Why I didn't like The Force Awakens

I'm done paying hollywood to force political opinions down my throat.

Women are not strong
Women are not heroes
Women are not determined or inspiring

They are verifiably, factually and demonstrably less intelligent, less inspired, less ingenious and less capable than men in almost every field. I am not now nor will I ever swallow the feminist pill of equality because the two genders very simply are not equal.

That is why I didn't like it. Because Rey was the protagonist. I don't want that, I don't need that and I have had enough of Star Wars in my life if that's the way the franchise is going.

this posts ends in the amount of times OP has gotten laid

Not bad

Damn OP has got some experience. Also TFA was a great Star Wars movie and women are not that bad at all. I like that girls have a strong rolemodel to look at.

>strong rolemodel

you mean a unrealistic jew-wood fantasy to look at


I am not alt right nor have I ever been alt right. I just know the truth about women that the media will never show you. Star Wars is dead at this rate. Have you seen the new uggo tumblr self insert? We can't even give our heroes attractive love interests anymore.

>This pasta again

At least try.

>TFA was a great Star Wars movie
it was garbage.

By ***insisting*** on the inferiority of women, you're just coming across as the biggest cuck. You sound like a whiny, insecure little cunt who has to cry twice as loud cause he knows he's small and weak.

star wars is done user, it's for numales, faggots and sjw's now. just enjoy the real star wars movies and forget disney wars.

>t. Assmad roasties
Women are trash and you deep down inside know it.

Not that guy but it's not that there isn't any such thing as a good or strong female character, there just hasn't been one in nuwars, rey is a garbage character.

i want daisy to beat me up.. soooooooooooo.....

Stop this fucking meme.

I agree. Every movie now has to be about highjacking male virtues like bravery strength and chivalry and attributing them to female leads to satisfy womens inferiority complexes about not being men. I have never looked up to a woman as an heroic figure in real life and cannot enjoy a film that makes pandering to women it's main objective. Not believable

>TFA was a great Star Wars movie
>Star Wars movie

Yeah nice blogpost user, see you here tommorow in an another SW thread talking about how you don't care about it anymore.

And the same thing all over again after you watch the next episode. And the next episode.

Is that really Finn's love interest? Why does it have to be a little troll?

who hurt you OP

Mommy never loved me enough.

the weak should fear the strong

You sound like a fag talking like that

I agree women should not be heroic in combat. However, women can definitely be heroes. My mom is a hero for the motherly things she has done. Not for her ability to physically beat a man on the battlefield.

If you let this part of the film bug you, that's just your own problem. I would prefer if the protagonist is male. However Kylo Ren might be the real protagonist of the story. He's the real heroic skywalker.

Fucking hell dude

The OP is posting drivel, but star wars TFA was shite

TFA is my 2nd best star wars movie next to the empire strikes back