Did you virgin faggots enjoy making this woman cry? I hope those of you who bullied her eventually an hero

Did you virgin faggots enjoy making this woman cry? I hope those of you who bullied her eventually an hero.

I shouldn't know that monkey exists because it's meant to be in Africa.

Fuck off cuck.

who fucking cares?

If you have a soul and a set of balls, send her a message with this pic and remind her she is beautiful.

I actually feel sorry for her, god damn my fucking empathy.
Empathy is really a disadvantage for us whites.


Why did you post a picture of a gorilla?


>this woman
this ape



>defending sheboon
fuck off Trudeau

How would you feel if strangers made fun of someone in your family for no reason but their apperance? If you think I'm being a white knight you are either autistic, a sociopath or both.


People take the piss out of each other all the time.

For offense, humor or to even break the silence.

Grow a pair, the big thing here is if a family member was getting bullied on the internet i'd laugh in their face.

What happened to analogue bullying?

That's a spergy way to justify bullying woman for their looks.

How would you feel if strangers knew you had uncontrollable autism?

But monkeys don't understand verbal abuse, chill out.

>this woman

Fucking leaf. That's not a woman. That's John Boyega.


fucking monkey needs to be tranqed and dragged back to the zoo

Look, we extracted the toddler and did what needed to be done. RIP

It wasnt bullying, it was a tough desision to save the kid who had fallen in. Sad but nessesary

>I hope those of you who bullied her eventually an hero.
please don't post comments until you A) learn English and B) sober up.
leaf cant even do English.

If a full grown woman gives in to internet trolls on social media, she gets what she deserves. Only an idiot would allow something that pathetic to derail them.

it's a nigger who the fuck cares

She probably lives in luxury. Say what you want about bullying she's still happier than me.

How about no

If you stumble onto something here, or anywhere on the net, that offends you or hurts your tender feelings, DONT READ IT.
Close the page and go somewhere else.
Why is this so hard to understand?

>I hope those of you who bullied her eventually an hero.

Fucker found DDOS HIM NOW!

She's a rich, privileged actress and the worst thing in her life is someone called her a mean name.

she had some choice words for white people. fuck her.

Why do they call this simian a comedian?
Real comedians know how to deal wirh trolls because they're just internet hecklers.

>looks like a literal ape



people aren't making fun of her, they're making fun of the terrible writing which is prominent in the movie, simple.

Sure ,it'd be great if she wasn't ,but if you followed a bit the news about this movie, she was to blame for the animosity as well.
She's a useful idiot anyway, but god damn if the idiot isn't a euphemism

I wanna be a rich token nigger -_-

>a rich celebrity actor is upset because people said mean things on Twitter

I can't begin to explain how little I fucking care

>a rich celebrity actor who tweets full rants filled with foul words is upset because people said mean things on Twitter


Why don't people understand this

As a real, diagnosed sociopath, I'm deeply offended that you paint it in such a negative light. I didn't ask to be born this way, different, and I don't like being described as inferior to you just because of it. We both have our own strengths, and hating us for being indifferent to you is a good way for you to piss off a nation full of us.

you sound like a faggot

Well you're a big meanie and my dad is stronger than yours

A real diagnosed psychopath. You don't say?
