>ctrl + f3 risk
>only serious shit
Let's have a real Risk game.
Read the rules
>ctrl + f3 risk
>only serious shit
Let's have a real Risk game.
Read the rules
Kingdom of Spain
added name
Fixed trip
>other games were too serious
>posts the most complicated map there is
use this one
>adding numbers is complicated
too many little lines
the other one is much cleaner
Well, I will give you that
Crusader Coalition
Jerusalem & surrounding area in Israel
well if we do play this one anyway, ill be
>Roman Empire
>Surrounding Rome
Of course the rules of that map you cant start in a city, you have to surround it first
Holy Roman Empire
I think he meant serious topics not serious games
Is OP kill?
We are starting with 5 players
Players start with 5 territories
From now on a city takes 2 ts to take, and a water bonus takes 5
Take Stuttgart and Nurnberg
>A city takes 2T
EVERY city? Even the ones that are +3?
Fill Greece
how often do you get banned for risk?
the mods keep deleting all our threads and i get banned. they're so anal about risk but they allow shitposting
It takes 2t to take, not a bonus penalty.
I've only gotten banned once a couple months ago
Seems like most players left
Capture Athens, fill greece
Nigger how do you take 15 minutes for 2 players
I was waiting for the other players to roll.
Justinian is the winner of the shortest Risk game
End mupdate
>of the shortest Risk game
Fucking RUDE
Crusader Coalition > Israel
Oh well, Eternal Hue, we'll just play it without you.
Anyone wanna continue this game?
im pretty bored of the main 2/3 maps we play
how about this one
or this one looks pretty cool, im going to update this one with some bonuses n shit
Is anyone here ?