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Purge. It. ALL.

The jews must pay for their sins.
I remember when xmen was fuckin noice, at the very least most of it was.

>was gonna post how gay this comic is
>user makes an even gayer post

> I-I just don't understand! Why is it that our sales are slipping? We have diversity, we hate Drumpf! Why aren't these mid-west hicks buying our fucking propag-uh, I mean bold new interpretations of old characters and stories with a post-structuralist twist?


>liberal coastal faggots that have no attachment to the majority of americans and live in glass echochambers write shitty comics with forced shallow politics that tank the comics' sales every time they happen

>tfw I don't read comics because I'm an adult but I take a little bit of enjoyment in seeing shallow and hamfisted ideologies fail

>what the holy menstruation

What's wrong with her nose?

This isn't real.

Give me some names, who is responsible for this shit?

This is genuinely the funniest strip I've seen since Calvin and Hobbes



Sir Oswald Moseley?


>why would anyone walk into a rat's nest and viciously slaughter 49 vermin?

>Why did the poor brown man who identified himself as an islamic terrorist do this?
>I guess we'll never know.

This didn't happen in Gotham.

these characters are cringe.


They somehow managed to make something gayer than the gay nightclub itself


Jesus Christ Raimi

cartoons used to be better

You want to know the second best part about that?
Literally the only editing done is that the bottom panel is from the top of the next page.

Holy fuck

Fucking hell

This is borderline satire.

>Consuming any form of Superhero media that isn't Japanese or Russian in origin anymore

Do you enjoy eating shit?

I don't get, why do they keep making comics? Or anything that isn't movies for that matter. Just license the character to DC and stop running your IPs to the ground you dum dums!


I don't like muslims but I don't think you can say that gay nightclub shooting in real life was a terrorist attack.

>Holy mensturatuon
>Daughter of twin mother

This is legitimate mental illness

True, homophobia and islam aren't even that closely tied together.

>holy menstruation
Just shut it down Marvel

The second, not as much as you think, at least on the part of the character.
Her backstory is that she's from a paradise dimension that doesn't have men, and women can reproduce without them.

Ironically, this world was created by a man, if you can call Wiccan, the effeminate gay son of Scarlet Witch anything but a boy.

Fucking KEK

At times like these I'm glad I grew out of comic books. Jesus Christ.

please, tell me this is not real


It was an anthology collaboration between DC and IDW, I think, and the proceeds went to helping the survivors of the shooting.


I still can't believe she hasn't met Kamala Khan yet.

I liked it better when Hellboy was the King of Britain.



doesnt matter how you feel about muslims, you cant disregard his wife's complicity. that was a terrorist attack.

Comic-books these days are kinda like Youtube videos without the like/dislike ratios to let them know what they're doing is shit. People react as negatively to them as they have to the latest Bill Nye shit. Meaning if they had a little more fan service and listened to their readers like the Japanese autists do, this shit wouldn't happen.

My favorite part is how they pander to the Tumblr crowd and then bitch because all the Tumblr crowd read their comics online and don't buy them

This, ISIS loves gay people.

I don't even get what's going on here; are they in the future, or are they wizards or something?

>praise allah
>I love you ISIS
>proceeds to shoot up a gay nightclub
yeah, haha, doesn't sound like terrorism at all, surely he had some other goal in doing that

Didn't they already admit the diversity shit doesn't actually sell?

Comics are just focus tests for marlel. They throw shit to the wall to see what sticks and what not. That's why DC is dominating the living shit out of them in that market


Marvel vs Capcom 4 preorder: cancelled
It looked like a shit mobile game anyway


Where did everything go so wrong?

This is really some of the worst writing I've ever seen in a comic book. Aside from the preachy and false message, the language is totally devoid of anything interesting and almost totally removed from how people talk in any situation. It honestly reads like a grammatical, but otherwise awful translation from another language. This violates the, "show, don't tell," rule horrendously, and I'm struggling to see how this would have been connected with the rest of the events in the comic. Imagine prepubescent kids buying comics like this, getting to this page and being bored out of their mind struggling to understand what they're saying or be entertained by this.

And then they turned around and renounced that.

>captain britain is a muzzie
>captain america is a nazi
>spiderman is black
>thor is a woman and a feminist
>iron man is black, a girl AND a feminist
>this gurl is still fruitfuly employed despite xhur comics selling like absolute shit
>they haven't made a single good movie since Iron Man 1 and a good tv show since Daredevil season 1, which was only decent
How can we save Marvel, Sup Forums?

But does Sup Forums like terrorist and autistic spic Lantern?

Please, everyone. Re-read that third panel, and then again.

I can't be the only one.

It's just... that's not dialogue. I don't know what it is. It's like an autistic teen's interpretation of dialogue.

Jessica is CUTE

I'm so fucking glad i dropped American trash for European and Japanese stuff.

Legit PTSD, actually.
Watched her friends killed in front of her by poachers.

And they're cute as fuck. And she's about to meet Killowog.

That comic is actually based and shits all over current Marvel's catalog pretty badly. Baz is /ourguy/

>tfw no qt damaged green lantern latina gf

It was written by someone that got their name big from the kind of tumblr comics that Patri-Archie would make fun of.

Is the class being taught by Sotomayor the SCOTUS Justice? Doesn't make a lot of sense, desu.

What isn't fair is that her GL uniform dropped the headband from the Power Ring outfit.

Daily reminder that Marvel is in such a sad state that they have to literally pull """"talent"""" from tumblr

Daily reminder that the guy who wrote Kingdom Come is currently working on the worst comic currently published, if we post pages from that comic here you wouldn't believe it

Sotomayor University.
There's a detailed map, but no one could find any classrooms.

It's the name of the college. They don't have law courses though, more like Interdimensional Gender Studies in Martian Tribes and breakdancing

white people are on the way out
new comics for new people
get over it

Heres your (you)

>you wouldn't believe it
Try me.

I can even tell satire apart anymore. Are you cunts serious or what?

If yes kill yourselflves immediately. Yes im fucking mad. If this is b8 then fuck you 10/10. But seriously kill yourselves

Because characters had big noses?

You are all incredibly childish in your racism.

>grew out of comic books

Jesus you sound like an insecure manchild trying to sound mature. Grow a pair and read Colder. God, you're a tripfag too.

There's liberal bullshit on both sides, but substantially more on MARVEL's side because now they're a DISNEY property, but more than that, they've always been the ones to try and mix social awareness into their kid-friendly comics.

As for DC, well...

>Having the nads to call someone a manchild whilst still reading comic books
>Being this triggered because of that seething insecurity of never having fully matured

It's ok, lad. You'll be a big boy soon!

This has nothing to do with Sup Forums

>meanwhile at DC


I seriously don't get it.

Fuck I don't get this one either.


God please help us against this horrible evil.

To be fair, Captain America's heel turn has actually been really cool.



>youre a good friend kal el
fucking kek