>start thread
>someone is rude to you in the first post
>close tab and never look at it again
Start thread
I wish I could have saw u on ur first day of school trying to find a table to sit at for lunch
dumb frogposter
Welcome to the rice fields motherfucker.
Just remember these people actually think tv dramas and movies are art.
how new are you? you have to realise that everybody else has the wrong opinion and only yours matters. when people try to bully you it doesn't matter because at the end of the day you're right and they're not.
but his opinion is that he is dumb as fuck and not worth talking to
>babby's first thread
>someone insults you on Sup Forums
>turn off computer and lie in bed all day
>sometimes try to read the novel you've been trying to finish for the last few months but can't concentrate because you're still thinking about the Sup Forums post
>try to listen to your favourite artists to cheer you up but find that they're just not as good anymore
>try to contact old friends but think about how you haven't contacted them in such a long time it would be weird to hear from you again and they're probably changed too much over time to still like you anyway
>finally realize the sun has set and the day is over and you've done absolutely nothing productive with your time except sit there feeling sad all day
i am sorry that they r rude 2u
>see a thread with someone making an argument you're 100% sure you know is wrong and post a response explaining why they're wrong
>everyone in the thread sees your post and apparently you weren't as informed as you thought and literally everyone calls you an idiot and explains why you're an idiot
>close the web browser and pace around the room
>tfw that's me every day of the week and I leave my browser on Sup Forums regardless if I got trolled or not
>not going full retard on them
>tfw Sup Forums and memes ruined your life
this, if I'm losing an argument badly, I just close the tab and hide the thread
We had a meta thread yesterday. Delete this one, you autist.
>I wish I could have saw u on ur first day of school
Could you repeat that in English?
>enter an argument from the front page
>open the thread and read to occupy you while you wait for responses
>you realize that your post was dumb as fuck considering the rest of the thread
>immediately close the tab and pretend nothing happened
>avoid the board for the rest of the day
I fucking hate slow boards for that reason, sometimes I have to avoid a board for a week for some of the slower ones
>not typing out one last utterly retarded post before you leave
report them for bullying
>say something that's technically wrong
>someone calls me out on it
>defend my original post to the end while fully aware that it's false and dumb
>many posts of arguing
>the last post in the thread is me condescendingly mocking that one user, thus winning the argument and proving that i was in fact right all along
>bump dead thread
>doesn't revive and become the last post
This guy knows
>lose argument
>wait 3 hours
>reply with "no u"
>win the argument
>get completely btfo in an argument
>keep posting DUDE REDDIT LMAO until they give up
>win the argument
>blow someone the fuck out using facts
>actual facts not just manipulated statistics
>no one notices, thread keeps going even though I completely won
>make grammatical error
>visit a different board for a few hours
Hmmm, aren't we the edgelord huh redditard? Keep yourself cancer shithead.
What makes people like this?
>Someone insults you
>Write a well thought out comeback
>Close thread until you can't help yourself and go back to see if he replied
>thread full of anons having fun
>SJW anons get triggered by a joke and ruin the whole thread
no one in life loves you
Sup Forums is basically Sup Forums now huh
Too close to home
(((Friends))) are for Normies. Sup Forums is all you need.
The sooner you come to this realization the easier it gets. People insulting you virtually are just as damaged as you are.
Projection won't obscure where you're coming from, not with those phrases you're using, not the fact of how thinskinned you and those you're defending evidently are. I think you should leave.
>losing an argument very hard
>can't take it anymore, whole body is sweating, heart is pounding, head hurts
>weighing my options
>decide to go out with a bang
>reply "fuck you" to all the anons and post my favorite cuck porn image
>that person you were arguing against continues posting in the thread while ignoring your post
>losing argument
>everyone in the thread is now mad at how dumb I am
>initiate plan B
>tell them they're all losers for caring so much and that it's just a basket weaving forum and that I wasn't even serious
>Winning an arguemnt in Sup Forums
>The one replying you stop doing it so you know you win
>reply to someone criticising their post and implying they are dumb
>feel bad about it for the rest of the day
>Winning an argument against some schmuck
>People in the thread collectively agree with me and start grouping up against him
>Feel bad because his life is probably shit and he's also getting shit on even on the internet
>Having argument with an user
>Tells me to explain something to him
>Reply with Spoonfeedmepls
>tfw you've had over two genuine and personally productive arguments on Sup Forums
>they were on Sup Forums
everything else has been shit though
>post in thread
>tablet autocorrects a word to a different word which makes the sentence not make sense
>post before noticing autocorrect
>read post
>notice error
>leave thread before someone calls out for being a mobileposter
>tfw they reply with "I'm not having this argument"
>type out well thought out reply to a comment
>thread immediately 404's
>Start losing argument
>Reply to everyone with not an argument
>nootka posting hits tv
>threads are all hilarious
>watch new episode of taboo and get inspired
>type out 14 line greentext nootkapost
>revise multiple times
>instantly kills the thread
>nootka posting never seen again
i called you a mobilepoaster cuck faggot when you did that. everyone laughed at how stupid you were. want me to fetch the archived post?
>someone frogposts on Sup Forums
>report it
>it gets deleted
>absolutely gleaming with joy for the rest of the day
My favorite is when some user doesn't get a joke and gets mad
>teacher, user brought his gameboy to class today!
>take a little break from everyone's favorite Somali pirate posting website
>miss the designated falcon craze
>w-wait guys this is really funny!
>post a thread about what *I* would think would be funny if that situation existed
>first response
>"ded meme"
I really do want that one back family
>someone uses underage speak, ie "kys" etc
>report it
>it gets deleted
>literally cumming with joy
kińotórium posting was goat user
You kys me on the cheek.
I kys you on the lips. :3
>have a witty banter with another poster
>could see a future with them as my best friend, becoming my best man at my wedding, growing old and going on fishing trips
>thread dies and we never meet again
>Become redpilled alt-right neo-nazi
>Be obsessed with conservative talk show hosts and socially conservative values.
>Research jews throughout history
>Get 23andme results.
>50% jewish
>30% gypsy
>3% black
>I know that feel froggy
>false flag dinosaur thread
>waiting for the same person arguing about feathers in every dinosaur thread to take the bait
>He takes it every time
>make grammatical error in the most heated argument
>open rocket league
>reply to thread with animated discussion
>all activity dies after your post
>Sup Forums
they're onto you user
>someone tells me my fetish is gay/low test/waste of libido
fuck you buddy necks are patrician
>spoilers didnt work in starting new thread
>never look at that board again
Dumb pepes are for dumb people.
>tfw you ruined your life
the memes are just the vehicle m8
I hid in a bathroom stall
>in the few times I was wrong, admit my mistake and explain how I was led to it
>reform new opinion on light if new information
>make funny reply in a cunnybot thread
>hit refresh to see if anybody gave me a (you)
Every time.
Indeed.Neo-Sup Forums as I would call it