forums

Boy I sure do love when these braindead Sup Forumsposters get their boards mixed up and just start spewing their diarrhea on whatever board they happen to be on at the moment.

Nah, that's just how Earth works. There have always been periods of warming and cooling, even before humans were around.

Care to explain why not?

It's not going to be the apocalypse in 100 years (unless A.I. uprising), the climate scientists predict more extreme storms, drought that will lead to food shortages, ocean acidification, rising sea levels and some other things.

The places that are fucked right now (Africa, Middle East, South West Asia) are going to be even more fucked up in 100 years because they will see the effects the hardest. If your Joe Shmoe in Middle Ameica your all good, you might see some changes but the effects won't be severe.


>can listen to all of the world's scientists

>or a bunch of college dropout NEETs on a malaysian water-skiing forum who think they used numerological ouija to decide the presidential election

tough choice

Ummmm, excuse me? I guarantee you those scientists haven't seen the unsourced infographs I have. I'm extremely redpilled and know more than the average goy.