>Won the election in a landslide 306 to 232
>Republicans won the house majority
>Republicans won the senate majority
>Approx. 30 executive orders so far, more than any president in the first 100 days.
>Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipeline were both approved (great for energy independence and American jobs)
>Promised to cut funding to sanctuary cities
>Hired thousands more border and immigration agents, toughening immigration enforcement
>Got rid of the “catch and release” illegal immigrant rule that Obama had
>Fulfilled promise of a 5 year-ban on officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government, and a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.
>Decreasing regulation: signed executive order instructing agencies that whenever they introduce a regulation, they must first abolish two others
>Exposed the migrant issue in Sweden and Europe.
>A 298,000 net job increase in February (in contrast to the 135k estimate)
>The official unemployment rate decreased to a new low of 4.7 percent
>Ford, Intel, Walmart, Sprint, Charter Communications, Carrier, and DOZENS of other companies invested more than $150B into America and a combined 400,000 American jobs over next few years
>Signed a resolution encouraging women in entrepreneurship
>Since November 8th, the Stock Market has posted $3.2 trillion in GAINS and hit 24 CONSECUTIVE record highs – it has never been this high in history, ever!
>Consumer confidence is at a 15 year high.
>Delivered Joint Session to congress – “Best presidential moment in history” – Van Jones
>CEO's most optimistic since 2009.
>Tax cuts coming soon
>Healthcare is coming along, republicans and democrats are compromising on solutions.
>Signed an executive order on energy independence.
>American Manufacturing Survey Showing Highest Level of Optimism in 20 Years with a 35% increase from the past highest level

Other urls found in this thread:


>Was right about surveillance by Obama administration- Susan Rice unmasking story, FISA warrant granted to Obama based off of the fake and debunked “Russian dossier” from Buzzfeed
>Airstrike at Syrian base which shot the chemical weapons, to teach the world our values and punish those who violate international law.
>Supreme court judge Neil Gorsuch approved, despite the UNJUSTIFIED filibuster (100% of democrats accepted Gorsuch in 2006, he has an incredible background with immense experience and knowledge). Approving a SCOTUS has never happened within the first 100 days of any President!
>In response to Trump, China returns North Korean coal shipments, AND buys coal from the US instead!
>263K jobs added in month of March - up from 180k expectation.
>Signed the Buy American Hire American executive order.
>Signed the Veterans Choice Program Extension and Improvement Act – more VA help coming soon
>Welcomed US citizen back to US after being in jail in Egypt for 3 years- shortly following President Trumps meeting with Egypt President, where he told him to bring her back to the US – Obama failed to bring her home
>Exports are a 2 year high.
>Home builder confidence at a record high
>Sanctioned Iran for their missile use
>National association of manufacturers highest confidence in 15 years.
>Regulation cuts are saving taxpayers $17-19 billion annually (Wall Street Journal).
>Already deported thousands of illegal immigrants with serious criminal records.
>Illegal border crossings are down 64% - A 17 year low!!!!!!!
>Afghanistan bomb took out tunnels and killed 36 ISIS members - 0 civilians.
>Is donating 100% of his presidential salary
>70% of Americans say that the Democratic party is out of touch with America
>97% of voters say that they still support their vote for Trump
>This is just the first 95 days. There is 2920 days in an 8-year term.

Report and Sage.

>>Won the election in a landslide 306 to 232
>had fewer popular votes than hillary, only won because of the electoral college

But as I say: report and SAGE

>Sup Forums - Television & Film

>I justify my entire existence around a man I'll never meet who could care less who I am and whether or not I live or die


What is it about this board that attracts Sup Forumstards like flies to shit?

Illegal and deceased votes don't count, sorry libortion

go back to Sup Forums faggot

Reddit-era contrarianism.

Remember, Sup Forumstards mod like 20 subreddits

>wall of derp

kys. hes gonna draft you to die on a landwar in asia.

What brought you to Sup Forums?

I've been a member of Sup Forums since 2001, I'm sure that all the oldfags that have been around as long as me voted for Hillary.

>liberals are now attempting to be anti-semetic in order to criticize Trump


Daily reminder that blatantly off topic threads like this shilling an alt-right agenda will stay up for hours longer than a normal off topic thread because the mods are being paid for them

Dragon Dildos.

Even fake news CNN is coming to terms with the fact that he is one of the best presidents we will have.

>I've been a member of Sup Forums since 2001
lmao Sup Forums was invented in 2003 idiot

Likely an assblasted lefty who hates Colbertposting that made this thread actually
Pretty obvious to me

Yeah, I like Obama's economic policies too. Cool that we are finally seeing the positives of the last few EOs he passed before leaving office.

>has no understanding of America's global economic intertwinings and is prepping to destroy Amurikkka forever

you so fucked pleb

You mean Republican economic policies. Republicans controlled congress and the senate during Obama's time.

so you're upset that he promotes actual discussion over your Sup Forumsabby tier one word memer reply "discussion" threads?

>lost the popular vote by the most votes for a winning candidate in history

> lowest approval rating in presidential HISTORY

>bombs a sovereign nation because "muh dotter"

>all of his offspring have jewish kids

>cries because SNL lampoons him

>only cares about TV ratings

hes a bad president and a globalist shill

kill yourself

They are, and it's not pretend

left-wing site Politco says Trump and Putin are both puppets of the Jews politico.com/magazine/story/2017/04/the-happy-go-lucky-jewish-group-that-connects-trump-and-putin-215007

BLM activists cry about Israel foxnews.com/opinion/2016/08/16/black-lives-matter-must-rescind-anti-israel-declaration.html

Black nationalist says Jews are greedy forward.com/fast-forward/369815/greedy-jewish-landlords-are-problem-new-york-council-candidate/

Anti-Israel language included in democratic party platform breitbart.com/big-government/2016/12/23/democrats-officially-anti-israel-party/

Vote left if you hate Jews

>You mean Republican economic policies.
I didn't studder, faggot. If you want to be an underage and make believe that this economic upturn is to their credit, be my guest. If that's what you need.

He cares so little for American citizens it's astounding.


>Sup Forums doesn't recognise its own hypocrisy of hating Jews (and anyone who doesn't hate Jews) but loving Trump (who loves Jews)



Since we are on Sup Forums, yes.

I was literally at the polls handing out Republican campaign information on election day and even I'm tired of this shit.

Keep Sup Forums in Sup Forums.

Or better yet, go back to r/the_donald

>sourcing Breitbart
You don't deserve to be taken seriously.

Sup Forums likes jews now, just nationalistic ones

We recognize the value of Israel and their ability to deal with mudniggers the right way.

We just don't like globalist jews like Soros and Rothschild




Isn't he getting impeached soon? I heard that the US has the slowest economic growth in over two decades in Q1 2017.

imagine being a cultist who bases his life on a fucking celebrity like this poster

>Sup Forums likes Jews
Shut the fuck up, Shlomo. Kim Jong Un is going to exterminate you people.

>shot from a grassy knoll

Whichever comes first

Why did you tack on "Since we are on Sup Forums"? The rest of your post made you very transparent

>you're paying for the wall if it ever gets built
>obamacare still going
>Merkel had to explain how EU trade works
>lowest approval rating in history
>bill o'reilly sacked
>alex jones admits he's a fraud
>trump calls himself a globalist
>got involved in syria even though he promised he wouldn't
>spent 1 out of every 5 mins as president so far on vacation
>hillary not in prison
>pizzagate absolutely debunked in every way
>continuously lies about making deals with Ford, Walmart, etc. the deals were already in place before he was elected
>still moving jobs out of the country
>spicey can't open his mouth without a gaff and trump won't fire him because "he get's ratings"
>Arnold demolished Trump
>Trump's budget won't go into effect until October, we're still under Obama's last budget yet Trump is trying to take credit for falls in debt
>Didn't defeat ISIS or even make a real plan in the time he promised
>Travel bans struck down in court
>shutting down of sanctuary cities struck down too
>local LEO are deciding to not enforce federal rulings on cannabis
>had to settle Trump U
>Trying to set up his family to take over the government when he's done
>world leaders don't take him seriously
>Russians asking Putin to step down

is this what winning looks like?

The man sounds like he is ready to literally quit.

Doxing is againts the rules enjoy the permanent ban

Trumpfags will slip back into blissful ignorance before the month ends as long as Trump goes to a rally and makes funny faces.

Announcing a "report" is against the rules, user.


>local LEO are deciding to not enforce federal rulings on cannabis
Wait, isn't this good? Or am I reading this wrong? You mean, not enforcing the legalization in some states or was there a new federal law that he pushed that criminalizes users again, and they are not enforcing THAT?

is it really doxing when he posts his own info all the time?

>Approx. 30 executive orders so far, more than any president in the first 100 days.

Republimemes criticize Obama for Executive Orders, but think it's great when Trump issues more EOs in his first 100 days than Obama did in 8 years. It's almost as if Republimemes have no principles whatsoever.

It's not like you weren't anticipating this but here I go anyway:

>lowers corporate tax
>wastes millions of dollars dropping bombs on 3rd world deserts
>couldve used all that money to help pay for healthcare, education, and infrastructure of america instead

every fucking time lol. why does every president waste american tax dollars on stupid useless shit instead of building a utopia perfect country in America?

Colorado already promised to not enforce any federal regulation/de-legalization of cannabis. California will probably follow suit. They're also promising to not enforce immigration laws as well. The party of "states rights" is getting what they always wanted.

The difference is that Trump signed EO that will make America great again whilie Obungo signed EO that opened the borders/destroyed jobs/that goldman sachs and wall street told him to


>wastes millions of dollars dropping bombs on 3rd world deserts

But that's false. The MOAB costs less than $200k.

Even the liberals were getting a hard-on when he "bombed ISIS." It doesn't matter how destitute we are if a president bombs something, we love it. I say that as someone who is liberal but wasn't stroking a red, white & blue boner because some caves exploded.

Your cognitive dissonance is astounding.

I recommend cyanide, user.

>it's not tyranny when my side does it

statist boot-licker, everyone

did you forget about the 59 cruise missiles?

>Colorado already promised to not enforce any federal regulation/de-legalization of cannabis. California will probably follow suit
How are these not good things? That means they are not re-criminalizing cannibis users, yes?

>Obama was in Wall Street's/Goldman Sach's pocket, but Trump isn't

fuck drumpf and fuck white people.

Srsly white ppl are fucking ruining this country. all of u shits go back to the_donald where u belong!!

user, where is Goldman Sachs now?

lol reported for not Sup Forums

gb2 your containment board echo chamber Sup Forums idiots

>that goldman sachs and wall street told [Obama] to

Who do you think is in charge of Trump financial departments?

Here's a clue ... Goldman Sachs


I didn't say they were bad. I mean they're bad if you're a devout Trump supporter because it means states aren't following daddy's orders. If you support legal cannabis and you support Trump, that's some great compartmentalization you got going on there.


why is this still up?

It's what they run on. Donny boy could be dragged out of the White House in handcuffs and these faggots would still be going "muh fourth dimensional chess" and posting that "they said he would never win the primaries" pasta.


because mods do it for free

and they're Sup Forumstards


no wonder this sites turned to shit ever since moot sold it to that china man.

>most doorways are 6-7 ft tall
>he's closer to the camera than the doorway
>still about 2ft shorter than the opening
>manlet confirmed
>receeding hairline with faggy metrosexual cut
>wispy facial hair
>likes marvelshit

this is how Sup Forums ends, with thunderous applause

look at those soulless serial killer eyes

you can fucking tell this guy is a pedo


He skipped on the correspondents dinner because he can't handle the bants. You think he can survive four years of the stress of the presidency?