Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
Other urls found in this thread:
>pitbulls will never all be rounded up and gassed
>niggers who own and don't train their pitbulls will never be rounded up and gassed
she was, no one in his right mind would get his face so close to a dog he doesnt know.
1, the dog shouldn't just be biting people, so the dog is wrong
The whole thing was badly organised. That dog is a danger and should probably be gassed, and that woman should never be let near a dog again.
>no blood
He didn't bite her
Pitbulls are absolutely disgusting animals to have as pets and should be culled
Literally no use for them unless your aim is to kill young children
Still, it should just be biting people because it feels like it. If my dog did that I'd kick that cunt all over the stage.
>getting in the face of obviously nervous dog
what a retardaloid
Both to be honest
>the dog shouldn't just be biting people
>a breed known for being agressive shouldn't bite someone trying to assert dominace by staring them in the eyes
spotted the woman
Pitbulls are fine if they're not raised by stupid fucking cunts.
spotted the reddit. you need to go back.
are these the dogs originally bred for war?
>dog looks threatened as fuck
>put a hand where it can't see it, and look down at it, AND move your face towards it
Obviously it's a shitty fuckign dog to actively be biting anyone, but to place no blame on that dumb whore is a mistake.
Only stupid fucking cunts own pitbulls. The entire breed was created by stupid fucking cunts to fight other dogs owned by stupid fucking cunts thus making money for stupid fucking cunts.
there were like a hundred people present, blinding lights and lots of noise, the dog was nervous as fuck, she was in the wrong for acting carelessly.
the dumb bitch that stuck her face in front of a snarling dog's mouth
No, fuck off with this dumb shit. Pitbulls are cancerous and I'm tired of you reddit fucks always defending this aggressive as fuck, dumb dog.
Pitbulls are definitely a dangerous breed. I love dogs but I feel like they shouldn't be kept as pets unless totally isolated, like on a farm or something.
Also, this stupid cunt should know better than to get that close to a dog who was probably freaking out, let alone a fucking pitbull. She deserves to lose her nose.
type of comeback you'd expect from a woman
>grown up with Staffordshire bull terriers in the house from the age of 4
>they were all soft as fuck and docile
A lot of it is down to the owners.
>putting your face right in front of a strange dog that's baring its teeth
Without context my assumption is that it's a rehabbed pitbull as well, judging from the police officer right there. So the thing was probably abused/used for dog fighting and the numb cunt put her face right into it.
Obviously neither of you have ever owned one or had any experience with them. They don't grow up to be aggressive cunts if they aren't trained to be aggressive cunts. It's not that hard to understand.
I know, I'm this user >hundred people present, blinding lights and lots of noise, the dog was nervous as fuck,
Exactly, you're right. It shouldn't be though.
I love dogs mate, but it can't be biting anyone full-stop. Especially if it's a Pit. She should have been able to put her face within a few inches of it without getting her nose ripped off.
That dog hasn't been raised right, mate. It's a danger due to the idiots that own it.
>expecting women to get it
Aggression is in their blood. Literally the dindus of the animal kingdom.
Oh fuck off back to re ddit, Michael Vick.
>that cop not giving a fuck and just petting the dog at the end
Ha ha ha ha
What was the aftermath you gif posting compressed faggot.
its kinda brave tho, normally everybody would be scared as hell in this scenario.
or maybe shes just really really dumb.
Funny that, none of mine have ever been aggressive. I don't train dogs to be violent twats.
seriously you need to leave now. go back. you're not welcome here
>kind of brave
>le reddit
Thick cunt.
Retard. Never ever fucking get in the face of a dog you just met, no matter how friendly it looks. Dog interaction 101.
This. Where the fuck is Sup Forums's pitbull kino webm poster?
Okay, Michael Vick.
thaaas riiiite!!
like seriously, who ARE they to be this privileged?
this is a MYSOGONY FREE zone!
you're NOT welcome!
For you tripfag
I'm gonna go with the latter
Pitbulls are the niggers of the dog world.
There is no reason for pitbulls to exist. They were bred for dogfights and nothing else. They are terrible guard dogs, so they don't even serve a purpose.
If someone keeps them as family dog, they are retarded. With so many breeds around, that aren't timebombs, there is no excuse going for a pitbull.
we can always spot a plebbit. remember that.
You'd never seen a golden retreiver act like this no matter how bad their owner is. Pitbulls should be banned like they are in most civilized countries. You can train a lion to be dosmestic but that doesn't mean it should be legal to own a lion as a pet. Same goes for these killing machine dogs.
That doesn't really help in any way.
Are you implying there's a webm of it?
Cesar Milan kicks a lab in 1,2...
Pitbulls should be illegal. (and are in many places!)
Saw one tied up outside 7-11 yesterday. What if a child walked by? At the least they should be muzzled at all time.
did she losed her nose?
>comparing docile golden retrieves who are never known to be guard dogs to an agressive guard dog
hola reddito
b-b-but its a qt doggo
>what if a child walked by?
you did though
Hey look, he's repeating himself again.
You haven't owned one. You haven't been around a well trained one. You don't know what you're talking about. Shut the fuck up.
Truths about pits
>they are far and away some of the most dangerous dogs based purely on their capabilities (ie muscle mass, endurance etc) very very athletic.
>They are not the most aggressive breed although they are more aggressive than the avg
>They do not have magic "locking jaw"
>They do not "feel no pain"
>They are hyper protective of their home and families
All things considered I think ownership of them should be illegal but I think it should be regulated in some way.
Guns are also fine if they are in trusted hands.
But, because people are stupid, having a semi-intelligent 50kg muscle freak with teeth should be banned.
These things are literally more dangerous than guns
>"whispers" (kicks)s dogs for a living
/our guy/
He means that there is a shitposter here on Sup Forums who spams webms of violent pitbull attacks.
As expected for tripnigger newfag.
>when the reporter enters your personal space triggering the Stand Your Ground clause and violating the NAP so you attempt to rip her face off but your voluntary slave owner master pulls you back because he belongs to a subserviant labor unit to the reporter
I'm pretty sure some wolves can be trained to be non-agressive towards humans too, doesn't mean allowing people to have wolves as pets is a good idea
I'm not even that user but you are letting your emotions about that cute pitbull you've owned back in the day cloud your judgement here
>all these dicklet shih tzu owners getting THIS triggered
Shut the fuck up nigger. You can train a fucking bear to be dosmetic. That doesn't mean they are good pet material. A Pitbull is like a Lion or a wolf, you can't trust them. They can explode at any time.
Ownership of pits is illegal in some states and carry a heavy home owner insurance premiums in states that allow ownership.
People who ignore the reality of the shitbull disposition are retards who would also ignore the reality of the nigger disposition.
There's always a chance your pitbull will become confused/angry/distressed in a split second by a random noise outside and rip the face off your small child/wife with that as its sole provocation while you're sitting around watching TV as a family. This has happened exactly as described more than once.
Wew bro. You fit in so well. Please make sex on me.
>A Pitbull is like a Lion or a wolf
Hmmmmmm.. Where have i heard that before?
i don't think the problem is that they're illegal, rather their reputation is.
where i live they are popular exclusively among the poor white trash, literally the only people who have them are people who, lack of a better word, aren't really that bright. they walk around with them using steel chains and whatnot trying to look tough as fuck. i don't these "folks" are intelligent enough to own a dog and properly master/train it.
>all babies and old shitters who are better off dead
as long as the dog isn't killing someone elses kid, i'm fine with it.
They had the dog in their house, they should have trained it better. No ones fault but the dog owner/parents.
Oh yeah, my dogs sneak out behind my back all the time. They keep secrets, the bastards.
What did they mean by this?
well how about if you ban breeding of pitbulls maybe trailer trash and niggers dont get em, in fact maybe they dont get any dogs at all and only the usefull breeds and the docile breeds remains for stable households and workplaces.
>having to train your dog not to kill people
My aunt adopted a baby pitbull that was the sweetest thing, never hurt anyone ever.
However the usual pitbull owner is not a sweet old lady, but a stupid uneducated thug.
They aren't qt's, huskies are.
>where i live they are popular exclusively among the poor white trash,
This is a universal fact for this type of dog
So what about all the remaining pit bull attacks where there is only a child and the dog?
Stop making excuses for these shitty dogs.
guns dont shoot themselves randomly faggot
>They are not the most aggressive breed although they are more aggressive than the avg
What did he mean by this?
>having to train an attack dog
nice try, pea-brained woman.
>6% of the dog population
>literally 1%~ off from the population of black males who are similarly disproportionately represented in violent acts
shiiiiiiiiiiieeeeet we need mo money fo mo dem programs in da comoonity, these dogs are the victim of institutionalized prejudices
dey was slaves n shit forced 2 fite in pitz
christ their beady little eyes and face shape even remind you of a nigger
I meant to say they should be legal just with certain stipulations on who can own them.
Most data suggest like I posted that they are only slightly more aggressive than the avg dog, but my hang up is on there pure ability to kill and maim... they are basically unmatched in the dog world
>They don't grow up to be aggressive cunts if they aren't trained to be aggressive cunts. It's not that hard to understand.
>predisposition to violence is not a thing
Stop making a false equivalence, Comparing a pitbull to a fucking Lion or bear. Thats just retarded. They aren't wild beasts. If you wanna argue try harder.
Learn to be a good owner because any dog can be super aggresive, it depends on how well its trained.
Too bad huskies are so destructive because they are so high energy. Not dangerous, but will ruin your couch.
>pit bull apologists admit that the dogs are a danger if not properly trained
> 9 out of 10 people don't know how to properly train dogs
Why aren't niggers illegal again?
>Learn to be a good owner because any dog can be super aggresive, it depends on how well its trained.
What did he mean by this?
It's in their fucking NAMES. They were bred to KILL in pits. They are a killing breed. How fucking hard is this to understand. They should be exterminated.
>These things are literally more dangerous than guns
first we had the retarded nigger say Pitbulls are like Lions/Wolves.
Now this .. top kek
fucking numale scum
Never before such a cute ball of furry destruction was unveiled to humans
>that pic
should have watched where he was going tbqh
>2.5% of the attacks of pit bulls
Exactly. Pittbulls can attack on their own out of nowhere. They are even more dangerous