Be me (DACA user)

>be me (DACA user)
>dating girl from Goa
>Never met her family cause DACA situation also she told me they don't come to America
>flying back to university town earlier than scheduled cause I fucked up my itinerary
>Visit gf cause why not?
>Knock on door and random woman answers.
>Holy shit it's her older sister!
>Introduce myself as her sister's bf
>"Your her bf?"
>Gf comes to the door and face turns to horror.
>Her sister: "is this man your bf?"
>Gf brings her sister inside and asks me to leave. She looks like she'll cry
>I leave pretty freaked out
>Get call from GF. She's in tears and hysterics
>Turns out she never told her family about us.
>They do visit but she makes sure they only come when I'm not in town.
>Now her sister knows and is planning on telling the parents
>She's freaking out because they'll most likely disown her for dating (sleeping with) a non Indian man. To say nothing if they find out I'm also a DACA Hispanic.
>Still 2 years of university left
>We talked about marriage earlier this year
>All that is up in the air now
>I ask if she's gonna dump me.
>Shouts no no no over and over again

We hung up 7 minutes ago. I'm so she'll shocked I came here first, guys I really have no idea what the fuck to do. I'm scared, I thought this woman was gonna be my wife.

Indian anons, how fucked am I?

when your dreams become nightmares

Why would her sister do such a thing? What a complete bitch


You'll be fine. It will blow over. If she wanted to break up with you she would have done it already.

Good luck with your green card situation. We can only hope Bernie is voted in next time.

This is basically the gender flipped plot of the Indian male/white female meme.

If she is assertive she might fight back and force her parents to accept you. But more than likely she will just ghost you and go back to India to get arranged married.

Did you at least get to BEAN her?

Its shitty that you are dating a shittier tier girl

Indi-user here, most traditional Indian/South Asian parents don't understand the concept of a non-Indian love interest. So I think you're pretty fucked but if you can somehow get her parents to understand, you should be fine but it's pretty hard. Good luck user

You have to go back Paco

We've had sex. And even a pregnancy "scare"

Wey quisieras tener una novia como yo.

She wouldn't ghost me (I hope) I was her first serious bf.

Nah , I am glad you had a fight .
Racemixing is bad .

if someone dating down here is that indian girl
this. ban racemixing.

;ㅅ; Sad story desu

What the fuck is a DACA

means OPs about to be deported lol

what is like living under a rock lmoa

>DACA Hispanic

Unrelated, but what will happen to DACA people now? They aren't Mexican citizens, so does that mean they are stateless?

Your jealousy is showing Patel

No seas imbécil, que tiene que ver nuestra razas con el amor?

Kek , I'm also dating an Indian girl, her parents didn't care though because they thought I was Persian/Afghan.


los indios son superiores, no deberian diluir su sangre con gente tan inferior como los m*xicanos, although i guess you got a dud so maybe it's for the best she gets taken out of the gene pool
they were born in mexico, i'm pretty sure they are mexican citizens

doble asco

Oh, right, I forgot that USA has jus soli. Got it confused with anchor babies.

El mexicANO

El mexicANO-americANO

>Los indios son superiores

Wey masoquista, como puedes negar tu propio gente?

No juzgues wey. Oh qué? Tu ya tienes la novia mestiza?

Isn't Chicano an American of Hispanic descent? Key word being "American"?

you're her gay friend

aka emotional support
she doesnt give a fuck about you if she never told her family
and youre a cuck for still being with this thot


>she doesnt give a fuck about you if she never told her family Indians are extremely racist and her parents probably wouldn't like the idea of her dating a foreigner

how can an indian date a m*xican? what dark forces would compel someone of your people to do that?
>Wey masoquista, como puedes negar tu propio gente?
it's fairly easy when you actually grow up around them. be thankful democrats have a hard on for mexicans and trump is a medicre faggot so you'll probably never get deported.

Indian here. Unless youre rich and you it doesn't seem like you are being DACA and everything youre fucked.