Why did he need orange slices?

Why did he need orange slices?

it was a lost meme

Because he was hungry.

q u i p
p o w e r

because he reddit off the script

why would he be hungry after a big airport fight? And dont the airport have lots of snacks

Not when the entire airport had not a single employee there.

>playing hockey in high school
>some kids mom unironically brought the team orange slices and gave them to the coach between periods
It was hilarious and absurd. We ate them though, would eat again

Citrus helps prevent muscle cramps. Now that you have the answer will you quit asking every 20 minutes?

So why didn't ask for a Squirt or another citrus beverage?

Never heard of a "Squirt" before, but I would have lmao if he asked for one.

this exact shit happened to me too lmao

Yeah why was that? Did Ant-Man use his powers to have the ants carry everyone away?

Holy fuck. I just realized he was only in the movie for 5 minutes.

why didn't he ask for a muscle relaxer? IIRC all major airpots have a small medical room stocked with drugs in case of a crash.

thats a good point user

What is this from?


problem child 2

Autist thread #82202972. All autists report at once.


This post was sponsored by Florida's Natural Brand Oranges, bringing you the freshest in nature's best.

Lol it is you!

yeah and they will see any of the benefits like 4 hours past eating them. good luck digesting or absorbing shit while performing heavy physical activity. oranges never did shit, there is no justification for that nonsense, americans are a fucking joke.



Can someone screencap everytime this shit is posted on here? I swear it's over 1000 times now

its a legit question that still hasnt been properly answered.

take a shot -> chase it with a slice

i always thought that was the reference. i mean it's a shit reference but it seemed pretty straightforward 2 me

The whole thing is just weird . As a kid I was forced to play t-ball, soccer, basketball, golf, and probably some other shit I don't remember. Literally NEVER had anyone talk about or offer orange slices, just pizza parties and shitty plastic trophies.

I'll stop posting when I get a satisfying answer

The sports team answer is usually the most cited, but it has a few holes in it. FOr one, ant-man was never established as playing child sports. Secondly, they werent' at a sporting event so it was inappropriate

I've heard his suit is powered by vitamin C. That's the closest I am to getting a real answer

Played basketball and wrestled, never heard of the orange slices. Is it a baseball thing?

>his suit is powered by vitamin C
comic books

sounds like a plan to get kids into healthy habits.

why did he think that was a good time to make a joke when in all probability he will be arrested and imprisoned for destroying an airport and putting many lives at risk? Did he not care that he could have killed someone?

Maybe this is why he wanted oranges, to make an apology fruit baske

He's a pretty irresponsible man when you think about it

because in American little league soccer and tee-ball and shit they would always have orange slices at half time and/or the end of the game.

>Secondly, they werent' at a sporting event so it was inappropriate
holy fuck


>this is the best hollywood has to offer

is the "op is a literal crazy person" meme part of the plan?

what exactly is happening in this weebum

It's a good meme my dude. Well worth his time.

I thought these were "orange slices" and slices of an actual orange were "sliced oranges"

Have I been lied to my entire existence?

in what bumfuck town little league game would they have orange slices? Whenever we played we drank gatorade out of the cooler in paper cups. Where the fuck is this seen as normal? Is this maybe an attempt to cater to a foreign demographic?

literal art

Who's the leader of the club that's made for you and me?
M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E!


>ant-man was never established as playing child sports.
He's literally a soccer mom.

They're powerful.

they replenish electrial lights that you lose after strenious exercise. thats why you see athletes eating bananas/oranges between matches. they disgest quickly and fill you ip with fibre

I grew up in Virginia Beach and did little rec league soccer shit in the early 90s. Orange slices where an unambiguous part of the program. Parents I think would rotate and take turns doing orange duty every week.

And we got a Capri sun at the end.

>t. a literal, actually real really doctor


except you never see athletes eating bananas or oranges between matches. What fucking matches anyway? Tennis matches? The fuck are you even talking about

I just want a decent answer man

No fucking way?

electrical lights? Why doesn't ant-man have electricity powers then?

It's a quip that references american little league sports. He's implying a metaphorical parallel between them having their superhero battle and children playing little league soccer.

>from the former criminal their

>there's no benefit to refeshing yourself while excercising
>t. Fat fucking kissless eurovirgin

>And we got a Capri sun at the end.

Thats not funny

You're probably foreign. It's pretty funny if you're American/Canadian.


Im an American and played football when i was little, not funny.

Fucking numales.

You literally just gave away the fact that you're not American, dumbo. Americans don't play football when we're little, we play soccer or tee-ball.

>what is pee wee football

You're a fucking retard

define numale.