What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't know. What are those shapes on her shirt? Do they mean something?
>does Vagina voice for 50 minutes
Women aren't entitled to make that statement.
>please look at my shirt and not at my busted face
>I'm going to take something people say and use it against them in a non clever manner
It shows, it shows
find me ONE funny man
I'll wait
wtf I hate dj qualls now??!
>female writers get added to comedy show
>it's suddenly less funny
Weird how that happens every time
She is somewhat big into the whole feminism thing
Which is fine considering that as one of the only female comedians that is actually funny she still gets shit on just for being a woman.
>women aren't funny
No, pretty and or stable people aren't fucking funny. You either need to observe tragedy or absurdity to be funny.
Most women aren't funny because they have been coddled in their childhoods wayyyyy more than men are. Men don't get soothing words or support when they grow up, they are expected to tough it out. Humor is a way of toughing it out.
Shitposting irl
thats a really funny joke referencing a male made joke it really makes you think.
>people in this thread getting triggered by a t-shirt
She probably meant this.
>women have been coddled in their childhoods wayyyyy more than men are
Source? Or are you just spouting bullshit?
She's trying guys, at least she's trying to be funny, unlike Schumer.
I also doubt any of her comedy idols WEREN'T men for that matter, so yes men can be AND are funny.
this board is full of bitch ass faggots that get triggered by fucking everything
Like fucking clockwork you cunts are.
women arent funny because they dont have to be funny even if they look like her
>Rick and Morty is praised for being funny and ground breaking; my opinion its shit
>liberals aren't happy and calling the show sexist because they don't have female writers
>producers cave in and hire women writers
>show suddenly sucks even harder and critics are saying it's lost its flare.
We call them words
nice cis scum
Someone post her tits
she is funny thought.
LOOKING thanks folks I'm here all week, don't forget to tip your waitress.
huh,its almost like men and women are pretty much the same.
Makes you think...
I'd be funny for her. I would so rip off that dumb shirt and molest the Greek, Cyprian or whatever out of her.
regardless of your political beliefs but if you wear a politically charged quipy t-shirt, you are a shit tier human being.
>mfw people here are getting upset over a shitpost
and not one posted
men aren't funny! deal with it! if you do find one it will probably be a jew!
shit tier trolling.
i think a woman is behind these posts.
>thinking a person is shit tier human being for wearing a fucking t-shirt
Kill yourself.
>telling someone to kill themselves online
why hello there reddit. edgy as always.
>my busted face
I've been here longer than you.
Men had their go at humor, but now women have shown their superiority in that too.
>soft core shit bating
Ahh i feel like i'm on Sup Forums, haven't been there in months.
thanks for the memories user
The funny looking guy from Man in the High Castle is a tranny now? They get all the good ones!
damn, Assad looks like THAT?!
Uniornically this
>muh God doesn't exist
>muh America sucks
>muh everyone but me is an idiot
Try again honey.
If you think women aren't coddled as children more than men you are fucking delusional.
How many women get into physical fights as children?
How many men?
I'm not saying women don't get traumatized, I'm saying our way of treating trauma in children is different. We nurture women, we kick men while they are down so they will be tougher (or die)
I still don't see anyone being posted
It's a pun
>See the shirt
>Act suprised
>"Woah-men aren't funny"
Hence the sparkles.
The Rock
little boys sometimes get into fights
little girls sometimes get molested or even raped
If you would rather have been born as a girl, I recommend suicide. Go for it. Maybe you will reincarnate as a woman. Enjoy being coddled.
>implying little boys don't get molested
Nice try, Satan, but my crush is still better looking than that Giraffe
Never said they didn't, you faggot. It does happen, but not as much.
>not as much
>little boys sometimes get into fights
>little girls sometimes get molested or even raped
Are you implying society views those two things equally?
You asked for a source on girls being nurtured more than boys. You're obviously a fucking retard.
No society considers boys fighting to be much worse. Western culture is so backwards that they literally don't care about women getting raped or girls getting molested.
welcome to Sup Forums faggot
What did she mean by this?
where's your source for this? in any case molestation/rape is very rare in comparison to things like boys getting into fights; most boys will get into fights, the vast vast majority of girls will not be molested/raped
You're a funny guy.
Adam Sandler
>thinking anyone was triggered
>What did she mean by this?
She meant "women aren't funny", and proved it by trying to be original and just ending up taking something men said and removing the letters W and O.
>I'm going to take something people say and use it against them in a non clever manner
There's no place on the Internet where this rings more tru than on Sup Forums. This god awful shit site is NOTHING but that.
>being in denial
she meant to trigger people like this and it worked
> it worked
How is it triggering to get my world view confirmed for the millionth time?
I revel in this.
Patrice O Neal
Eddie Murphy
Chris Rock
Dave Chapelle
if you disagree you're a fucking bigot
wow, you just said George Carlin is a liberal SJW faggot
>Patrice O Neal
muh differences between men and women
>Eddie Murphy
muh impressions
>Chris Rock
muh yelling and repeating
>Dave Chapelle
muh illuminati
woah woah chill the fuck out you fucking racist
go to Sup Forums if you want to be a racist asshole
>muh naming black people so you sound like a racist by disagreeing
damn, i guess she's right, men aren't funny
Nia, kys
Are you new here?
This is a website for little dicked white boys to lash out and be triggered by everything because they're scared little cowards with no actual achievements to speak of. Half the people on Sup Forums have never even hugged a girl who wasn't family.
>triggered women
can you even name 10 female comedians
Shhhh, it's okay. Don't be so upset.
>all these mad roasties
fucking lel
>cant do it
thought so
>What did she mean by this?
That cultural wars have devolved into prepubescent playground bullshit because we are getting dumber now that the internet has taken all of the meaningful pondering out of life.
>first anons accuse the triggered anons of getting triggered
>now anons are accusing the anons who called them out as being triggered
Feels like I'm watching a re-run of Sup Forums.
>N-No, Y-You
o shit u got me
I still like her
I'm not a feminist but it is so stupid when men say "women aren't funny" when the only female comics they know are Amy Schumer and Sarah Silverman
It's like if you said all comedy sucks after watching a Dane Cook special
>Only women and cucks find this not retarded
Really fires up the neurons in the ole frontal cortex lobe
bill nye.
You need to leave.
Funny how? Funny like a clown?
Who was triggered? Is being triggered the sole reason you could have for commenting on anything ever?
>haha I'm using the linguistics of those alt right bigots against them! xD
>It does happen, but not as much
Source? Or are you just spouting bullshit?
Projecting a bit too hard there mate
What do you think of her comedic talents?
are they men? have you asked what their gender was? what if they identify as female?
I came on a tinder girls boobs last night and kept her panties.
Consistently hilarious whenever she's on the Comedy Bang Bang podcast.