Which would you get?
Which would you get?
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>File: IMG_1979.jpg (944 KB, 2222x1845)
Which one would a coward like you get?
Crying about mobile posters is literally red-dit
That hobbit hole breakfast looks really good
me? i'll have the mcnuggets
>hobbit hole
>anything other than Slam it up
Denny's is for fags.
I can spot the swastika, can you?
I haven't eaten burgers in quite some time and this is making me hungry.
>Which would you get?
I'm actually going to walmart right now and getting a bunch of those gold-foiled chocolate coins.
Thanks OP.
Getting Denny's themed menu before each Hobbit movie with my friends was the best part of those awful fucking movies. IIRC I got the Bilbo's Breakfast Feast. Was good desu
Denny's is McDonalds for old people
>limit 2 items
fuck that noise
Nothing because I'm not a repulsively fat Americuck and I don't get excited by gimmick food.
You think anyone has eaten all of that in one sitting
>pumpkin pie milk shake
These don't seem like meals hobbits would eat.
you guys jelly?
I have no idea why this post made me laugh as hard as it did
It's a family friendly restaurant, they can't put dicks on the menu.
>human torch skillet
>big black sausage
where are the peppers? faggot
>bacon on a cheesesteak
please kill yourself
Hobbits are little gluttons, they'd eat half that shit for first breakfast and the other half at second breakfast.
>invisible woman slam
Don't mind if I do LOL
This was such a reach. What does literally any of that food have to do with the invisible woman?
i'm from reddit and this is epic ;) take my gold good sir
i don't like peppers, onions, or mushrooms on my cheesesteak
It's very hard to translate being invisible and force fields into themed food.
>bacon not crispy
then you dont like cheesesteak, retard.
yes i do. i just don't like disgusting veggies on it. stay butthurt ;^)
Sweet pancakes with fruit, cause she's a chick? Dunno
>nuts in pancakes
all of it looks good except that.
Exactly, it was a dumb promotion
God I miss Smaugposting.
Only one I got to have was Bilbo's Breakfast Feast. It was pretty delicious. That honey cake french toast man..
when capitalism goes right
Slamt FOUR stic
Also holy shit their careers were so over after this trainwreck.
love that filename
the burger obviously
Actually had the Smaug's Burger when it came out. Not bad.
>tfw aragorn taxed me so much this year i cant afford bacon on my fire burger
I'd eat the shit out of that hobbit hole
The thing burger was unironically good for Denny's
of course it does, it's an ad you fuckwit
>tfw no Hobbit GF's asshole to eat
sounds a bit gay tbqh
The only actor that seems to be even remotely negatively effected by this was jamie bell, but he has a tv show.
Honestly I want to know what you meant by this
>Potato instead of taters
Fucking dropped.
Bilbo's Breakfast Feast looks good
Bilbo's breakfast cause I like my eggs scrambled
Whats the appeal of sunny side up anyway? It seems like the worst way to eat eggs.
They just have a thanksgiving dinner labeled as hobbit related for some reason
None, all of those are american-tier.
>T-Day dinner
should be green beans of some sort
stop posting this shit
For me, it's the Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese, the best fast food sandwich.
I actually went to Denny's during this promotion and had Bilbo's Breakfast.
Hella-fuckin'- delicious.
maybe for your shit tier poverty family, lad.